Letters to the Editor Archive October 2008

RE: Malaitan Jews

I am appealing to those who advocate the Malaitan Jew concept to come forward and prove what they are talking about. As a Malaitan I am quite embarrased by such allegations. I understand Judge filia's...

Respond to Judge Filia.

Dear editor, Can you please allow me space to clarify my previous letter, which Judge Filia referred to as base less? This issue of Jew is strongly talked about by Maeliau, and needs not much research....

Trade rules

The observations specifically made by Mr. Ian Kiloe on GATT/WTO rules are important and valid. Indeed, the observation on whether or not international trading rules impinge on ability of sovereign states...

Ties With Iran

Now that we have establisbed ties with Iran, I 'm not sure what for, but I guess for oil or for other gains, our image will always identify with countries that are black listed by Western Nations. So,...

Tobacco in Trade Agreement

Dear Editor, Just to comment on the trade debate. Reading the two perspectives of Ma'ahanua and Vavala, one can conclude that the former is a diplomat/trade negotiator while the latter is a health professional....

Giant Coconut Crab Discovered in Pohnpei

The photo (insert picture) of the coconut crab is a normal and common size here in the Solomon Islands (Rennell Islands). Surf through our Solomon's promotions for some picture (coconut crub) highlights....

Respond to James Wareta

Dear editor, Can you allow a space for me to respond to the baseless comments posted by James Wareta. I think James ought to do more reseach on this critical issue before coming out publicly in the...

SI Dip. Ties with Iran?

Dear Editor, I think, the motive behind the recent trip of SI's Foreign Minister, Hon. Haomae, to Iran is not to do with establsihment of diplomatic relations. Rather it is related to the financial assistance...

Ties with Iran?

The Solomon Islands fits in well to one of the Iran's strategies in foreign relations; that is to pursue extensive diplomatic contacts with developing and non-aligned countries. In that principle Iran...

Ties With Iran?

Oh my gosh, I'm shocked. What are we looking for there? What really is the motive behind this tie? Why? Do we really know who these people are? Or are we desperate for financial gain is all I could think...

Why SSEC possible to split

It is very had to understand the possibility of division in a well established church. But in my view, if Maeliau is elected, division will be very likely, because of what Maeliau is known to the wider...

Solomon Island Herbs

To add on to Serena and Joseph's discussion, I believe all drugs are developed one way or the other from the same source and all have side effects. The difference is one is being scientifically tested...

SSEC Split

Well, all of us a aware that, the election of the SSEC President is underway. I am 100% sure that our church will be heading nowhere if the leaders are chosen for thier own interest and power. Like others...

Trade Rule

It is interesting to note the discussions on WTO/GATT principles in this forum and I just want to put down some observations not as a matter of censure but that of personal interest. The question I've...

Tobacco in trade agreements

Dear Editor, Let us all thank H.E Joseph Ma'ahanua for coming out of his way to share his insightful knowledge and skills in an area inwhich he has done so much, not only for Solomon Islands but the forum...

Solomon Island Herbs

I warmly thank Joseph Lefoto'o for his view on herbs which is from a pharmaceutical perspective. I accept absolutely that all plant life must be treated with total respect and caution. I may be wrong...

Tobacco in trade agreements

Firstly, let me say that it was never my intention to partake in public forums such as this but as a matter of principle since I had done so on an issue which is within my remit (vis avis the EU on EPAs...

SSEC faces serious threat of split

The proposal made by the SSEC superintendants to form alternative National SSEC church structure if Rev. Maeliau is elected Bishop, in my view, reflects spiritual deficiency in church leadership. I am...

Solomon Island Herbs

I read with interest the article written by Serena Cameron on the Solomon Island herbs. Undoubtedly Solomon Islands has a lot of herbal medicines and they have been using these herbs for many years. ...

Tobacco in trade agreements

I thank HE Joseph Ma'ahanua for his correction as I missed the point that these product are inclusive items in WTO terms. Only a few bilateral trade agreements eg USA and Singapore do away with these in...

Still to see Rural Development happening.

Government Policy on Rural Development With all due respect to our Hon. Fred Fono; giving money with records of checks or payment made is neither justification nor verification of actual project or programme...

