Letters to the Editor Archive January 2008

The university of honiara article

One would wonder what is the objective of the Senior Investment Officer, and even the article in itself. I am confused, because the guy seems to be attacking the investment rather than scrutinizing it....

The University of Honiara

I was amused by the tone of the letter writer on the question of the University of Honiara online. I myself (being a recently retired online lecturer of the institution) knows that the name University...

University of Honira

Hey fellas. Want to know what I discovered. I was online trying to get some info on which online university can offer a better degree course. All of a sudden I stumbled on a new discovery. There is a University...

Collector of newspapers

I`m a collector of newspapers from other coutries, but I have not been able to get a newspaper publishing house from the Solomon Islands. Please, could anyone send me a copy of newspapers in Solomon Islands....

Unwise to compensate group

Mr Filia Mamae said that the Government was wise in paying the money because it had calm down a potentially disturbing situation (SIBC, 21 Jan 2008). I find this wisdom very ridiculous. The Government...

Paps Smear Clinic

Dear Editor, I wish to congraduate those responsible for setting up the clinic which is a very good way of contributing to the welfare of the people of the Solomon Islands. I say this because females...

SIG Moving Forward

It's encouraging to see that the current governemnt led by Dr. Sikua is not wasting any time in smoothing relations abroad. His latest trip here to Port Moresby has indicated many positive developments...


Just a point in order from this article. Perhaps a little research would be suffice to conclude that the WIFI is the technology and a hotspot is the actual geographical location. I have always maintained...

New Paps Smear Clinic for SI

Dear Editor, I would like to make a comment on the afore-mentioned news article. I think this is a great step forward in the fight against Cancer of the Cervix, especially for Solomon Islands. Our women...

Mis appropriation of Tsumami funds

I just want to make few comments on the used of Tsunami funds in which Mr. Sogavare claimed that he nor his outgoing government shouldn't be labelled for mis-handling. It was a real pity for our very...

Govt. Vs Opposition

I guess the public will equally sick as I am to hear further political debate that is seen as mud throwing between the Government and opposition. The debates although on issues of importance to people,...

Opposition should return vehicles.

The Opposition should just return the vehicles. I mean Darcy-Lilo and Co returned them as soon as PM Sogs threw a tantrum last year! By the way, I believe the new PM is making the right moves in the...


It is pleasing to read that the government wants to boost tourism numbers and build the airport in the Western Province, but I think they are quoting old numbers as far as tourism goes. 15,000? Last year...

No Excuse for Neglect of Tsunami Victims: PM Sikua

Thats a very positive start for a new PM trying to get the country back together something the previous government has done so little about. However most of those who failed to act to the call of the...

Rubbish in Honiara - Council Must Act

Rubbish and littering is almost everywhere in Honiara City. Despite the fact that many residents including especially the business communities are not paying the required fees, the responsibility points...


It has been very disturbing and annoying to be confronted with ceaseless media publications of incidences of criminal activities which involved some members of the Malaita communities living in and around...

Former Ministers defy calls to return Gov't vehicles

The people of Solomon Islands now know the lack of sincerity, integrity and genuineness of the former PM and his ex-ministers by their refusal to return Gov't properties that were given to them by the...

Misleading articles

We would like you to publish this article that we the GPPOWA have written in response to the SINUW articles in the Solomon times. thank you for your time. Recently articles have been published concerning...

Prime Ministers visit to Auki

I wish to join the Premier of Malaita Province to acknowledge short but meaningful visit to the Capital of Malaita Province by the Prime Minister, Dr. Derrick Sikua. I hope the PM will find time to visit...

Fuel Price

On today's exchange rate the price of fuel is equal to $1.25 per litre Australian which means fuel in the Solomons is still 10 to 15 cents AUD per litre cheaper than in Australia. This is probably of little...

Fairytale Ending to Moti's Saga.

Dear Editor, A fairytale ending to Moti's saga. Congratulation Dr Derek Sikua for initiating proceedings that finally led to the expulsion of Julian Moti from the Solomon Islands! This is the second...

Local Food (J Roughan article)

My colleague John Roughan is very accurate in encouraging greater consumption of local foods. His advice brought to mind a dinner I had at the Casablanca Restaurant in Honiara a quarter century ago: ...

Response to Sasako

Duran Angiki wrote from Mid North Coast NSW, Australia: In my years as a working journalist in Solomon Islands, I was privileged to interview, socialize and meet political, church and community leaders...

Live what you preach

I find it disgusting hearing the former prime minister accusing the present government of not following national and internatinal law. All I can say is what goes around comes around. Mr Sogavare broke...

Letters Archive