Letters to the Editor Archive April 2009

Kwaio Massacre

Whilst we're all against the claim of the Kwaio Chiefs, there is merit somehow in the matter. What needs to be done is for SIG to facilitate the pursuit of their claim with the British Govt. Is there...

Truth and Reconciliation

I would like to thank Mr Short for his enlightenment on the issues he was confronted with as the then Police Commissioner prior to his final departure and the then ethnic crisis. He has done what he could...

Bishop Desmond Tutu's Visit

I think it is truly remarkable and historic to have someone of Bishop Tutu's status to visit our country and give a lending hand to some of our deep lying problems. i believe it is an opportunity of a...

Reduce Bottle Nose Dolphine Export

Dear sir, With regards to Issue of Dolphin, it would be good for government of the day to come up with some perspective in putting a stop to dolphin export. The fact is Bottle nose is listed as one of...

Swine Flu

The swine flue is heading our way. The news of cases in Australia shows that we are not excepted from the epidemic. Since we do have a good number of visitors from the land down under, what should be...

Kwaio Compensation

I would like to share my view on this controversial issue. Many writers to this page tend to hold negative views about the compensation issue because of various reasons. I believe their perceptions and...

Truth and Reconciliation

I would like to share with your readers an article about reconciliation I was emailed in 2008. The full script can be accessed through: http://solomonbeat.blogspot.com/2008/08/basis-of-true-reconciliation_18.html....

Compo claims for past atrocities

I quite agree with James and would like to add that if we want to dig up history and claim compensation for the atrocities of the past, we might as well claim compensation from the tribes within our own...

Kwaio Compensation

Kwaio people are not alone in fighting for justice and peace for once for all. It was reported that British Army during the colonial rule had carried out massacres in different places around the world....

Compansation Claimers

This topic had attracted interested writers which I also want to contribute. To be true, the past history of Solomon Islands was a dark era. It is a period of tribal war and very barbaric islanders who...

"Without the truth, one cannot reconcile"

"Without the truth, one cannot reconcile". I just love those words of wisdom uttered by Rev. Tutu. Yes indeed, without the truth any form of reconciliation is meaningless. If we are to achieve true...

Dolphin Export Quota Reduced

Dear Editor, The news that Cites Animal Committee has stated the SI should export 10 dolphins per year compared to 100 per year is not the solution. A total ban must be in place as far as the environmental...

Kwaio Compensation

Dear Editor, I would like to share a different perspective on the issue above as it has been a common theme on this subject that the demand for compensation was a wrong step or decision by the people...

Mr. Bell Compensation Claim

Whilst Gloria and her family are at liberty to make another compensation claim, one must understand that the claim made by the East Kwaio people remains a legitimate and genuine one. It was common knowledge...

Bell's Counter Claim

Dear Editor, Now we have a new twist to to this compensation issue. We have a Gloria Bell writting in and alluded that She and the Bell families will seek compensation from those who killed their great...

Testimony Before The Truth And Reconciliation Commission (TRC)

Dear Editor, I would like to clarify what Ms Katya Fono said in her letter regarding my leaving the Solomons. I left at the end of my two year contract, reluctantly but voluntarily, despite having been...

Bell Masacre Compo

To Gloria Bell, lets say your great uncle was killed in the line of duty, while trying to collect taxes from village people, who have no money, not even a job and who don't even have a need for money at...

Testimony before the TRC

I am an avid reader of Mr Short's many articles relating to the chain-of-events leading up to the darkest hours of the ethnic crises. If one could read between the lines, they contained letters of advice...

Kwaio Compensation Claim and Colonial Error

Dear Editor. The subject is such an interesting one and its great that we share our views. One thing for sure is that the Gweeabe massacre is not the only incident that happened under the British government...

Re:students allowances

Its a concern for us to see scholars or who they claim to be behaving in such a childish manner. One thing we must all understand is that its not only the students at SICHE who are affected by the notion...

Bell Masacre Compensation

I am interested to read that compensation will be sought for the Bell massacre in Malaita. Our family is very interested in seeking compensation from the people who killed my Great Uncle all those years...

Custom Abused

I won't differentiate between any situation of abuse of compensation and the recent Kwaio claims. For one thing, they all bear the same hallmark. So long as cash is the bottom-line, then it's anybody's...

Custom abused?

The issue of Kwaio compo for the Gweeabe massacre of 1927 seems so intriquing that I wish to register my view on it. Marata has stated that the compo is an abuse of custom and is only embarked on lately...

Testimony Before The Truth And Reconciliation Commission (TRC)

As one who has advocated for a very long time the need to establish a Truth and Reconcilitation Commission (TRC) in the Solomon Islands, I am very pleased to learn that it will begin on 29 April 2009....

