Letters to the Editor Archive April 2010

Time to Vote Out Bad MP's

With the recent instances of Pay Rise & Entitlement demands and now the very questionable distribution of the RCDF monies, now is the time for every Solomon Islander to do their absolute best to rid the...

MPs Salary Increase

Sometime ago I was travelling in a canoe with an MP beside me. He was intoxicated (Alcohol) and very enthusiastic about MPs entitlements. He told me and the other guy that he was one of those MPs who advised...

Dr. Sikua: 'Time' and 'Boots' - Good work but not Smart

It is not hard work to 'boot' five ministers out, a day before the life of a parliament comes to an end. It is technically legal; however, practically regressive (I will leave this argument for another...

Passport Trading: Secret Exposed

Dear editor, Thank you very much for the concerned student who became bravely brought the dark side of the most educated people studying at the USP to the light. I want responsible authorities to look...

MPs Entitlements

Everyone continuous to jump up and down against the increase in MPs entitlements. People feel better when they shout their unhappiness in the media. That is complete waste of time. The best way is to start...

Wartime Solomon Island Scouts

Could anyone please give a contact e-mail address for Bruce Saunders. Thank you so much. ...

Good work Dr Sikua

Dr Derek Sikua is proving to be a strong, confident, honest and loyal servant of the peoples of the Solomon Islands. The world is watching this Bill and the international investment community is hoping...

Parliamentarian Pay Increase

Dear Editor Regarding the burning issue of politicians voting for their own salary increase, I hate to say it but it's happening everywhere. I often hear of this in Aotearoa (New Zealand), Australia...

New parties formed by former parliamentarians

Dear sir, I kept reading former parliament members forming new parties, which to me is a desperate move on their part to get back into parliament. I believe that your time is up, consider yourselves retired...

MP Salaries Increase

Wow, I just cannot comprehend why on this earth the Parliament members of SOLOMON ISLANDS want to increase their salaries when they had enough already with other Entitlements plus others compared to the...

The Hon Member of Parliament!

Dear Editor, I think the analogy pasted below, should serve as a lesson to existing MPs and aspiring MPs, who only want to get into parliament to satisfy their own egos, and serve themselves, instead...

Solution To World's Problems

1915 - 1.8 Billion people 2010 - 6.8 Billion people Past 95 years - 5 Billion people Next 500 years - 32 Billion people or more Problems - Poverty, starvation, global warming, hole in ozone layer, crime,...

MP's Salary Increase

Dear Editor, I just can not believe that the MP's are still insisting on fattening their greedy pockets while our country going through a very tough time financially. I find it very difficult to come...

Increased Entitlements for MPs

The recently announced `Increased Entitlements for MPs` is a very good example of a real incarnation. Only our saviour Christ was known to have done this. I said this because though this subject had caught...


It is shameful and disgusting that our Parliamentarians are seeking to put their snouts further into the trough at a time of global recession and when their constituents are struggling just to feed themselves....

Increase of MPs salaries for what?

Dear editor, Please allow me to express my view regarding the above subject. It was interesting to learn that the MPs want their salaries to increase. The same support MPs have towards increase in their...

Increase of Parliamentarians Salaries

Listening to SIBC current Affairs program on 12th April 2010, I was dumbfounded to hear the Chairman of the PEC justified the increase of Parliamentarian salaries with the number of people accommodated...

Is it really needed?

Dear Editor, I am grateful that at least the two honorable MP's Mr Abana and Mr Gukuna have rejected the bill for an increase in parliamentary seats. And Mr Tawea has discussed it generously. My worries...

Increasing of Parliament Seats

To begin with, I would be delving on the responsibility of the Boundary Commission. The public must be informed that the Boundary Commission is mandated to make recommendations to Parliament every 10 years...

Sea Level Rise or Not?

Who is right and who is wrong about the sea level rising? http://nzclimatescience.net/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=503&Itemid=1 ...

Young Music Artist Dies - 29 March 2010

Greetings One Solwara, Any more news regarding the above article published on 29 March 2010. Please let me and all the other Onetox fans know. It is very sad to hear this news, mipla wari stret lo ol...

MPs' pay increase a disgrace

Dear Wantoks, I have been out from our beloved country for almost a decade now. Though far from home and the pride of being a Solomon Islander never diminishes the link that exists within me for a reason...

Too many Political Parties

DEAR EDITOR, It is indeed very true that the rise of political instability and corruption in our nation could be due to many Political Parties. These political parties are by the way the result of people...

No More Seats in Parliament

Dear Editor, With general election just round the corner, I would say we do not have any more Seats for "free-loaders [17 extra seats]" who would enter the by other means. Financially, there is no money....

Solomons' First Women

Dear Sir, I haven't had the opportunity to read this work of triumph by the various women who put the book together. Up to this point, I have only read the ongoing debate. Writing a book is not easy....

Easter Festivity Vs Night Clubbing Festivity

Although we cannot expect everybody to go to prayer during the Holy easter week, I quite disagree with Mafrose Ali in saying, "We want to change but the world seem to be holding us back." I do not think...

Easter festivity vs night clubbing festivity

Dear ditor, Though Maurice and Mafrose argue on biblical and christian approaches, many people in Solomon Islands never learn the social and economic impacts of celebrating events. One is christmas and...

Too many political parties

I believe one of the contributing factors to the unstable politics of the Solomon Islands is the rise of too many political partities that give so many promises that obviously they would not keep. Enough...

Easter festivity vs night clubbing festivity

Thank you for publishing this short note in response to MAURICE TORA FROM FIJIAN QUARTERS. I wonder why you still not know and understand how the world and the people are going through life. To tell you...

Utilities in a State of Emergency

To the Editor: At what point should Honiara's lack of electricity and water be considered a National Emergency, like an emergency brought about a natural disaster such as a cyclone or earthquake? Having...

One book: some Heroines and dissatisfactions

We can never agree on how books should be written, or, regarding how their authors (editors or publishers) choose their subjects. Etc. How some commentators have expressed their views in response to a...

Easter Festivity Vs Night Clubbing Festivity

Thank you editor for allowing me this space to express my concern on this matter. Holy Week (Easter session) and Night clubbing in the Solomon has been contradicting for the past years and to date, though...

Solomon Islands First Women

Dear Editor, I agree with the much debated book of the country's first women, but it also seems that solomon islands people are arguing over a grave yard. That book does not bring Solomon Islands ahead...

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