What if RAMSI Leaves?!!

It's interesting to notice that the majority of the country are behind the work that RAMSI has been doing and even put before them what needs to be done in years ahead. This is history for a country that...

Solomon Island Herbs

Solomon Island plants have a great ability to help keep us well. They have so much richness, pure minerals and vitamins, with countless health giving properties. God gave us land for His plants to keep...

PICTA - inclusion of alcohol and tobacco

I read with interest the comments by Michel Vavala on Solomon Islands intent wish for the inclusion of alcohol and tobacco in PICTA. While I recognize the concerns he raised in terms of the contagious...

The Yellow Parrot

I think, judging from the picture, that it seems that the parrot is a LUTINO RAINBOW LORIKEET. These parrots could be found in Australia and it may explain how it got to the Solomon Islands. ...

Tobacco & Alcohol in Trade Agreement

There is no question that increasing a nation's wealth through trade liberalization accelerates all aspects of society's advances. However, the recent announcement of including tobacco & alcohol within...

Artificial Islands

I thank those wrote on the above topic. Iam very impressed with the discussions from the begining (include the journalist of ST online). If he or she did not come with such issue(s) then many would never...


RAMSI has been a real blessing for our nation. The support was highest when it was needed the most. This was the immediate task was to secure order. That was a real blessing to us. However, situation...

Medical Emergency Services

It is good to have an Ambulance donated by NSW, Australia. I believe such asset will come with equipment for emergency services. How many of how Ambulance Drivers at NO.9 (National Referral Hospital)...


Well done kurukuru you have made it a diligent and dynamic show out in the global arena. It is a challenging effort you have made as proud to cheer you up. It so brilliant that recognition has reach the...

RAMSI Support

Should the entire findings of the survey on RAMSI be released dot by dot? I tend to think that the survey stalked only those positive bits; but I need to understand why there is falling support, or why...

Artificial Island

I skipped some previous articles on the subject matter before submitting my article. Just want to thank my former classmates and friends Mr Foukona and Mr Malefoasi on sheding light and providing insight...

Artificial Islands

Artificial Islands I don't usually appear on this opinion page but the interest generated as a result of LANDLESS claim by one of your correspondences pertaining to Lau people, which already sparked interesting...

Artificial islands

Sorry I did not mean to mention, Detone as in the article that I wrote. The article was directed to rebut Bebean's assumptions. Please my apologies for the mistake and uncalled error. I hope you understand...

Artificial islands

I would like to pick and rebut on the interpretation of the reasons behind building of the artificial islands in Lau, by Detone. Like Daudau had rightly asserted, it is very unwise, ill-informed and poor...

Artificial Islands

Just to expand on David Faradatolo's post. The langalanga social structure then (pre religion) is likened to the govt set up of ministries. This well established social structure enabled its market economy(which...

Artificial Island

Some very fair comments made on the above subject. I particularly like Mr Faradatolo's exposition. There was an artical I read not long ago by a gentlemen from West Makira. In the article he alluded...

Telecom & competition

Thanks Sosimolo Aliki for you view point. I am not saying Telekom would be prevented from the market but to allow competition in that industry. Whilst its true that the indegenous solomon islanders have...

Artificial Islands

I wish to contribute to the debate on artificial islands. I am in support of reasons given by Joe and David and others in their recent articles. As discussed, there is a problem for giving generaliation...

Artificial Islands

It is quite difficult to ascertain the gist of the original article as alluded to by wale. There was initial comparative assessment to dubai's artificial island development of the 'world', concluding...

Artificial Islands

People migrated to Langalanga Lagoon and built the artificial islands not because of warfare, being outcasts or from mosquitoes. People of different places congregated in Langalanga lagoon to participate...

West is Ready for Federalism: Lokopio

The latest revelations reported in the Solomon Star by the OAG of massive misappropriation/mismanagement of state finances/properties shows that human resource is one of the major defaults in the WP administration...

Corruption a disease!!

Dear Editor, It's boiled issues everywhere that we often hear of corruption, it's like a disease that spread like other sickness that affect human life but rather for corruption it's much more focus on...

Artificial Islands: the twisted truth!

