Letters to the Editor Archive August 2010

Rules of Engagement Under the Spotlight Following Titinge Shooting

Dear Sir It is reported that the Tongan authorities have declined to waiver immunity to their military personnel and that they will conduct their own investigation into the recent alleged fatal shooting...

A government on a single thread

It was interesting to note the political status quo of the country and the political flux mixed with petty politics has rendered the nascent Philip-led government to be hanging on a single thread. This...

Congratulation Danny Phillip

I want to take this time to also congratulate Danny Phillip and his cabinet for being the government of the day to lead the nation. Despite putting all my trust, I am curious of some of the MPs of the...

Be-mobile Launching

Like the various advertisements boards around Fiji that Vodafone,Ink,TFL and Digicel used, a similar look like that is now being erected in and around Honiara. Be-mobile is getting ready to be Launched...

Sogavare Explains

I did not read Hon.Dick Hamori's allegation against Hon. Sogovare regarding his defection to join Hon. Abana's camp but I must say that Hon. Sogovare's response in the Solomon Star dated Friday 27th August...

Congratulation Hon. Danny Philip

On behalf of all Solomon Island Students and Staff Association of Pacific Adventist University, I would like to congratulate our newly elected Prime Minister, Hon Danny Philip. You have proven to all critics...

Congratulations PM

I wish to congratulate Hon. Danny Philip the new PM of Solomon Islands on his election victory. Wishing the PM and his goverment all the best in the next four years. God bless the Happy Isles. ...

Congratulations 'Danny Philip'

I am grateful indeed to congratulate Hon Danny Philip as our newly elected Prime Minister for Solomon Islands. Wishing you God's blessing and divine direction in your leadership as the Head of Government...

Alcohl Ban

Dear Sir, I congratulate the Authorities for seeing the importance of having a trouble-free PM elections and taking up the necessary steps to ensure there are no troubles this time round. All Solomon...

Jack Wetney & Futsal

The Kurukurus are our ambassordor and they, like the Bilikikis have put our country's name on the world pedestral. I am proud of the young men who make up both teams. The Kurukuru's were recently crowned...

Worthy PM & Worthy Custom

Dear Editor, Please allow me to contribute to the discussion on how to choose the new Prime Minister before nominations close. Since Independence 32 years ago we have been very mindful of each other...

Jack Whetney

As an alcoholic, I cannot just condemn our country's top Futsal star Jack Whetney. I read the news about Jack a few days ago and somebody said he was some kind of behaving disorderly. I don't know the...

RAMSI Shooting

Editor, I refer to Drumondd's article "RAMSI Shooting" dated 19/8/2010. Yes, it would be interesting to find out who gave the orders to shoot, acted on their own instincts. I guess Drummond use the...

RAMSI's shootings

I was hoping that after the investigations by RAMSI and RSIP were completed, the country, the region and perhaps the whole world would know who gave the orders to shoot indiscriminately to the un-armed...

Whetney can consume as much alcohol as he wants to!

I have read in other online newsletters that there has been criticism of our star futsal player Jack Whetney, let me tell you now that who ever mentioned this in any online newsletter to discredit our...

Darcy's Defection Not a Surprise

Dear Editor, Its not a new thing nor a surprise for movements by MPs from camp to camp. But the move by Mr G Darcy MP from his camp to the other is not because of the reason assumed because of the sacking...

Take Note My People

Thank you very much for giving me a chance to express some of mine, or Solomon Islanders' wishes for the children of tomorrow. I will base my discussion on logging, fishery and mining. It is so sad to...

Ethnic Politics

Where has nationalism gone? What happened to national identity and patriotism? When will we ever grow up as a nation and learn to see and think outside the box. To say that the prominence and eligibility...

Thank You RAMSI

Thank you very much for giving me space in your paper. It was more interesting to hear people from our neighbouring countries pay total respect to our culture,in the road to real peace and reconcillation....

Congratulation Gela MP

Dear editor; Thank you editor for space provided in inserting this article into your infamous column. As we enter post-election era, it would be very much appropriate in joinning other brethrens in congratulating...

RAMSI's Fatal Shooting

I wish to convey my hearthfelt sympathy as a Solomon Islander to the immediate family of the victim gunned down by the RAMSI personnel. That's another case in point after the death of the female nurse...

Fatal Shooting Incident in Honiara

Dear Editor, The fatal shooting incident on the outskirts of Honiara yesterday, allegedly by two Tongan Military personnel serving as part of the RAMSI contingent, undercores my recently expressed concerns...

Military Presence in SI

Dear Editor, I used to be a staunch supporter of the presence of RAMSI in the country, especially at the advent of the so called Ethnic cleansing, but as the clock is ticking away and normalcy obviously...

SI election follies

Our recent election has been hailed by overseas election observers as free and fair and honestly, that is very much the way it ought to be. Personally I thought this was the worse, most corrupt and troubled...

