Letters to the Editor Archive June 2008

Irresponsible Samoan Officer

This is really disappointing, considering the time, resources and effort our detectives wasted on this greedy, arrogant and irresponsible police officer. It shows its true colour and he may think that...

Concern over unstable politicians

The revelation by the opposition leader that a faction of the ruling CNURA Government is backing him to move a motion of no confidence during the next sitting of parliament is not only disturbing but also...

Motion of No Confidence

It amuses me to see how unstable our political status is. Its very difficult for solomon islands to set its priorities right in terms of development when decision makers (the politician) are fighting to...

Sogavare Vs Sikua

Hello Wantoks, What is going on with our Leaders? It's not even a year yet since the Sogavare Government was brought down and now he is trying to get back into power again using the high cost of living...

Is MoNC the only option??

It becomes a culture and dangerous pathway for our law makers/political leaders opting for a Motion of No Confidence (MoNC) as an alternative solution to our national problems/issues. Instead of providing/sharing/exchanging...

Telekom is too expensive

Telekom makes millions because Robinson charge the people of Solomons very expensive charges. Telekom services & charges are very high and this retards growth in the country. Let me give you an example....

Law and Practicalities: Telekom

The recent Telekom striking-case presents an argument for how it seem we will appeal more to law/Courts in Solomon Islands to solve such Telekom-impasses. Conversely, practicalities may present now to...

Shame on the Opposition!

Is Manasseh Sogavare or Japheth Waipora serious? I am not going to defend the failure(s) of this government, but for the Leader of Opposition and his spokesman, Waipora to claim that this government has...

Another No Confidence Motion, What A Joke!!

When will we have a government which is stable and free to rule? We can't afford to have all sort of changes happening every now and then. Don't you guys know that it's just a stone throw away to another...

Police Arrest Offender After 19 Years

I want to congradulate the Police for bringing this culprit to the court to face justice. 19 years is a very long time, the culprit might already forget the crime that was committed in 1989. Finally,...

Indigenous Solution

The Symbolic, Psychosocial & Political Frames analysis will all point us towards Indigenous Solutions on the Solair & Telekom Companies. Our Indigenous Staff are looking for similar solutions. We must...

Telekom & Solair

I see the issue of Solair & Telekom through more than one frame. Not only through the Structure frame but more so through Symbolic, Psychosocial and Political Frames. Structural issues are minor issues...

Something To Think About

Our beloved nation has gone through so much pain lately.The Telekom saga and the hike in prices of goods are but a few to name. These issues have driven me to wander whether it is wise of the government...

Emergency Lines

The call made by the acting police commissioner to the Telekom management is essential. To keep all emergency lines working,whether its for police, hospital or others, these essential services must be...


The poor capacity of the Sikua Government to take charge of the Essential Telecommunication service demonstrate the incapability of Sikua Government to lead the nation. Sikua Government is quiet and not...

Telekom Dispute

SI is now undergoing an industrial crisis period. All industrial disputed parties' and Government of the day need to have open minds and enter into more constructive dialogues, to make use of the first...

Telekom Workers' Strike

Can someone with credible information let us know: i) The underlying reason why Mr. Robinson sacked Zoleveke? What had Zoleveke done wrong? What are the grounds for the sacking? Did Robinson have the...

Does SI learn the hard way?

Solomon Islands learn some hard lessons in the months leading up to its 30th birthday. These lessons come in through cultivating a few seeds, seeds that has monopolized a certain aspect of our country....

Who's Telling The Truth?

Ealier there was a report claiming the striking workers should be held accountable for the vast majority of faults experienced in and around Honiara. Later there was another news claiming the 'magnificent...

Telekom strike

Surely Mr Robinson could stand down so strikers will return to maintain essential national communications especially. It appears possible this Telekom strike together with massive bus fare and fuel increases...

