Letters to the Editor Archive May 2009

Churches Vs the Truth

Dear editor, I have no interest in making an argument in the ongoing "SDA" debate. I however, would like to pose simple fact that I stand for as the TRUTH - in Christianity for that matter. Please ignore...

NPF corruption

Give me an email address if you dare to hear the real corruption and discrimination in the NPF, unless you're not serious. ...


I'm very much concerned about the sensivity of the above subject. It seems that the writer of this subject regarding the TRUTH knows very little about it. This is because if he really knows this TRUTH,...


Could you please publish this in response to Keith Jnr. I just wonder whether or not you are a true SDA for the last 20 years. If you think that for the last twenty years of being in the church helped...


Thanks Mr Kieth Jr now that your subject makes sense, the concern about the truth you want to raise will now have a place of discussion in these columns. You rightly pointed out that "JESUS PAID IT ALL",it...


Dear Editor. I by no means try to ofend you Owen Keni or anybody reading this article. Yes of cause I applaud SDA schools. However, I change my topic beacuase I saw and feel there are is somthing wrong...

Check the Logging Ships

Last year I detected stocks of undeclared or couterfeit cigarettes and edible goods in cartoons under a vessel in the Western Province of Papua New Guinea. The stocks were hidden under a logging vessel...

Money Laundering Case

Dear Editor, I just finished reading the above and I have a few comments to make. 1. The case does not speak well of the checks and balance system in place at the CBSI. The news report says that it...

SDA Schools

Dear Editor, I couldn't reconcile the article written by Kieth Jr in regards to SDA schools and the truth emphasized. What is the moral of your comment? You started of by giving an applaud to the organisation...

SDA Schools

Thank you Editor for allowing me freedom to express some thoughts of mine to my fellow brothers and sister of SDA in the Solomon Islands. In fact I really just want to thank the SDA schools in the Solomon...

Betikama Environment and who to blame

Dear Editor, Please allow me space to voice my concern on the above matter. I read Loko's comment on the matter with keen interest and so I decide to make this comment. Indeed the author is true about...

Is Silence truly Golden?

Though I said I won't be contributing to this discussion until after my exams, I was inclined to comment on a few things mentioned by Felicia K in her recent posting. Firstly, your choice of words ("disillusioned...

Betikama Environment

Dear editor, Please allow me a space in your article to voice to my concern. The article about Betikama Adventist College has a number of hookworm parasite is not a surprise. It is a shame for the school...

RSIP Housing Project

Dear Editor, I express my thanks to the Australian and New Zealand Governments, through RAMSI, for the announcement of substantial new funding to build 200 houses for the Royal Solomon Islands Police...

Is Silence truly golden

Dear Editor, Although I indicated in my last article that I have rested my case on this subject, I decided to briefly comment on Mr. Roni's latest response, because he raised some very interesting thoughts...

KOSSA FC's victory

Congratulations to KOSSA FC and its management for the good sportmanship displayed. You proved to be too good and made it through after comfortably beating the mights of UNCLES FC 4 to 1. I salute you...

Truth about Cattle Rehabilitation in SI

I would be grateful if you could publish this article. I read with interest the article regarding purchase of four calves by MP Fred Fono; for the beginning of cattle rehabilitation in his constituency,...

Is silence truly Golden?

I would be grateful if you would publish this article in reply to Felicia K's response to my previous article on the above subject. Firstly, I'd like to say that it's nice to know that Felicia is happy...


Dear Editor, I think Mr Nanataru has raised an issue of concern for all Lauru soccer lovers in regards to Lauru football federation (LFA) inactiveness in promoting the sport within the province. The...

The cry of our Women

It is interesting to observe the cry of women for equal rights with men in all aspects of life. Solomon Islands including Papua New Guinea and I believe other more countries in the region will do the same...

Congratulations KOSSA!

I just want to congratulate KOSSA FC for winning the HFA Top 8 competition. A big congratulations to the Management, Coaches, Players and supporters for their fine achievement. Congratulations again to...

Australia Funds Development Projects in Malaita

It's welcoming to read on Solomon Times Online that Australia will be assisting Malaita Province in terms of cocoa and road rehabilitation and maintenance. Malaita Province has always been assisted in...

Govt Freeze job recruitment

Dear Editor, The move undertaken by our national Government to freeze job advertisement and filling the vacant post is contradciting to the policy that the CNURA government have announced. This rural...

Revenue Support

I wish to respond to Mr Sasako's concern about the plight of Revenue division. If the enforcement and coordination of revenue collection has been strenthened over the years because of RAMSI's support,...

LFA, Where is your Standing?

