Letters to the Editor Archive September 2008

Consficated candies

Thanks Customs and Health Authorities for the wonderful initiative to consficate the white rabbit candies. However, if caution should be taken NOT to throw them at the Ranadi Dump site because they will...

Response to Samuel Mola

What Samuel described as "minor superficial issue" is infact an offence according to Solomon Islands Police Commissioner. I wonder if it will be taken up as a case against Dr. George, and that he (Samuel)...

Look Deeper into the Dr. Manimu Issue

Please editor allow me a space to discuss the action taken by Dr. Manimu alleged as illegal. I commend the gentleman who asked for us to look through diverse windows to the issue. This is the time when...

White Rabbit Lollies do Contain Melamine

Dear Editor, We have already tested the white rabbit sweets here in Auckland and found it to contain 185ppm of melamine.The allowed dose is only 4ppm. They are extremely dangerous. See other N.Z news...

Dr. Manimu's Drama: a view from the gallery

My following comments would be in reference to the argument which mentioned a relationship between a legal wrong versus ones moral/ethical right: the Manimu's drama. However, I understand that while I...

Deep Structures

I believe the act of Dr Manimu is a minor superficial issue (structure). We must not be distracted my this act (superficial structure) in itself. Rather, we must dig deep and see the real issue,...

Politics & SI Leaders

I would also like to voice my views on the current discussion that stemmed from that incident involving Dr George Manimu. This is unexpected from such a respected leader of his calibre, but as far as I...

Contaminated Milk

Our goverment needs to take this seriously- this is not the first time chinese products are found to be dangerous or unsafe for human use. My concern is most of the products sold in our shops are imported...

Elected MP's

I would first of all congragulate the two newly elected members of parliament for the respective constituencies. At this juncture, I would sense that people of these constituencies are putting a lot of...

RAMSI business

RAMSI assisted economic recovery in SI can only be achieved if aid donor and SI governments and government departments team up together with business to achieve productive outcome involving development...

Response to Lemech Iro

I guess Iro has misunderstood my position in " Demand to halt counting". I had not raised any allegation against Dr. George for that matter. In fact, the media carried that piece of information on the...

Congratulation Message

Dear Editor, Grateful for allowing me space in you paper to express my congratulation and best wishes to our newly elected MP for East Honiara, Honourable Silas Milikada. I wish to share just a simple...

Response to Ika and Nautaloa

Interesting to know that there are contrasting views that accrue to the action taken by Dr.George Manimu. What Silas Ika stated can be true to certain extend, with the understanding that there are procedures...

Good Leaders

In my own view, I think it will be undemocratic and unfair if the electoral act is ammended to give rights only to "brainy candidates" to contest the general election as some individuals have earlier claimed....

Peter's Proposal Undemocratic and Unconstitutional

I agree with Peter's call for a review of the Solomon Islands Electrol Act. However, what I do not agree with is his call for a selection criteria, identifying who is fit to stand as a candidate. As citizens...

Response to Nautaloa

Mr Nautaloa with due respect to your personal view, are you suggesting that businessmen, experience men, religious men and gardener don't have brains? How do you define/characterise people who have brains?...


In my own opinon, I think what my college Mr. Silas Ika said regarding the so call by-election is true in some way, where people with that kind of intergrity should be delt with accordingly. However, in...

Western Province and Federalism

Prior the completion on the review of the Draft Federal constitution, it's now time that the central government should consider its decision on adopting this system of government. Particularly, the scene...

Demand to Halt Counting

I believe it is unconstitutional under the electoral act for Dr. George Manimu to demand a halt to the current counting process in East Honiara. The only provisions for irregularities, fraud, and bribery...

Political Integrity

Political integrity can only be achieved through peace and prosperity that can only be achieved by being open and truthful about causes of economic downturn. There is an unprecedented economic crisis...

