I for one would say that Digicel is not for Solomon Islanders. Although the notion of competition will perhaps reduce or lower costs and more on affordability, however, judging in terms of share holder beneficiaries, Digicel is 100% foreign owned, whereas Our Telekom has a majority local share thru' our NPF. There is evidence of benefits through dividend (18%) through Our Telekom, and for Digicel I don't think so the people of Solomon Islands would ever access or receive any form of dividends, it's the contrary, Digicel investment flows thru' their own foreign conduit.
No doubt about the climax of services and perhaps there would be initial promotion of sales by Digicel, but for only short stint. What the Our Telekom can do with the new leadership is to work hard to reach affordability.
Digicel for Solomon Is.
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this letter are those of Adrian Alamu and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Solomon Times Online.
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