Letters to the Editor Archive November 2021

The Riots in the capital Honiara

It is indeed very sad to see on TV and read on Social media of what has transpired. Your headline should have stated , " The Image of the current government " and not the SI in general.

How to help the Chinese families

Hello, I was wondering if you happen to have information about the Solomon Islands Chinese Association (SICA). I read on the news that these families are newly homeless and have lost everything from the...

Our Pacific Friends in our Covid-19 Free Society

Dr Nathan K Kere Phd FRSTMH Infectious Disease Epidemiologist East Medical Centre, HONIARA The deployment of our Pacific friends from Australia and PNG is necessary considering the very sad position we...

A Poem for Solomon Islands

Solomon Islands; Strong, young and beautiful. She was in her early forties, She was a single mama Raised 9 children on her own With the help of wantoks; as our culture was. She was strong She was young...

Deafening Silence

Wantoks, During the two day ordeal, where I lived in Ngossi West Honiara was peaceful, BUT it was not the kind of peace that produced rejuvenation to the soul and positive vibes. It was the kind of...

Respect for authority

It's regrettable that people have the nerve to take the law into their own hands and claim that they are doing justice for their people. A simple saying, "Two wrongs do not make a right " speaks volumes...

Careful of COVID

So sorry to hear of the problems facing your capital city at the moment. I quite understand why you would call for assistance from overseas. My worry is that the police and army arriving will bring COVID-19...

Article: Looters Moving into Point Cruz

I am saddened to read about the violence. I lived in Honiara from 1983 to early 1985, while working for the Forum Fisheries Agency. I met many lovely people from different islands in the Solomons, and...

Possible reason for Solomon Islands riots

A quick look at the Solomon Islands reveals a story. The population rose from 89,000 to 711,600, a 7.1 fold increase, in a very short time. The top 35 most densely populated regions of the world are...


Good afternoon! My name is Vasily, I live in Russia and have never been to the Solomon Islands. I am watching the ongoing riots from the news release. I really hope that the residents of the Solomon Islands...

Latest on girls killing?

Hello, After the news what is the latest on the people that killed that young girl? Is there any update because it is now weeks since we read the sad news. What has police done and is there any update?...

Plan to extend Parliament.

How come a country that is so ripe in corruption will cope up with this plan to extend the life of parliament from 4 years to 5 years. I have a question and the question is, is it constitutional or unconstitutional...

Champions of Youth Work

Congratulation! but instead of being passionate youth workers, some youth workers are opportunists. The message here is chose those who are passionate about their work as youth workers to be in the committee...


I am so grateful for the the Youth Work Champions highlighted in the news and my concern is who will attend to this activities.

Thank you!

Letters Archive