Kwaio Compensation

Dear Editor I wish to express my humble view on the above issue. Well whilst I sympathize with my fellow Malaitans (Kwaio People), personally I think such a move is uncalled for. The reason is because...

Compensation not a Solution

The issue of compensation is becoming popular. Such practice is not healthy to a struggling country from the ethnic tension. By now compensation is demanded for what Britain had done so many years ago....

SICHE Students' Issue

Yes, I agree with Mr Felizua that the SICHE Management must consider the students welfare and well-being by addressing their demand to the resposnsible authority. It undersatandable and right to increase...

SICHE Student Protest

It is heartening to learn about the students issues relating to their allowances. SICHE as the higher education provider in the country need to realise that the institution is not only provinding training...

Kwaio compensation

Maria and Solomon, though you are strongly arguing that the compensation claim will open door for others to do the same. But the reality is that those Kwaio leaders are here in Honiara now to negotiate...

Kwaio compensation

Dear Editor, I think the Government of the day should be really cautious when dealing with such compensation claim for incident that happen almost 80yrs ago. This is because by the moment the Govt start...

SICHE Director's Comments

I read with interest the SICHE Director's comments to the SICHE students in regards to who is responsible for student allowance increase. I do not quite agree with the Director's claim that the students...

You are targeting the wrong people: SICHE Director

I found the reaction of the SICHE director in response to the School of Education (SoE) students' protest over an increase in their allowances weird and only reflect of a person who desperately avoids...

Kwaio compensation

Dear Editor, Andrew Radcliff is right and it's the educated people like Mr. Dennis Ifura and their leaders in Honiara who show insensitiveness and made a mockery of their own custom and sad and sensitive...

Custom Abused

The defensive comments of Dennis Ifura are nothing but an insult to Malaita, let alone Kwaio custom. As a fellow Malaitan, let the public know that we don't claim compsensation almost 100yrs after an incident!...

Kwaio Compensation

One of Kwaio's former leaders Alfred Sasako discouraged this move because of its implications and likely intention. My question is what about compensation to Bell's relatives? On the one hand, truly...

Compansation a National Interest.

I read with interest Ifirua's article, especially when he tries to put Kwaio compensation a private issue. To my view, this issue is a national interest, because it will affect the entire country, as another...

Kwaio Compensation

Dennis lets address the issue. I for one welcome Radclif's comment because it is directed at the issue not the people. Our custom is based on common sense. As Radclif mentioned, custom can be abused and...

Kwaio compensation

Dennis, do you firmly believe that through money compensation can heal peoples' wounds? I think what Andrew was trying to say is true. If this compensation ceremony takes place, there will be others...

Kwaio compensation

I am replying to what Mr. Andrew Radcliffe said about the Kwaio compensation in this website. Though Andrew excused himself for being insensitive towards this issue he must not push his nose in this issue....

Kwaio Compensation Claim

I would like to concur with Andrew Radclyffe on this subject. Why make the claim now, and not 50 years ago when the British administration was still in operation, and while the majority of victims were...

Kwaio Compensation Claim

I will no doubt be accused of cultural insensitivity for saying this but the claim for compensation for events that took place in 1927 should be dismissed out of hand by the Government. There can be no...

SIHCE Demanding Increasing their Allowance

Please allow me space to comment on this current issue at SICHE. Students, your demand for the increase of your allowance from $600 to $7,000 is too much. I don't see any valid reason(s) for yor demand....

Missing $10,000,000

I fully agree that those responsible for siphoning the $10 million dollars for their own use other than what was intended (cattle rehabilitation) should be investigated and tried in a court of law. The...

Youth in Parliment

Dear Editor, The Youth in Parliament is an interesting ideology, but sadly gains little repute from many youths in Honiara and in the provinces. The problem may due to the organizers' and their stakeholders...

10 Seats for Women In Parliament

Dear Editor, Just a short note to all concern, especially to our legislators. Lets not create something that will in the later years it will bite us from the back side. So think of the consequences before...

Missing 10 Million

Dear Editor, Politicians who by defrauding the system and obtained 10million dollars without legal proceedures, actually they are stealing money from the people of Solomon Islands. They must be investigated...

Youth in Parliament

Dear Editor, Just to clarify Judd's misinterpretation of my article. It was nothing to do with the 'Youth in Parliament' programs whatsoever, was there? It was a response to comments made by other writers...


At the same time as debating politics of law there is need for critically urgent intergrity embracing impact of traditional ocean food resource devastation and trade collapse. It is empirical fact the...

Missing 10 Million

Dear editor It is very dissapointing to see some of the MPs serving themselves with the $10M that was allocated for livestock development. The National Govt is preaching so much about transparency and...

Youth In Parliament

Just want to clear some clouds over the subject fo Youth in Parliament by Katya Fono. Youth in Parliament is in fact a "mock parliament" organised for youths. It's not trying to put youths in parliament...


