Letters to the Editor Archive December 2009

National referral hospital --- server is down

Dear Editor, I am medical student from Hong Kong. I am very interested in doing my elective project here in the solomon islands, helping the poor and needy. But I failed to contact the national referral...

A time for Everything

Dear Editor, 2009 went, 2010 comes. For every thing there is a occurring time and a bound season. Wise man Solomon commented in Ecclesiastes (in the bible) that there is always a time for every thing...

Boomerang Misconception

Interestingly that was a good reply by Mr Kwow in regards to the above concept. Yes, there are a lot of assistance that Australia had provided to the Solomon Islands in the health sector, there is no...

Why Reject Digicel

Hey people, wake up. Find out what is going on. BEMOBILE? Where is this company from? How good are their services and the incentive they provide? Be mindful People. Is it really an independent company?...

Second License to Bemobile

Dear Editor I am least surprised that the second mobile license has been awarded to Bemobile. Bemobile is a PNG company and if you analyse the circumstances surrounding the decision diligently, one should...

Australia's ban on solar an wind energy

I live in Melbourne (Australia's second biggest city) and would like take the occasion of the Copenhagen conference as an opportunity to draw your attention to the issue of Australia's ban on solar systems....

Why Bemobile and not Digicel??

Dear Editor, Iam suspicious that there must be some political interest involved in the selection process. The Govt should should come out clean on this. I think most solomon islanders prefer Digicel...

Boomerang Aid Misconception

Dear Editor, Stalin W's letter (Guilt trip to Cuba) floors me with its insight and depth, and almost leaves me speachless. Almost. This misconception of Australia only giving 'boomerang aid' should be...

Addressing the Needs of Solomon's Unemployed Youth

Dear Editor, Recent warnings by two senior politicians in Honiara regarding the possibility of future outbreaks of hostilities, likened to what happened during the past "ethnic tension," unless the "genuine...

Millions in CRDF

Press release from SIG has PM Sikua said that Taiwan has pumped millions of dollars into the Constituency & Rural Development Fund (CRDF). This is common knowledge, and which for the majority of SI citizens...

Guilt trip to Cuba

It is quite interesting reading a letter by a Mr Kwow of Australia. My question is which Country in the region has developed an equipment known as boomerang? And what happens to those assistance? Boomerang....

Lack of Government Funds

Dear Editor, It is with great surprise that I read that both the Governor of the Central Bank, Denton Rarawa, and the Permanent Secretary to the Ministry of Finance and Treasury, Shadrack Fanega, blame...

Digicel coming to town

Thumbs up to Digicel. Wholeheartly welcome you on the soil of Solomon islands. I guess its time for Solomon islands to have another source of communicaton network to assist the freaking Telekom of their...

State's affordability vs ambition

Our country's number one purse has been running low as constantly reported by responsible authorities and has been attributed to a number of factors including the global recession and corrupt practices...

Guilt free trip to Cuba

Dear Editor, What on earth is Ruks Loko on about? Why would Australia not want to see the Solomons improve it's basic standard of living? Why do you think Australia is spending so much money on helping...

Government Finances Remain Tight

Dear Editor, It is sad to hear that the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Finance and Treasury, Mr Shadrach Fanega, has stated that the government finances are going to remain tight. What is surprising...

Cuba: Police state

I believed that the aliance between South Pacifican Islands and Cuba, is bad for people of Solomon. Cuba is a country where it based their own affairs in a hard social control. Is a policy state, where...

Safe Trip to Cuba

I want to pass my sincere appreciation and gratitude to Iran, PNG and the Solomon Islands. These governments have put together their efforts to send our local students to achieve their dreams in Cuba....

$24 Million Dollar Road Improvement Project

The announcement of the $24 million grant for road improvement by the SIG and donor partners, is indeed a welcoming news to rural dwellers, including some of us, who have been waiting and looking forward...

Climate Change For Real

The sites referred to by Paul Revere failed to disprove if global warming is fake and whether heat-trapping gases played no roles in the sea level rise and melting of snow glaciers. Whilst the authors...

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