Letters to the Editor Archive May 2008

SIM Card

SIM card does cost a hefty sum in Solomons. As pointed out it is SBD$400. To imply that it is that costly because it is not manufactured in Solomons is not quite true. The SBD$400 is equivalent to FJD$100....

Government Fails to use Timber Levy on Reforestation

Dear Editor. I have read with interest the comments made by Kaipua with reference to the use of the 7% Reforestation Levy. In fact the Central Government collects 7% from logging company's exports intended...

Free education

Free education, is what the solomon island government had been telling. Well the question is, will the free education be implenment? As the news reaches all quarters of solomon islands, concern parents...

Power Cuts, Poverty and People

The power cuts is a never-ending story. But it is nothing compared to the image of that man picking from the bin. It is truely very sad to see Solomon Islanders picking from the bin just to survive. ...

Picking Out of Bins for a Living

Dear editor, Picking from bins for living has become a global norm. It happens every where arround the globe even in rich countries. So its not something to be ashame of as we also have our share of...

Increase in Marijuana related mental cases;

Please allow me to raise few concerns regarding an influx in marijuana related mental cases; This is becoming a grave concern as a lot of our young and very potential children are addicted to smoking...


Dear Editor, There is no such thing as threat to the Government by the loggers as most writers would love to imply. The matter was in fact a simple economical, not ecological concern. The biggest threat...

Our Telekom

The me lee in Our Telekom is an unavoidable stage in the organization's growth. The old guard must give way to the new. Solomon Islanders must one day be seen as equals with other peoples in every way....

NPF Scandal

I will be surprised if the NPF board decided to overlook the legal advisor's recommendation for those involved in the scandal to be investigated and charged. An annual audit must be made part of the...

Picking Out of Bins for a Living

A very good article, and a very good lesson. Could this be the kind of willing labor who could clean the city with commitment with additional incentive? HCC could be more creative to make use of such...

Security of NPF funds

Just because some staff members steal from the Fund does not mean that all NPF workers are thieves or there is not enough security of the contributions. A few weeks back on NZ TV2 was shown a robber that...

NPF Insecure

It would be misleading to think that NPF contributions are unsecured. The fact that the alleged misappropriations are found out attest to that fact that the internal audit function is working properly....

Price of SIM Card

I ain't an active supporter of 'Our Telekom Co.' however, I' m quite keen to know the issues and challenges that 'Our Telekom' encounters in its endeavor to provide telecommunication services to our people...

Workshop for Solomon Islands School Principals'

Your article which appeared on Tuesday, 20 May 2008 entitled 'Workshops for Solomon Islands School Principals' caught my attention, specifically the purpose of the one day workshop, which was aimed at...

Loggers Threat

In Reference to the remark made by Kingmele, I quote "There will be a lot of negative effects to the economy if the loggers go ahead with their treat". Certainly there will be negative economic issues...

Logging Threats

Dear Editor, Thank you for including my comments online. Grateful if the Sikua Government would honor the future of this country by not bowing down to whatsoever threats that the current loggers are...

Our Telekom

Just look at the cost of a SIM card(it costs around $400) and you'll be convinced that "Our Telekom" is truly "Their Telekom." The government should make use of the current issue to squash their non-...

NPF Insecure

The recent calls for urgent action with regards to NPF must go ahead and those responsible punished by law as recommended by the NPF legal counsel. Otherwise those who are implicated will set a dangerous...

Logging Threats

I urge the government not to be shaken by those threats from the loggers. Even loggers need those logs to be exported for their financial returns. This is only a tactic to put pressure. I believe they...


I fully agree with TSI that MPs should never involve in the Determination of Log Value. International Trading as TSI would agree is a matter that has been properly regulated under multi-national Trade...

Loggers Threat to Govt

I support the recent reform implemented by the government in the forestry sector. The upward revision to the determined price of round logs, atleast, in my view, should cap the logging industry's transfer...

Which history fact do we need to correct?