I wish to contribute to the debate on artificial islands of Lau Lagoon which was made by Bebean (who ever that may be) on October 15. This person's response to Detone's discussion dated 14th October in...

Detone Response to Bebean

First, Joanna's article is not a wonderful piece. It was an article that lacks substance vis-a-vis its connotation to the Salt Water people. So as the one by Bebean who replied to my posting. Both of them...

Political Parties for 2010 Election

So far we have heard two new political parties formed in preparation for the 2010 General Election. Both parties are from businessmen, one was mentioned earlier on by the media from Makira Province and...

Telekom and Competition

Thanks Wilton Laufiu for your analysis on the Telecom issue. One thing that you need to understand too is the fact that Telecom is partially owned by Solomon islanders, through NPF shares. A good number...

Nation thinkers

I just can't believe how some certain leaders and people in authority are using their office for their own gain. I'm tired of reading in the papers that people who should be serving our nation are serving...

Artificial Islands Existence

Fellas, I was born and bred on one. For your info we just loved the vast openness, lavish fresh environment and the glooooorious richness it provides for our exotic and pleasurable existence. As a nuclear...

Tsunami Funds boomeranged

The report released by the OAG speaks volumes of how the said funds were managed. While the primary intention is for emergency relief phase, there are opportunists readily waiting for such events to do...

Thanks to our telekom???

Dear editor i would like to respond to comments made by Godfrey Siuai stating that Solomon Telekom have connected the rural communities to the outside world. I think Mr Godfrey look only at one side of...

Artificial Islands

Dentone's response to Solomon Times' wonderful article on the artificial islands of Lau lagoon cannot be left unchallenged. Dentone, need to understand that most people residing in the Lau artificial...

Mobile phones

It is encouraging to hear about mobile phone services getting into the rural areas of our country. It will certainly influence Health Services delivery in our rural & remote areas in the country. How...

Artificial Islands

Thanks for raising this concern. Basically there are many reasons why people build their artificial islands. I think it is not proper to generalise why people live on artificial islands. On the other hand,...

Opinion Polls

The Opinion Poll that was recently administered leading to the bye-election for East Honiara had received a number of criticisms for its reliability. However, as it turns out, the poll results favour/represent...

Thumps up to telekom

whilst its good to thank the telekom for providing the service to the areas that do not access telecommunication in the past, however, we should not forget that if telecomunication industry was allowed...

Mobile Phones in Rural Area

Editor, It is good to hear that telecommunication to rural areas has improved with the set up of GSM Breeze in provincial capitals and other areas. This should have been done years ago to enable people...

Decayed by Corruption

We are a nation in the state of decay as the result of corruption from the top to the bottom. We all stand to cry for our beautiful country plagued with greed and selfishness. It is obvious we are lacking...

Artificial Islands and J Shiriheti

On the 17 September 2008 Joanna Sireheti reported on Solomon Times that the two factors which forced people to build the artificial islands in Langalanga and along the coast in Lau, North Malaita are because...


Thanks Samuel for your thumps up to Honiara City Health Services. I join you in congratulating them on this reactive initiative. As you have stated Public health has done more in the prevention of dieases...

Thanks to Solomon Telekom

Dear Editor, It has been a word of war in the past months when people criticize the performance of the Solomon Telekom in the communication, some even say that our telekom is not doing enough to save the...


Am tired of reading about leaders being accused of missusing funds. This is an experience of the past leaders, and is still making headlines in the news today. The rightfull thing that we need now is someone...

MP Misconduct.

I for one thinks that when an individual intends to represent the people in parliament they should also follow all the process required for applying for a job in the public service or elsewhere. They...

Public Health

The Honiara City Health Services needs thumbs-up for for the excellent work of organizing the Food Hygiene Workshop. In the global Pubic Health systems no innovations or any medical equipment has ever...

Win in Oceania Project & SIFF

It is encouraging to note that another noble FIFA initiative, to be known as the "Win in Oceania" project will be implemented in 2009 for OFC member associations (MAs). SIFF President Martin Alufurai...

Win in Oceania' Project

It will be very interesting to see what SIFF will do with the grant money when the project `Win in Oceania`starts in 2009. There will be a lot of money involved and i believe the public should be informed...

