Letters to the Editor Archive April 2020

Covid 19 free status and the need to test!

Dear editor, I ma fascinated that your country, amongst a few others, still have zero case if the Coronavirus. Here in Portugal I think we were lucky in that we declared a state of emergency very early,...

Outcome of ship investigation

Hello, I am asking if the outcome of the Taimareho ship investigation is to be made to the public soon. I am asking this because a lot of the people affected want to know what is the outcome. I am hoping...

COVID-19 free

Dear editor, I read that Solomon Islands is COVID-19 free, which is such a blessing for your wonderful country. Watching the devastating impact of the virus worldwide is sad, but the important message...

China medical supplies to Solomon Islands

Dear editor, I read the article on China medical supply and I am not satisfy with what is explained. Can we get the office of PRC in Honiara to tell us why other country reject supplies from China? I...

Remembering all on Mono Island

To my dear Mono Islanders, I haven't any address to write a letter, nor an email address but I want you all to know that I think of you every day. I will never forget the reception you gave us in 1993,...

The vigil for victims of boat accident

Hello, Thank you to the young people that organize the vigil to remember those that lost their lives. We always say young people these days are so reckless, but they are the ones doing this. It shows...

Loan relief

Dear editor, Can our three other commercial banks (ANZ, POB and BSP) do the same as Bred Bank did for its customers at this time as we fight against covid-19. Bred Bank say six months, what about others?...

Why was the boat allowed to leave?

Dear editor, I am so sad to read on the news and on social media those that have perished on the Taimareho trip. I am so shocked! Why was the boat allowed to even leave? Everyone that day knew there was...

Need for Improved Medical Facilities in the Province

DEAR EDITOR: As a concerned Solomon Islander, I would like to raise my concern to the government regarding our poor medical facilities in rural clinics in light of this pandemic health issue, COVID-19....

Letters Archive