Dear Times, In the six months that I have been back in Honiara one of the more disappointing aspects of life here is the egregious performance of "Our Telekom". Years ago, when SolTel and the Posts...

Women in Parliament

Does anyone have a copy of the proposal for Women to be given seats in Parliament? Please email me a copy as I have not seen one yet. All I have seen is an article in the Star and letters in this media,...

Why women can't win election?

Alot of interesting information has been made regarding reserve seats for women in Solomon Islands parliament house. Solomon Islands perhaps represents a worst case scenario of poor women's representation...

Retirement of Public Servants

This is one of the many exercises long over due and must be implemented by the government as soon as possible, to pave way for new recruitment who are young, energetic and visionary enough to lead us into...

Women in Parliment

I am just interested on the analogy used by Katya as that of making reservations in hotels to the notion of reserving sits for women in parliment. Can any one enlighten us on how that will be done if voting...

Missing $10 Million

This is an issue that all Solomon Islanders should be concerned about and rightfully put pressure on the government to provide the answer. It just boggles my mind the amount of money that keeps disappearing...

Women in Parliament

We really need more public awareness and education, well in advance, prior to the implementation of the new constitution for women reps in parliament(Hopefully there'll still be years to come!). Just for...

Youth in Parliament

Being a mother of teenagers, I do understand the plight of our youths of today. Their needs, of course will be and should be addressed and dealt with accordingly by responsible authorities but then of...

USP and Regional Politics

Dear Editor, I am very concerned with the current political crises here in Fiji. First, we are all ok so please do not worry, still very safe. My concern is this USP is a regional institution and I...

Reserved Women Seats

I have followed this issue with some interest. I'm of the view that what we need is infact a complete reform of our electoral system - a total overhaul on how we vote, nominate, etc. Me taet loketa xprisioner...

10 free seats for women

There is a big difference between a citizen's democratic right to vote and right to enter parliament as an MP. Becoming an MP is not a birthright neither a form of any right whatsoever, which our rights...

10 seats for women in parliament

Almost all commentators against the idea to reserve 10 seats for women in parliament refer to the Constitution to substantiate the arguement that it would be unfair for men because the current SI Constitution...

10 Seat for Women in Parliament

Please Allow me a space to insert my view on this issue. Firstly I hold the view that Solomon Islands as a Democratic Country goes to poll to elect their representative in Parliament. In Solomon Islands,...

10 seats for women

I write in fact to respond to some of the argument expressed here by Denton. In fact I support the participation of women in parliaments but through the current democratic system in our country which...

Apologies to Anna Bua

Dear Editor, I wish to sincerely apologise to Anna Bua for questionning her identity in previous postings, and wish her all the best in her tourism study. I got your point Ms Mola. May the truth speak...

Who Is Anna Bua?

I look forward to read the findings of Koli's proposed investigation in this forum. In any case, some students and even rural dwellers are avid readers and, most importantly, have investigative mindset....

Who is Anna Bua?

Dear Editor, My initial comments on the tourism course at SICHE were not intended to promote discussions on the standard of English writing but to express my perspective as a first year tourism student...

Release of the 2006 Honiara Riot Report

Dear Editor, In March 1998, as the then RSIP Commissioner of Police,I was invited to address a multi-national gathering of senior military officers at a Pacific Armies Management Seminar (PAMS) in Manila,...

10 Parliamentary Seats for Women - Detone's insightful views

Dear Editor, Allow me space to respond to some of the views shared by Detone from Suva. Here are my responses; (1) Detone asserted that studies had shown that women have a positive effect on governance...

Who is 'Anna Bua'?

Dear Editor, May I just respond to Ms Mola and Mr. Sasako's response to my previous posting entitled, "Who is 'Anna Bua'". No one dispute the fact that many of us can speak or write English well, of...

Women:10 seats

I read with interest the views of Solomon Islands women/girls opposing the idea of the 10 reserved seats. Below are some of my views in relation to issue. They are posted here to give a balance view of...

Ten Seats for Women in Parliament

Dear Editor, I agree with other learned colleagues that have contributed in the discussion on this topic. Gender equity and quality leadership are two different issues that need examinination in their...

Women in Parliment

While I agree with JABZ about being undemocratic to reserve sits for women in parliment, I am not so sure about referening to Guadalcanal and Isabel to easily adopt the proposition. I thought that Guadalcanal...

Who is Anna Bua?

Dear Sir, I wish to congratulate Anna Bua for a first class contribution and her explanatory note on the new tourism course at SICHE. For people like Felicia Koli who's been wondering who this Anna Bua...

Reserved seats for women

Talking about the mental shift, I think the formal education system is the right channel. The proposal to reserved qouta for women in parliament is only a fast track to creating 'equality' in our representative...

Who Is Anna Bua?