As a very strong supporter of soccer in our country I wish raise some questions on where Lauru Football Association (LFA) is going towards it's development of the sport in the province. Back in the early...

Fiji Devaluation and the SOE 'noise'.

I find it interesting that the SOE students have protested to an unbelievable sum that would warrant their educational expenses over their duration of studies. If it was a debate to warrant that of their...

RCDF use

RCDF fund, Millinium Development Goal, Grass Root Fund and Rural Livelihood funds in general may not meet their intended purposes. With due respect to MPs and Constituency Authorities who responsibly...

Is silence truly golden? the noise definitely is not!

Just a comment on the views of Mr. Roni. Don't you think that Ms Felicia is singing the same song that USP students in Suva, Fiji, have sang last year or early this year. Para 4, 5 & 6 of your article...

Is silence truly golden?

Dear Editor, May I just respond to Junior Roni's response to my previous article on the subject concerned? First and foremost, I would like to point out that I am happy to note that at least someone...

Inland Revenue Support from NZ

Dear Editor, Horrified is the only thing I could think of when I saw your story about the extension of RAMSI's civilian advisors to the Inland Revenue section until 2013. It's a bit like Frank Bainimarama's...

Is silence truly golden? the noise definitely is not!

It was fascinating to read the argument by Felicia K in the article "is silence truly golden?" Her argument interestingly was targeted at policy makers and administrators on what she feels is the right...

Students Caught in Fiji Devaluation

Dear Editor, Please allow me to raise an issue regarding the above heading. The twenty percent devaluation in the currency of Fiji had severe impacts. In the previous weeks, the Laucala campus vice-chancellor...

Without the truth, one cannot reconcile

Bishop Tutu is a famous theologian and a great leader. These words he shared with us mark the need to investigate the truth and make proper reconcociliation. In this context I wonder what else the Government...

Assistance to Selwyn College

Editor, The picture of former Selwyn College students displaying a projector that is destined to their former school is nothing more than an appreciation for a school that mattered in their lives. Though,...

Taiwan Aid & Rural Developement

Dear Editor, Its very interesting to see the government of Taiwan still willing to assist our country by providing several millions of dollars again with the aim of alleviating poverty and improving rural...

Utilized Funds by Members of Parliament

Dear Editor, I would be grateful if you could publish this article concerning the use of numerous funds allocated to Members of Parliament over the past years. I read with interest the numerous calls...

A Nation Awaits The Truth

Dear Editor, There are those who have written to say the Truth and Reconciliation Act 2008 lacks the provisions to allow any testimony before the Truth and Reconciliation Commission to be used in court...

True Reconciliation

Dear Editor, This week reading through SIBC Online News Headlines and citing comments by Sethual Kelly former MP for South Guadalcanal and Mr Bulu from Weather Coast of Guadalcanal got me thinking. ...

Spirituality should be taken seriously

Dear editor, It's an issue of concern that others should know. Rather than hiding it or keeping it a secret. Fr Edward Kolohai from Pacific Theological college speaking last following week during the...

Is silence truly golden?

They say silence is golden, but is it a good strategy to apply in the case of the student teachers' protest at the SICHE's School of Education, where student teachers seemed to have genuine concerns that...

Digicel application

It is a brilliant idea that the government had accepted the application of the company. Communication is an important aspect of life and services needed for solomon islanders. For economical, political...

Why so silent Mrs Maezama?

Dear editor, The Head of School of Education's silence during previous week's teacher students' protest at Panatina campus might be unfair to the perception of most leaders who frontlined the strike....

Women in Parliament

Dear Editor- It interest me when I read in this website about this issue, therefore, I too I want to share my views with others on this debatable issue. Although women play important leadership roles...

Response to J. Foster from UPNG (Port Moresby) on Governor General's Post

I write in respond to J. Foster from UPNG (Port Moresby) who claimed in Solomon Star's Letters Column, Issue 3926 of Tuesday 5th May that J. Lofon was a staff of Island Sun. J. Lofon's letter in our Speak...

Congratulations to Koloale F.C

Dear Editor, Please allow me to convey my highest appreciation to our boys of the Koloale FC for their tremendous effort in the recent O' League second leg at Kiwitea Street, Auckland on Saturday. The...

Our Condolence-SISA

Dear editor please allow us to join other fellow students to send our words of condolence to: The Wife, immediate family members, work colleagues, friends and relatives of the late John Eric. Upon...

A Condolence Message to Late Taika's Family and Friends

The Solomon Islands' Medical Student association (SIMSA) would like to pass on their sincere condolences to family members, relatives and fellow work mates of late John Eric Taika who was called to rest...

Letters Archive