Voting - 'Identity Theft'

It's interesting to note the current voting in East Honiara. What the editor described as 'identity theft' over names on the voters list suggests an ambiguity over real people casting their ballot papers...

Thank you!

Thank you Solomon Times for the coverage of the East Honiara election. I am following it very keenly here in Reki Street, Fiji. We are crossing our fingers that Dr. Manimu wins, but may the best/most...

NPF, Please Go Cyber!

I also subscribe to the sentiments expressed by Hubertson Waleds Jr regarding the SINPF services. I recall that recently the Manager of the SINPF had highlighted the profit made by the organisation over...

Waipora's Response

Waiporas responses tends to portray a negative connotation on PM's remarks on Provincial Government as not being agents of the Central Government. Based on Waipora's supposition, he (Waipora) could be...

NPF Please Explain

Most will agree that SINPF will rank amongst the few entities with stakes held by Solomon Islanders. However, I am finding it difficult to understand exactly where the members' interests lies within NPF's...

Political Stability: Who speaks first?

Parliamentary political stability for Solomon Islands is very important. But it can also be argued that it is a stability largely determined by 'voter stability', 'business influence stability' and 'individual...

Congratulations Denton Rarawa

Dear Editor, I would also like to join Mr. Rick Hou and others in congratulating Mr. Denton Rarawa on his new appointment as Governor of the Central Bank of Solomon Islands. As someone who knows Denton...

Sir Jacob Vouza

I met Jacob Vouza in 1973 and his courage really drove home to me to never give up. Jacob Vouze struggled to stay alive himself to help achieve peace for all. All SI people should never ever forget...


Dear Editor, Thank you for the information about our futsal boys in Brazil.It's sad to hear of Ragomo's injury but I'm here just to pass my "quick recovery" messege and a "thumps up" for the effort our...

Digicel Strategy: "Get big fast"

This was the strategy employed by the founder MBA Dennis O'Brien, the 4th Irish richest man (3.05 billion). He was described as: a cellphone maverick; invest in places men fear to tread; pouring money...

Sir Jacob Vouza, GM

Dear Editor, It is appropriate and gratifying that Solomon Islanders are reminded of the outstanding bravery of the late Sir Jacob Vouza, GM and all those veterans, from Guadalcanal and Malaita and the...

Wrong Flash drive or file?

Maybe the problem the PS for provincial government had was the fact that many flash drives look alike...!! By the way am not sure whether a government document such as the file containing the 'presentation...

DIGICEL and Basic Rights, TELEKOM and what Rights?

On 12 September (2008) DIGICEL was bestowed with the 'Organisational Human Rights Defender of the Year award for Papua New Guinea.' The interesting connection was that according to Archbishop of Port Moresby...


Solomon Islands government would do well to get up to date with the lack of education in Australia and consequent lack of knowledge about the Pacific Ocean and devastated traditional fish resources. Impact...


Thumbs up for digicel, Solomon Telecom has been given a long enough time to improve telecomunications in the solomons and so far it has done nothing to help the people but to reap huge profits and provide...


I for one believe that Digicel should be allowed into the country to end the monopoly enjoyed by your telekom. Your telekom has ripped off our pockets for its expensive calling rates both domestic and...

PS Porn Dilemma

I have to agree with most with regards to this issue. Prime Minister Sikua should make strong moves coz if the PS gets away with this whole thing, then it's giving room for others to take lightly such...

Nguzunguzu Story

While Julian has put some touches on the traditional aspet of the nguzunguzu, it would be more traditionally original that the name of the carving in some parts of the western province is 'totoisu' . Ngzunnguzu...

Pornography and Government executive officials

The incidnet in the primiers conference where a pornographic picture was acidently shown to the audience by the permanent secretary of the ministry of provincial government is indeed shamefull. It shows...

Maintain Integrity of National Soccer Team

I do not understand why SIFF would allow the Solomon Islands National Soccer team to play a State team like Brisbane Wolves. It is unbelivable!. Here is a State team that does not even play in the premier...