Dear Editor I refer to a frank yet sarcastic letter written by one Felicia Koli. With due respect, I encourage Felicia Koli not to underestimate the level of english comprehension and written skills...

Reserved seats for women

Dear Editor, I share the same view aired by Irene, and others who think that there are better strategies to pursue, other than reserving seats for women in our parliamentary system, to enable women to...

Women in Parliament

Dear Editor, It sounds ridiculous reading about the views and suggestons of female extremists on reserving a few seats for women in parliament. I truly sympathise with women in their endeavour to deserve...

Women and Parliament

Dear Editor, I write to express support for the views already expressed on this topic. In my view, it would be totally patronisng to reserve an x number of seats for women in Parliament. The message it...

Bishop Tutu and Reconciliation

I am retired Brigadier Roger Mortlock of New Zealand. It was my privilege to design and lead the Truce Monitoring Group into Bougainville as its first commander. I note your article on the pending visit...

April Riots report

Dear editor, just recently the commision of enquiry into the April riots report was released and now there are fresh claims by Transperansy Solomon Islands that the report was edited by the government....

Who is Anna Bua?

Dear Editor, I am just puzzled by the level of comprehension and background knowledge 'Anna Bua,' a first year tourism student, has about the SICHE Tourism Programme. She seemed to be well versed, not...

Women in Parliment

Firstly I wish to acknowlege all the contributions raised by other contributers to this topic. Secondly, I would like to agree with the others that reserving seats for women is undemocratic. If women like...

Certificate in tourism studies at SICHE

Dear Editor, To say the least, I think the debate and discussion on this topic is well summarized by Anna Bua. And I strongly beleive that this program will make a difference in the lives of our many...

The dangers of political party strengtheninglegislation in Solomon Islands1

The Solomon Islands government is considering introducing laws aimed at strengthening political parties, restricting members of parliament (MPs) from switching sides and halting excessive use of 'no-confidence'...

Women And Parliament

"Given the prevalence of cultural superiority in some of our provinces" is exactly the statement that had women campaigners go for the hard-drive. This is what where change needs to be made. There is no...

Certificate in Tourism Studies at SICHE

I was browsing the Solomon Times Online website and come across the discussions regarding the Tourism Course at SICHE. It is interesting to read the various contributors to the topic initially raised by...

Reserve Seats

In my personal capacity, I believe there are several issues need addressing. These are: the reserve seats; barriers for women; gender equity; and quality leadership. The issue about democratic procedures...

10 seats for women in parliament

The issue of women to participate in parliament is actually a new phenomena from my understanding especially in Solomon islands. Historically, Solomon Islands had adopted the 'Big Man' system not 'Big...

Reserve Seats

I for one would like to see women in parliament like others, however, not through this cheap shot: free seats. If women would like to be equal, then please go through the same process as men do. You can...

10 Parliamentary Seats for Women in SI

Dear Editor, I refer to Ms Nancy Mae's Letter to the Editor published by your online newsletter. In theory, I can agree with her point of contention. In practice, however, women would find themselves...

Women in Parliament

I totally agree with Janet Mae's comments. Us women have to work hard and prove ourselves worthy of our people's trust, confidence and vote and not find a short cut to Parliament. It is called DEMOCRACY,...

Women in Parliament

Oh yes, this is good for starters. Where there is a provision, there is a way. Only that we need woman/men with philosophies and calibre to vye for these positions. And I believe they will have to be earned...

TEN Parliamentary Seats for Women

Dear Editor, What else can I say, a woman has spoken. Nancy should be commended for taking the issue head-on. We need more women to come out and voice their views and ideas on this debate. Is it really...

10 Parliamentary Seats for Women in SI

Dear Editor, What on earth is going into the brains of those who tirelessly push for 10 seats in Parliament? Least we forget, Solomon Islands is a democratic country and anyone who wants to be a member...

New Solomon Airlines Website

I wish to congratulate Solomon Airlines for the launching of your new website. Now we are in business. You really do us proud of this excellent and professional service available for international travelers....

Tourism Lecturer

I guess the debate is nearing end. However, I wish to congratulate Joyce Maetoloa for boldly making her point. It takes courage for someone to throw in his or her hut into the ring or the main domain of...

Solomon Islands Bid to host the 2015 SPG

Dear Editor, It seems Solomon Islands bid to host the SPG games will face tough competition from the other bidders. I understand that three other countries also bidding are PNG, Vanuatu and Tonga. Looking...

Tourism Program at SICHE

Dear Editor, One interesting thing I realised when reading some people's views on the subject in this editorial is the lack of proper planning especially from the Ministry of Education, SICHE Board in...


Dear i would like to commend Mr Harold for his great effort and initiative for making that website of our medical students in Fiji access to us. Now we can update ourselves of the happenings in FSM and...

Letters Archive