The assertion that history teachers in the Solomon Islands are teaching "wrong facts" about the discovery of our Happy Isle in the distant past, is not absolutely correct. Those who hold or share this...

Logging Companies Accussed of Robing Solomon Islands.

I really felt that we have been robed especially with the real values that we supposed to get from the logging industry over so many years that we have them around in the country. The Forestry Act that...

English and Pidjin

Thank you Miss Sireheti for surfacing such an interesting topic which seemed to draw a lot of interest from readers far and wide. Pidjin to me is a pride and I can't leave it behind in my stife to learn...

Loggers Threat to Government

I would encourage the government to stand firm in its decision. In fact, the government should increase the predetermined price to $100. The $78 is too low compared to the price loggers are getting. If...

Logger's Threat

I think its time that the government of the day formulated and implement policies that safeguard our resources bearing in mind that we have future generations that would also benefit from those resources....

History to correct

As a nation we wrongly teach our children in the History lessons, in our schools, that Solomon Islands was discovered by Mendana. This we all understand is not true. Solomon Islands was not a vacant...

Logging rapes our Environment

These Logging companies pay our people and our government peanuts when they take millions from our land. One can just see the global price for logs and see how these loggers treat us badly, to say the...

Government increase on value per log for export

Brovo! Scare tactics by loggers are a knee jerk reaction to the fact that they will finally have to pay more per log... it's about time! When you look at the cost to the local environment effected by...

Loggers Threat

I am encouraged by the government statement saying it is aware of the power logging companies have had in the past in influencing the politics of the country. They are ensuring that similar incidents will...

Mother dialect

If we need English for communicating with the outside world, would not it be a good idea to teach our children in our Towns to learn how to be fluent in our mother dialects also? There are so many people,...

Pidgin Inglis

Wantoks, I think Rev's point of view is been blown out of proportion by some of our contributors. I don't think he encouraged people not to speak English, rather to learn another language and conscious...

English: A tool

English is just another tool that is available to mankind. Just like another tool, its usefulness depends on the objective of the user. For those of us who want to deal with the English speaking community...

English and Pijin

The discussion about the merits of English versus Pijin is very interesting. Please allow me a few lines to respond. It is a grave mistake to think of Pijin as broken English. It is not. Very soon I...

English Speaking

Great points are scored with regards to the above topic. While its best as some said,to have confidence in both pidgin and english, or maybe as well as your particular dialect, it must be borne in mind...

English: The gate to control entry

It is also so obvious in many English speaking countries that they use English to control entry of professionals from non-English speaking countries into their labour market. This is a techique to control...

Confidence in Speaking English

I also realised how English is important when you travel overseas. I had a very bad experience the first time I got here. I went to the counter to explain that I just arrived. The lady at the counter looked...

English speaking

Its a shame some people do not want to encourage english speaking in our society. Like for some of us who currently study overseas, english language is always a barrier to our learning. So I believe its...

Confidence in speaking english

Judd, I am not sure what you mean in your response to my posting. But you could perhaps grasp my point clearly if you could take time to recap on an article carried on this website under the current heading-...

Inhuman activity

Dear editor, Thanks for allowing me a space in your paper. I have read the news on the inhuman activity commited by one Police officer of the RSIP and this really makes a big shame on those who say that...

Reply to Judd`s comment

After reading Judd`s comment, I cant explain what you are trying to say. However, Rev Wate`s critic was trying to explain the importance of English and at the same time the importance of our vernacular...

Street Names

I read the article about bus conductors renaming the street names. It is time the City Council do something about it. Because it is important as a growing city. A city without street names is a city without...

Reply to Rev. Wate.

After reading Rev. Wate's Letter, i can't understand anything. What's the rationale behind his article? Forcing us to speak english...is it bad? Reverend, do you know that English is a global language?...

Confidence in speaking english

I am not sure of your perspective of real world Mr Batey. But for me I embrace a holistic concept of real world where people and their cultural values and languages are fundamental ingredients to the...