Presentation in a Conference or Workshop

Sir, It is almost a practice in any conference or sympossium that papers to be presented in a power point form are usually up loaded onto a laptop or desktop all in readiness for the presentation. So...

Digicel Vs NPF

Although Your Telekom is owned by NPF and members of NPF is benefiting from the profits of the company, majority of Solomon Islanders are not members of the NPF. As an active member of NPF, I have been...

Minister Reshuffle

Top choices on the latest Minister reshuffles for Education and Forests! Now the Minister of Forests can exercise the right decisions without getting sacked!


Uma Darcy
Adelaide, Australia

PS & Pornography Dilema

I guess that's a D-day for the concerned PS. That was a serious issue unexpected from a nation's top public servant. If it's true that Dr Sikua suspended Ganate for that matter in the course of investigations...

Pornographic Incidence

The Bible says, "Be sure that your sins will find you out." Maybe it is time the SI Police force scrutinise such government officials. Maybe this is just a tip of the iceberg? Cheers, Dulcie Paina Hamilton,...

Digicel For SI

Contrary to what Andrian Alamu of Wellington, NZ, had said, Solomon Islands and Solomon Islanders for that matter will benefit from Digicel operations. In particular, through efficient and affordable telecommunication...

Hurricane Victims in Cuba

Cuba may be a little well off than us (Solomon Islands), so their Government has been so generous to offer scholarship in medicine to our children. Twenty five are now doing their studies in Cuba. Through...

MASI for democracy; Who's for democrazy?

I concur with the MASI executives that "the Constitutional Congress is an important part of the democratic process in this country [SI]. And all the people of this country [SI] should have full access...

Obscene Pictures - Premiers' Workshop

What a shame to begin a very dignified meeting with a phornographic note! I guess it must have been an awakening call for the government. Numerous implications can be reached from this gisgraceful act....

The Failure to Prepare

The issue that attracts all attentions is the recent porn shocked. I 'm just wondering if this is the first time some of these leaders to see such a thing. On the other hand, it shouldn't be shocking if...

Obscene pictures at premiers meeting

It is a disgrace indeed to see that prominent government official,in a meeting that was attended by different premiers from around the Solomon Islands archipelago witnessing with their own eyes, evidently...

Leave Media Alone

The government must not stop media (MASI) to carry out its job. Let media alone, it is their repomsibilty to let our people know what is happening in government. Leave alone the media, we should have...

Digicel for Solomon Is.

I for one would say that Digicel is not for Solomon Islanders. Although the notion of competition will perhaps reduce or lower costs and more on affordability, however, judging in terms of share holder...

PS Disgraceful Mistake

I just can't understand that a SIG senior bureaucrat has simply stooped that low to even store pornographic pix in his working computer. This act of madness reflects very badly on the gov't and Solomon...

Obscene Pictures at Premiers Meeting

I was appalled to read the news item on the above matter. One would imagine how the Premiers, sitting with their eyes toward the screen only to see obscene pictures appearing. There must have been some...

Porno Shocks Premier's Conference

Who own the flash drive then? The government should not take these things lightly. This small mistake of the PS shows that even the highest level of the Government are supporting pornograhs or they might...

Digicel for Solomons

Dear Editor, It has been a long way for Solomon Telekom since its establishment in the monopoly in terms of economy. From what I understand, everywhere in the world there is economic competition, especially...

Time for Change, Chance and Sense

Many SI-ders will always wish elections will bring change, and thus a chance for parliamentary politics to offer some hope for the many uncharted waters now and ahead. Unfortunately, elections and especially...

Rescue us Digicel!

I join other Solomon Islanders in support of having Digicel in the country! We have been ripped off through and through by OUR Telekom and it has reached a stage where rates are just so ridiculous! To...


Congratulations kurukuru on your efforts that took you now to Brazil. Your arrival there is a joy to us in knowing that you are there for us. Why the Brazil flag? You should have held your flag, our ...