Competition - Digicel

How awesome is all these competition coming into our country, Solomon Islands, namely Digicel?! All I want to say is - YES!!!! This is good for everyone and I for one would love to see cheaper calls to...

SIWA & Power cuts

Sir, Grateful if you could post this. I just wish say that the problem that water-cuts associating with blackouts is not a new issue. This problem is well known by SIWA and someone with some common sense...

Junior Leadership Parliamentarians.

Our leaders should be stop fooling by money. Loaning from a local business man (Bobo Dettke) means that they will pledge support to the newly emerge party (SNAP) and will possibly serve somebody's interest....

Malaria decline

I wish to congratulate the government and people of Solomon Islands on your hard work in reducing the impact of malaria in our country. Malaria is one of the deadly killers in Solomon Islands and to have...

SB$9M dives into Deep Ocean

Dear editor, The OAG report has given us readers/citizens the kinds of manipulation coming from the highest authorities for reasons beyond our comprehension. There is no other way I believe then simply...

Parliamentarians Said to Have Misused SBD$9m

Dear Editor, Just wondering every now and then about some of our lawmakers getting the power from the people and using it for their own gain, is this the only motive for them to represent their respective...

Health Facilities

The three main factors that were mentioned to hinder the Health & Safety issues of imported goods are lack of appropriate legal instruments, lack of equipment equipment and lack of suitable facilities....

Kurukuru: a guru start

Well done Kurukuru. We can hold our heads up high and be proud of our young kurukurus. Their best is yet to come. We may interpret the results as indicative of differences in Futsal exposures or maturity...

Kurukuru! You Still Do Us Proud!

You are our heroes!!!! Closing down to our world cup tournament as we are now eliminated at the group stage, we your crazy fans and supporters from here Suva would really to express our words of thanks...

Go Kurukuru Go!

Kurukuru is the youngest team in the Futsal world cup 2008. They have tasted world level futsal as teens, how many more years are there for them to prove themselves in the future. These boys are groomed...

Cases of Malaria Decline

I will join Channel Jack and others in congratulating the people of Solomon Islands, the hard working Health workers and to our partners who donate/buy the mosquito nets for us. It is not easy giving...

The Kurukuru

Your article on the 21-0 game did not mention the lesson in fairplay and positivism the Kurukuru gave us after the match, when they took a group photo with our crack player Falcao. All sports commentators...

Malaria cases decline

I would like to thank all the stakeholders who put their efforts together to combat Malaria in the recent years. Not forgeting the people for our efforts to practice healthy living in malaria-free environment...

Look Deeper into the Dr Maninu issu

Dear Editor, The problems and challenges faced by the electoral system in relation to ensuring that elections are free and fair, is a real challenge. For a start, amend the current electoral act to do...

Very pleased

Dear editor I'm just writing to you to say how proud i am to the Solomon islanders in Brazil. Despite the age differences plus the experience they had on Futsal, I really happy with the way the Kurukuru...

Chemical for Health

The furore over Chinese milk products is just a small indicator of the gruesome manufacturing and marketing infidelities of the Chinese government to the rest of the globe. With our incapacities and fatal...

Sanlu Milk

The Ministry of Health and Medical Services stated that "Solomon Islands would find difficulty in dealing with any outbreak that may result from the 'Sanlu' contaminated baby formula and the white rabbit...

Sport Psychologist

Sport has the potential to provide employment for our young people at National and International arena. However, much of sports are played in the mind. It is time that our Sports Administrators train...

AG's Chamber to Speed Regulation

It is a shocking story to learn about the Pure food act which has been delayed for past 10 years by the Attorney General's Chamber. Wow! Now we are facing the deadly fear of the Health Ministry 10 years...

Contaminated Milk

The importation of these contaminated products into our coutnry should now give a signal to our Gov't to start thinking seriousely about processing and manufacturing our own local products in SI. One...

Health & Safety

The issue of contaminated imported products from China highlights the need for better checks on imported items. This is not only for food products but for other items like toys for kids. Sugar & fat...

Dr. Manimu Issue

I agree with Chris H regarding Manimu's actions. This doctor's actions are typical of someone whose mind is focused on standards, protocols and a deep hatred of public deception. I know that his red line...

Letters Archive