English Speaking

I grew up in the village and knew little english and pidgin. In high school I learned pidgin and of course english. English was mostly written but hardly spoken. When I got to University I spoke more...

High price of rice and other food

The Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) is not taking into account impact of fish depletion on rice supply and demand. Dinner plates of perhaps a majority of poor people contain rice only whereas...

Confidence in speaking english

You had better stop it Rev. Wate. Don't you want the solomons to be part of the real world? Can you imagine a solomons exporter sitting in London trying to do a major export deal, speaking in, and wanting...

How did we get out names?

I was sick once and ended up at the National Referral Hospital waiting in a queue to see the nurse. The nurse asked the father for the name of the sick child...without even thinking the father replied...

High Price of Rice

It has been a problem for Solomon Islanders who wish to live in town. The high price in rice may cause hunger to some of them. Especially for those who live in town with an extended family. I just want...

Honiara's roads

I enjoyed reading about the tight squeeze on Honiara's roads. Here in Laguna Province on Luzon Island in The Philippines, there has not been any construction of a new highway (nor any new lanes) for over...

Confidence in speaking english

Dear editor: It is terrifying to note that some business people and foreigners in Honiara are imposing their due expectations on the local people to speak their language- english in order to be caught...

Truth & Recociliation Commission Appointment

Thank you to the PM for agreeing to set up two new Commissions. I have a bone to pick, however, with the proposed appointment of Commissioners to the Truth & Reconcilation Commission. While I have...

A Real Friend and Excellent World Citizen

Dear Fox Thank you very much for the letter from you to Dr. Malefoasi. You are a real frind and excellent world citizen. On behalf of the Solomon Islands people and all others who have been intoxicated...

Rice Supply in Solomon Islands

We get most, almost all, of our imported rice (Solrice)from Australia. The main rice growing area in Australia is in NSW. This rice growing area is supplied by the Murry river. But the Murry river is...

Open Letter to Dr. Malefoasi concerning Grave Health Urgent Matter

Dear Dr. Malefoasi: This message is of grave importance, and concerns the toxic properties and medical effects of aspartame, the commonly used artificial sweetener made in China, USA, and in Japan. It...


Joy Basi's "How did we get our names?" is among the best articles I have seen in this paper. It continues to be fashionable for parents to give their children "Christian" names (meaning Biblical or English...

Indigenous Peope are the real Discovers

The real Discoverers in our Islands were our ancestors, the Indigenous people of our Islands. They were the first to discover and settle in our Islands. We should teach their history in our Schools....

Staple Fish Shortage in SI

Mr. Fairfax has a valid point. One thing to look at is the fact that the captive dolphins now held by those that intend to make great profits must have at least 30 lbs. of fish per day to survive the extra...

Congrats Kossa!

I think no one will give the above subject a thought in light of what they have just gone through-if you like, the loss against the mighty Waitakere. But, something is obvious and I for one think it is...

Good governance - PM sikua

Traditional staple food fish depletion is causing increased consumption of rice that is linked to increasing cost of rice. Fish depletion impact is not even being mentioned in news of world grain and...

Promoting Tourism in Solomon Islands

Just go to www.surfsolomon.com and see for yourself all the effort that have been put in place by foreign forces to try and get the message across to others that Solomon Islands can offer to adventurous...

Rural development or MP development?

I quote from Judas Gelu, Honiara: agreeing to his article... Limited to my knowledge, the following funding, services, program or scheme are intended or can be traced to assist the livelihood of the rural...

What about roads???

It's interesting to see government's move to subsidize shipping services to uneconomical routes. What an advantage to those who dwell along the islands shorelines. What about those who dwell in the interior...

Economic Development.

While economic development may be of some benefits to the Country I do not believe that it is a solution to the problems we are facing in the Solomons and elsewhere in the Pacific Countries. So while...

Solomon Islander to US program

I wish to congradulate Mr. Julian Maka'a to be selected to represent Solomon Islands to the USA on how US handles crises situation whether natural or artificial. It is a bonus I am sure of a personal level...