Do we rename it modern chinatown

Dear Editor, It is interesting and inspiring that the historical Chinatown comes to surface again after it was completely looted in April 2006. It was the bad image for the country as a whole when rioters...

USP Student's Frustration

The information revealed about the inaccessiblity of useful learning resource by solomon Islands students at USP is thought provoking and intolerable. The problems are not only faced by current students...

Honiara City Development.

Every countries in the Pacific are trying to beautifying thier towns and cities, and so do Solomon Islands. However, one very important part of the Honiara city is to have a park that people can have relaxing...

Operation Kurukuru 08

Operation Kurukuru 2008 should also have the situation of serious and general fish stock depletion (traditional staple food), to properly consider. Defence exercises are obviously necessary but bloody...

25 More to Leave for Cuba

While it is interesting and perhaps contented with this arrangement, however, what guarantee does the Ministry of health has in anticipating that after six years we'll have 66 new doctors. Is there some...

Publishing privacy

Publishing Privacy I was sad to learn and to read such news on the highly honorable meeting, in due respect to the fathers of the provinces (Premiers) and the Prime minister of our Nation who representing...

Uncles FC/Benji Totori

I write in respond to Les Stark from Portland, OREGON,USA concerning the rehabilitation plight of Benjamin Totori. The results of his rehab. are not currently available but from certain reliable sources,...

Time for change

Dear Editor, I wish you could allow me a space to share my thoughts in regards to the above subject. Bye-election is knocking on our doors and people are ready to put in their future voice to represent...


Dear Editor, I agree with James Bong on our limited knowledge on cannabis that seem to shape our confrontational approach into it. The "Burden of Disease" due to alcohol is far, far greater than that...

RAMSI Article

Dear Editor, Forgive this fourth letter to your paper, but I simply have to comment on today's lead story and photograph. The presence of RAMSI has contributed significantly to the overall security situation...

Lifhat Online Forum Underway

Taken from Lifhat Forum; "How can we best resolve or arrest these so called outlaws in WC. The recent incident shows that more is needed from that community. The police alone whether local or RAMSI cannot...

Digicel Come Quickly!

Digicel come and come quickly! The people of Solomon Islands have been ripped off by the monopoly given to Telekom. The service is expensive. Communications with provinces leave a lot to be desired. ...

New Police Commissioner

Dear Editor, Please allow me space to put few comments on the issue of the new Police Commissioner. I should say that we need a well experienced and qualified person, who can do the job in a professional...


It is now long, long overdue for The SI Government to work toward ending the stranglehold monopoly that Solomon Telekom has held over the Solomon's. In every progressive country in the world modern effective...

Solo Idol Winner, 2008

Dear Editor, It seems to me that nepotism is one of the main thoughts that must have flooded the minds of spectators who attended the 2008 Solo Idol competetion after hearing that David Auna is the winner....

Truth & Reconciliation Commission

Dear Editor, There is no doubt about the overwhelming support for the establishment of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) towards the restoration of peace. However, there are elements of caution...

Consideration to the Appointment of a New Police Commissioner

Dear Editor, Please allow me to share my thoughts on the idea of recruiting a new Police Commissioner for the Solomon Islands Police Force. Firstly, it has to be said that the constant changes in the...

Cannabis and Health Issues

"Marijuana can cause serious health problems for people and the seizure of 1,500 plants means less people will have access to this dangerous drug." The above statement shows that prohibitionism of the...

Truth and Reconciliation Commission Needed in SI

Dear Editor, Here is the letter I referred to in my earlier letter. Yours faithfully, Frank Short TRUTH AND RECONCILIATION NEEDED IN THE SOLOMONS The issues raised in the recent submission by all sectors...

Truth and Reconciliation Commission

Dear Editor, During my work as the Senior Legal Administrative Officer to the Minister for Safety and Security in the North West Province of South Africa (prior to my appointment as the Commissioner of...

