Letters to the Editor Archive June 2010

Cattle Rehabilitation Quashed!!

Dear Editor, Please allow me space to share my views on the Solomon Islands Cattle Rehabilitation Project. This project has for far too long been dragged on by the previous Sogovare Government and further...

Election Time - Promises and lies?

Dear Editor, Just thinking aloud here. Dates are set so it's that time of the year, again, bags of rice being shipped to remote villages and people getting free lunch from people once very distant. No...

Thanks Charles Deroller

Thanks Charles Deroller, Dear Editor, Thank you wantoks for your response and especially our special friend Charles Deroller from New York, USA for his detailed informative explanation on international...

Thanks Charles Deroller

Dear editor, Allow me space to thank Charles Deroller for his sound reply to Faiau in regards to the cost of tellecommunication in solomon Islands. Indeed there is a price to pay for living in paradise....

Telecom Prices

First, I would like to thank Charles for making a clear explanation to J Faiau miseries in Japan regarding telecom prices in Solomon Islands and how he is currently paying to call his family in SI. I...


It has been a struggle indeed for the people of Makira Province to be better off in development especially in transportation. For being from Makira and most times struggling to find transport to most places,...

Telecom Prices

In a 16 June 2010 Letter to the Editor, Mr. James Faiau asks why telephone rates in Solomon Islands are so much more than elsewhere in the world. While there are a myriad of reasons, let me address the...

Green Party?

Dear editor, I know this is a little bit late in the Solomon Islands election proceedings but has anyone there had any thoughts on establishing a Solomon Islands Green Party? Or is there a Green Party...

Charity Fund Rumors

Dear Editor; Thanks for allowing such a column online for people to make comments on issues arising within our beloved country Solomon Islands. I for one as a concerned citized, would like to make a few...

Climate Change Hunger

Killing the ocean food web is not just about a world 2nd or 3rd biggest fishing nation squid catch that has collapsed 60 percent in one year. In my opinion based on long-term research since 1982, sewage...

Expensive Telephone Service

Can somebody explain and help us with expensive telecommunication service in Solomon Islands? I could not realize the full picture until I find out as well in Tokyo, Japan. Man! In Japan according to...

Economic zones

Dear editor I am very skeptical about economic zones and foreign investment in general. I know that Mr. Sogavere is trying to set up a laboratory for economic investigation, however there are plenty of...

Cut of Government Expenditure

I want to contribute to the above report by Alfred Sasako. At first I was surprised and the question came to my mind was that how can the government cut expenditure on rental under the Public Service Rental...

Makira province and its development woes - a perspective

Dear Editor, As the next general election is dawning I wish to make some personal reflections on how development has been pursued in Makira province over the last decade. It is widely anticipated that...

DDP's NPF Policy - A blooper!

Dear Editor, I wish to thank Mr Sasako for his reply to my viewpoint on the above issue. I decided to share my opinion because clearly DDP's initial press statement on the issue was outrightly misleading....

Cut of Government Expenses

I wish to contribute to the above briefly. The fact remains that Mr. Alfred Sasako incorrectly reported the matter. This continues to show a kind of poor reporting by him who claims to be a veteran journalist...

Solomon Islands Basketball Coach

I heard that Solomon Islands may also be getting the services of a US Basketball Coach. Having coached the team previously at the 2007 SPG, I think that this would be an excellent addition for SI Basketball...

DDP Policy on NPF - It's a blooper

Dear Sir, Contributor, Derick R Manu'ari, did a good letter on DDP's Policy on NPF, which Solomon Times Online published. He missed DDP's point by miles. I could not agree more that the NPF has inclusive...

Basketball Coach

According to news sites there has been the talk of bringing in a US based basketball coach to train the Solomon Islands Basketball Team. I have added the link for players in the Solomons to read about...

Transparency SI Report

I may be late to make this comment and may be repeating what others have said but allow me to say my piece. Firstly the report is a good one, it gives us some information on how our parliamentarians have...

Sasako Not Credible?

Dear Sir, One, HARRY KWOW FROM AUSTRALIA, wrote that my writing was on the basis for cash for comments. Knowing that Australia is full of briefcase advisers, I know of no one including Mr Kwow, who does...

Business Owner Smuggle in Goods

Dear reader, Another truth revealed and another excuse given, how long will this thing last? how long will the general public wait for an explaination for this matter? it is sad when responsible authorities...

Employment project

Dear Editor, I wish to support Panga on his stand about creating false hope for our youths and overcrowding in Honiara. Meanwhile, the so called advisor don't seem to know anything about the real situaltion...

DDP's policy on NPF - Its a blooper

Dear Editor, The Direct Development Party (DDP) has recently launched its policy manifesto and one of its main goals is to "open up NPF" for people who are not formally employed. Alfred Sasako, a trustee...

BIG SLASH - Gov't Cut Public Servants' Entitlement by 35%

Dear Editor, Can you find space to publish this - I fail to reason why the government decided to cut public servants' entitlement by 35 percent. I believe this will really affect those public servants...

Is Rapid Employment Programme (REP) only for Honiara?

I want to thank our Government for the unemployed to be emplyed through the Rapid Employment Programe in which most of us will benifit from. However from my view I see this as unfair, why I say it as...

National Geographic Tetepare

National Geographic would do well for humanity and the environment by including changes to big fish populations at Tetepare. 90% of big fish have already gone from this planet that Tetepare Island is...

Reply to PM Dr Derek Sikua

I am overwhelmed to read about the need to improve our infrastructure if you will be back in paliarment. Thanks a million to you Prime Minister, but here I am wondering and having so many WHYs in mind....

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