Our Telekom Workers

Dear editor, Just a small question I would like to raise. Why is it that the Our Telekom striking workers are holding the whole of Solomon Islands at ransom for problems that are Telekom's and not external??...

Pay Cash for Quick Fix

If this is the type of attitude by some of the Telekom workers as alledged by one of the letters to the editor, then this is uncalled for. These are the type of hidden practices by some of the employees...

Support & Trust for Telekom Workers Waiving

On Monday 16th June we noticed all our Telephone lines at China Town went dead. Next on Solomon Star telekom workers warn of distruption to services if they go on strike. Also mentioning of 300 + faults...

RAMSI accusations unfair true?

The comments made by Bradz Tau in that the Facilitation Act 2003 protects RAMSI officials carries very "little water". It is this type of generalizations that give the wrong impression of the nature of...

What really is the Facilitation Act?

RAMSI controls the Minsitry of Finance and has power of veto over public spending. How do you expect the elected government to perform its legal mandate without the power to expend resources? RAMSI might...

RAMSI accusations unfair?

I write to reply to the comment raised by DZANIE all the way from USA. You must understand that the call for the review of FA is not new, the last regime pushed hard for it during its term. The recent...

Compensation Claim

It's a tragic loss and no doubt all family members did not accept what had happened The immunity protection vested under the FA excempt RAMSI officers from civil or criminal prosecutions in SI. To argue...

Support for the Solomon Islands Futsal team

Its really interesting to know that the Solomon Islands National Futsal Team has made its way to the FIFA Futsal World Cup to be held in Brazil later this year. Those of us who have witnessed the games...

RAMSI Accusations unfair

It is highly unfair for Solomon Islanders, especially prospective lawyers or students, to use this sad event to call for the review of the Facilitation Act. It is very sad to see a young woman die that...

Nepalese students suffer from the same problem

Dear Sir, I am just letting you know that the fake Fiji based university called University of Pacific International has also tricked about 50 Nepalese students, all of whom were accepted by this university....

Government has given in to the Loggers

I knew it would be like that when it comes to politicians making decisions. Most decisions made by politicians are influenced externally, therefore it does not surprise me to learn that the Solomon Islands...

Review Facilitation Act

With the latest traffic accident involving a RAMSI officer, it is high time the gov't must not ignore the opposition's call for the review of the Facilitation Act. Obviously if that RAMSI officer was...

Feather money

Dear Sir, With great interest I read your article on the feather money and its tradition in the Solomon Islands. As we are preparing an exhibit in our institution on the worlds' most extraordinary moneys,...

Congradulation to the Solomon Islands National Futsal Team

I would like to register my congradulations to the National Futsal Team for making it to the World scene. The team deserved the title, judging from their fantastic perfomrance in the tournament, and I...

Our Telekom Dispute

The on going dispute between Our Telekom management and its indigenous employees is a clear indication of the need to have another telecommunication provider in the country. I think that it is about time...

Telekom Issue

Telekom Strike notice Lapse. The responsible authority need to react on settling the Telekom issue before it is too late. Solomon Islands National leaders should not take things lightly because small...

Greenpeace and dolphins

In response to Mr. Fairfax, several points must be clarified. First, the skipjack fishery in the Western Central Pacific Ocean is currently not over exploited. This same skipjack tuna fishery is the one...

Telekom Threat

The Telekom Strike Threat will be a disaster if, nothing is done about it. It is about time Robinson must go. I fully support the call by John Ins for him to resign, to include Berverly, their own interest...

Congrats to Our Futsal Team.

Go Solo Go..our futsal yong stars were displaying brilliant silky passes and dribling in their three matches which shows one of the favourites to watch. Boys keep your heads up for your remaning games...

The Flying Kurukurus

Our very own Solomon Kurukuru has won itself a name. They have entered the tournament with little talk of fear from their other opponents but day three of clssic footwork has ranked them as one of the...