Shipping services to remote areas

I have been to most remote and isolated areas in many provinces throughout the solomon islands and found out that irregular and unreliable shipping services to those areas have contributed significantly...

The Purple Lotus Kava Bar

I saw this article was only writen a month ago - I tried going to the Purple Lotus, but it looked closed or like they were doing some sort of renovation and when I called the number it was disconnected....

Coordination of Rural Development

Following Governments focus on rural development as its overarching goal, and the announcement of ways by which this goal would be achieved, more funds, programes and schemes are earmarked for the rural...

High Food Prices

One of the problems with modern education systems is that we are taught to be dependent on each other. We are taught not to be self-sufficient and independent-in the sense that we become so specialise...

Solo...moving forward!

In every form of endeavors to prosper, it always comes with a cost. The past decades of the world have witnessed changes in all aspects of happenings and scenarios because every change takes place within...

Government Identifies Three Key Sectors to Take Over From Logging

As we harvest our non-renewable resources at rates that outpace our population growth rate we are forced to seriously consider options that will keep our country floating. Loggers have pillaged our remaining...

Log depletion

The scenario of logging in Solomon Islands is still a debate, in terms of logging activities as a major earner to our economy. In that context, I think logging activities is still a fundamental to the...

Chamber urges Government to Reverse Policy on Taxing School Fees.

It is interesting to read that SI Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SICCI) have written to PM to reconsider its position on the policy of Taxing school fees. Such request should be directed to Inland Revenue...

Log Depletion

Who says log harvesting is renewal at the rate it is done in the Solomon Islands. We have been reminded all the time in many different ways by many different people from all different places that one...

Revise Fisheries Act 1998

If government wants to include fisheries as one of the areas to substitute logging then it is important to revise the Fisheries Act 1998 immediately. If the government is very keen, then Forum Fisheries...

Act against the Rule of Law

I refer to recent comments by the Leader of the Opposition that the government had acted against the rule of law in the deportation of Moti. Now, I am not a lawyer but as I understand, in common law jurisdictions...

Revenue from round-log export decline.

It is a big concern for the government when logs from the natural forest are gone in the not too long distant. This indicates lack of strategic planning by successive governments over the past years since...

The real Polio Victim

Benjamin Vae is not the polio victim, he is actually the most complete model of a succesful being. Vae's life and determination should be a message to the street kids around Honiara. Sincerely, I should...

Selling Wild life

Harry is doing the usual greeners compaign for animal protection. It is a worthwhile effort. I suppose though that he should do better by proposing practical alternative to the struggling people who want...

Not again!

I support Garvin in most of his suggestions. It is widely acknowledged that critics from greener pastures always pop in their suggestions on issues irrelevent to them. To Harry`s suggestions, tourists...

Soccer updates please.

It is encouraging to see that our brothers the Western Province are working on which team to participate in the upcoming National Club Championship. However could you(Solomon Times) find out some stories...

Selling Dolphins and Owls

Good one Garvin, Sell all your logs, sell all your fish, sell your dolphins, sell your owls - sell everything!!! Forget tourists coming to the Solomons - there won't be anything left to see. Harry Kwow

Dolphins, now owls?

I have been following the dolphin issue and I noticed that the main advocate against the export of dolphin is now calling on the release of owls based largely on an article in Solomon Times. If Mark...

Solomon Airlines

Sumsum, I believe you just jackpotted the problems that our national airlines unfortunately accepted and let themselves go through!!! Why does the national government condone the national airline to operate...

Ocean food shortage cover up

If uncertain climate change can be linked to world food shortage, surely world fish stock depletion or devastation can also be linked. But there is silence on the seriousness and generality and impact...

Condolence Message

It is with sadness to learn of the passing on of the late Mr Duddley Kafa. Its a great loss for country's human resources. May my humble words of condolence and prayers of support go to the wife and the...

Letters Archive