Election triumphs and disappointments

The 2010 election results produced some very interesting news and disappointments to some electorates and candidates. The election results are notably remembered as: .Disappointments to super heavyweights...

To all MPs

A poem to all new MPs. "Now that you have power Don't make your people sour By building your own tower We want to see you in action Not your inaction Our main dissatisfaction Stop giving fish Help...

Military Presence

I wrote in ealier in reply to Katie Fono's letter, but somehow, somewhere along the cables and lines my letter got stuck. It failed to show up in the letters to the editor column. My point was: As times...

Kurukuru: You make supporters proud

Dear editor, Let me just thanks the kururuku for the impresive win between the NZ and now Vanuatu. By watching few games at Vodofone Areana, I see no reason that any team could beat kurukuru. They are...

Lusibaea speaks of win

I am glad if you can put this comment on your site please. I see no reason why Lusibaea has to face critisms from even the outside world. Let us look at justice. He served 5 years in Rove Correctional...

Sogavare Disappointed?

Dear editor Sogavare's disappointment should not blame the voters, but he should blame his party members. I was in Buala when OUR Party came and launch their manifesto and it was poorly done. The Master...

Military Assistance in Aid of Civil Power

Dear Editor It is unfortunate that my earlier letter regarding police preparedness for Election Day, published last Wednesday, degenerated into criticism of RAMSI. My comments were prompted by what I...

Who will be our PM

Dear Editor, This is where true spirit and character of our newly elected MPs will be tested. Where will they all flock to???.... to the one who is holding out the bait..$ $ $.. or will you stand their...

And now for the Lobbying

So now the oldies come out from behind their cloaks to start their Lobbying games to see who can form Government. Please, please let's not turn the clock back 4 or 5 years. How can it be that some MP's...

Military presence

Dear Editor, I would quite disagree with Mr Boyd & Maziola on their thoughts about the military presence. Lessons need to be learnt here and be more vigilant as the next phase towards election of a prime...

Fiji Futsal Friendly with SI Students(USP)

As labeled on your publication, it was NOT Solomon Kurukuru 2 that Fiji played in the friendly. There is no second Kurukuru Futsal Team in the Solomons. The team that played the friendly against Fiji are...

Good Leader, Good Custodian

Dear Editor, Please Leaders! Help us to grow our Political system in a fair and just manner. Congratulations, to our new Political leaders, you've shown the credibility and potential to lead our nation...

Congratulations Dr John Moffat Fugui

Dear Editor, My heart jump with joy when I learned from your election update that the winning candidate for Central Honiara is none other but Dr John Moffat Fugui. I would like to thank the voters of...

congratulation Mr Danny Philip

on behalf of the student of Rendova and south new Georgia schooling here in Fiji USP, and Fulton college we would like to take this time to congratulate our new MP Mr Danny Philip for winning the election....

Mute Education Attache

The subject above have been a hot issue on the Solomon star since the instalment of the so called Education Attache for Solomon Islands students here in Fiji. " It has been 3 weeks into the second semester,...

Great News

Congratulations Especially to the people of small malaita regarding the result for national Election. This is a right time, and the right man, that we can put our hope on, to lead and make a change...


i might far from home but i have closely monitor our politics. it seems to me that there are democratic dictators that are interfering into our politics. don't be surprise if the majority of the wining...

Military Presence

I have to agree with SENI MAZIOLA 05/08 as an expat who was priveledged enough to have lived & worked in your beautiful country it became evident that without any unrest the RAMSI show would have trouble...

Military Presence

I concur with Former Police Commissioner, Mr Frank Short's opinion about the heavy military display at the national elections. This show of heavy military presence by RAMSI somewhat looked supefluous....

OFC Futsal Warm Up

The Fiji national futsal team played a friendly match today evening with Solomon Islands Students studying at USP in Suva at Vodafone Arena. Fiji beat Solomon Kurukuru Two by 9 goals 3. Its a very interesting...

Courage of Dr.Sikua

Dr. Sikua is the most educated Solomon Islander who has held the post of Prime Minister in the short history of this young nation. Whilst I applaud Davids comments about Dr.Sikua, I am disappointed that...

Civic Education

I'm sure every decent, law-abiding citizen of our beloved Solomon Islands would not disagree that civic education is badly needed in the country, big time! I hope every single Solomon Islander of all walks...

2010 Election

The greatest change we can hope for is self change. Politicians can not and will not change Solomon Islands. Every Solomon Islander must start with the self first. Solomon Islands will change when all...

Police Preparedness on Election Day

Dear Editor, Police preparedness for the upcoming Election Day is an essential requirement but I question the need for such a display of armed force, as depicted in a photograph in Monday's (2/8/10) edition...

Blog on Solomons election

Dear editor, some of your readers may be interested in a blog I have been writing on the upcoming Solomons elections (www.harrygreenwell.wordpress.com). It provides details on many of the candidates, a...

Letters Archive