Telekom Workers' Threat

The recent dispute between the local workers and the management of Telekom including the dispute's potential economic ramifications must not be taken for granted. The dispute, however, underscores the...

Greenpeace and Earth Island

Greenpeace has done well to state all Pacific tuna are at risk but they and Earth Island Institute fail to mention people and dolphin dependent on ocean food. Chronic poverty is being suffered by Pacific...

Skyrocketing Prices

The current rise in price of basic food items is a real disaster for our people. The price of rice has increased almost three times last week and its a head ach for people living in Honiara because most...

Sacrifice SI for Martyn?

I don't think the notice by local staff to shut down Telekom is an idle threat. If they act on their strike notice, Solomon Islands will shut down. Are we prepared to shut down SI for Martyn? We have...

Natinal Futsal Team Not Financially Supported

Solomon Islands National Futsal Team is doing an outstanding and even unbelievable football compared to our previous teams. However, it is disappointing to learn that they were not financially suported...

Telekom Standstill

Dear editor, Allow me space to contribute to the standstill relating to the issue of Martin Robinson.This issue has been going on for some weeks now and has raised alot of interesting riddles. From my...

Attack on Police

It is not funny nor is it worthy of praise to hear the recent attack on police and police property. The elders of the communities concerned should step forward and assist police to see justice served...

Congratulation to His Excellency - Colin Beck

I render my heartfelt congratulation to you on your respectful ascension, duly elected to become the world's second boss in its top global body - United Nation. I salute you with respect. Your remarks...

Meeting of the reps.

Sad to read in this website of another back door meeting among the so called few elites on the bus fare increase issue. Earlier meeting the public was caught by surprise of an infamous SBD$5 bus fare....

National Reconcilliation

Dear Editor I really don't want to re-uncover what Solomon Islands went through some years ago in which its impact can still be felt today both economically, socially and politically. Today, we need a...

Our Telekom

Dear Editor, I find it healthy (if that is the correct term to use) the participation of our school boys in numerous issues appertaining to our ailing economy. In fact I still believe that our school...

Meeting Agrees on Bus Fare Increase

Dear Editor, Allow me to comment on the above topic. With much reading and thinking here are some thoughts on the new bus fare rates that has been agreed upon yesterday in the meeting initiated by the...

Building Tsunami Monument

Western Province to Build Monument for Tsunami Victims I would like to acknowledge Alex Lokopio's government for taking an initiative of building Monument for Tsunami victims in the Western Province....

Food and Industrial Crisis

No doubt, income earners and citizens of SI, will be forced into all sorts of crisis as a result of inevitable increasing prices of fuel and basic food items in Honiara. It's a global phenomena which SI,...

Alarming, Rising Prices

It has been predicted by CBSI and now it is happening, that of the amazing sky rocketing of the prices of goods and services in the country. Months ago we have read that prices of basic food stuff like...

Our Telekom

We can paint the story with all sort of colour to give it a new look but the truth still remains - "Our Telekom", which I like to nick-name "Their Telekom" is ripping too much from us struggling Solomon...

Greenpeace Addresses Tuna Conference

I would like to point out that Earth Island Institute was on the same eco panel as Greenpeace. These statements by Greenpeace are not being totally factual. Greenpeace is stating all tuna stocks are...

Our Telekom- a slap on the face

"Indegenous" is sometimes used interchangeably with "Traditional", has ideological connotations of people who do not conquer or non-Europeans, people who were colonised, savage and static, who had no...

Scavenging to Survive

It is sad to learn about the rapid increase of our future leaders scavenging to survive. The question is, what are the governments strategies to address such increasing means of survival? We can talk about...

Responsible logger

I noticed that the Government is adamant and set to commence the new determined price of exported log on 1 June 2008. Well done servants, you have been firm despite strong pressures from logging companies....

Free education

To some people who understand how Solomon Islands political culture operates, they may put forward alot of question asking how it will be implemented and how early it would be next year. To parents and...

Letters Archive