Letters to the Editor Archive July 2021

75 Years of China Sam. What will our grand children think?

I am heartbroken. I am frustrated. I am sad for our children's future. I read what Premier Leslie Kikolo stated and I believe what he said was true, but this is exactly what happened in 2019, when China...

Climate emergency

The call for a climate emergency is crucial if leaders really care for what they always preach but no serious actions or mitigations were seen in play in the country to show seriousness for the severity...

Curruption running rampant

The USA signed on with China many, many years ago in hopes of capitalism bringing down the communist regime. It didn’t work. Instead the Communist Regime stayed in control and power of even the capitalist...

Can SI reach Herd Immunity against COVID-19?

I think 'Yes' if we put aside 'constitutional rules' which can be bent and taking on the hardline policy to implement the vaccination for all over 18 years old. Hon. Wale has reiterated the need to get...

New delta variant

Hello! I am writing from a place where now the situation is out of control. The new delta variant is spreading like an uncontrolled fire, and it will not stop soon. Please vaccinate and protect everyone,...

Soccer gold!

Hi, It is interesting to read how many times we got close to winning the gold at the Pacific Games. So close but still not enough. I hope the coach has a different plan for our campaign because we have...

Secondary school games result

Hello, I just want to say I really enjoy the secondary school games, it is the best ever. I am not too sure why people argue over the final result, the tally show Selwyn leading so what else can we say....

The village of Arariki, Wagina Island

Can you please help me contact someone from the village of Arariki. The name of the village comes from the Gilbertese settlement of the Phoenix Islands, which was organised by my father. The village there,...

Letters Archive