East Honiara the Gateway Constituency

East Honiara the Gateway Constituency Voters and East Honiara residents, I would like to raise some comments re the east Honiara by election. What makes east Honiara one of the most important Constituencies...

Business Bill

It is good that the government will simplify how to start Business in the country. In Australia, you can just apply and register your Company Online with minimum fee. It is fast, simple and much cheaper...

Uncles FC / Benji Totori

As a supporter of the Portland Timbers FC I was very sorry to have Benjiman Totari leave us after but a few months. A super player that won over the fans, having only played 70 some minutes total for us...

Solo idol

It's getting obvious that SI produces several talented young artists/singers/composers nowadays. Eventhough we have not reached a stage where music can be tagged as a 'lucrative" profession, simple actions...

Seasonal Workers

Dear Editor, Agents must not be allowed to take advantage of people who seek jobbs under the seasonal workers schemes in New Zealand and Austraila. Agents who charge a large portion of workers earnings...

Solomon Idol Winner

So David Auna is the new Solomon Idol 2008 - so what? He now has that title under his belt added to his albums, and duet with Vanessa Quai - I say congratulations. Becky is young and new and I am sure...

John Langsley

With regard to your article on John Langsley expressing his interest to take up the post as Police Commissioner. I thought John Langsley did a good job when he was Police Commissioner some years ago....

Solo Idol

I understand what Jonathan Auna was saying and I for one would like to believe him in being professional in judging and no doubt he must have done it professionally. Just a word to the organizers, I believe...

Digicel for the Country!

Dear Editor, I want to salute the government for accepting Digicel into the country. Telecom has so far ripping the people, and even blocking them from communication advancement. We cannot deny that communication...

Solo Idol 2008 Winner

I was reading through the updates on Solo Idol 2008 and it is just so typical of our people to be critical and finding loop-holes in everything. Just because David is far experienced in the music scene...

Marau to AvuAvu Road

Dear editor, Coming from Marau I see the road drawn on most map from Marau to Avu Avu become an insult. We do not have that main road anymore, only tract. When our remaining two tractors in Marau were...

Kema: No one is above the law

Dear Editor, How true it has become for Sir Allan Kemakeza for uttering the words "No one is above the law" a few years ago when there were allegations made against him. This included inciting militants...

Take courage Kurukuru!

Kukuru team manager, coaches and players, we the Laucala Solomon Islands student have totally rendered our support and our humble prayers to be with you as you will be reflecting our country by the means...

Welcome To Lifhat NET online Forum

Dear Editor, Please allow me space to at least say a few words on some minor developments on the web. Not long ago, the website with the domain name "lifhaus.com" was established to the excitement of...

Trimarine to purchase shares of Soltai

This is indeed great news for Soltai , Western Province, and the citizens of Solomon Islands. Trimarine is a long term supporter for dolphin safe tuna and sustainability of the tuna resource and the ocean...

Tri Marine interests in Solatai

Editor, your posted information on the subject does not say the party who is willing to sell its shares out to Tri Marine. I have visited the posted website you quoted and want to express the following:...

Forum Secretariat and Aussie Dominance

Dear Editor, Allow me to add few notes to my previous article on the same Title (Forum seceritariate: Aussie Maniac.) Being maniac is perfect so long as the cause of such state of affairs will produce...


Kurukuru's achievement in qualifying for the Futsal World Cup is mind boggling given the limited resources and facilities at their desposal. While the moral support and financial assistance provided by...

Forum Sec and Australia

Dear Editor, I find it extyremely hard to believe that less than half a century since Melenesian as former Colonies and Protectorates gained independence from their respective former masters, Australia...

MPs Losing Parlimentary Seats

It seems as the trend of losing parlimentary seats by MPs is prevailing. So far so good, only three. yet, I want more of it. Personally, I feel that our judicial system is functioning. In addition, such...

Letters Archive