Letters to the Editor Archive February 2010

Sasako - element of truth?

I refer to Katie Fono's article inrespect to the above subject. Let me remind you that if you claim Mr. Sasako's story contains elements of truth then please encourage him to follow and go through the...

Sasako has no proof!

I have been following the exchanges in the paper. However, one thing has come out of it. Sasako has no proof to substantiate that Carol Edwards was the driver. What Sasako has is a mountain of allegations...

Element of Truth

To simply standup and admit guilt by telling the truth is tough until someone is divinely inspired or paid to do so. In the DPP-SASAKO war of words, people have oppossing arguements and feelings toward...

Thumps up Sasako

Much has been said and debated on the case of Carol Edwards but I think A. Sasako is doing a terrific job in digging and bringing to light what appeared to be suspicious and could amount to corruption...

Sasako - an element of truth

Dear Editor, I tend to believe that there is still some element of truth that needs to be revealed about the Ms Edward saga. If that is what Sasako is doing, then may I urge him to continue in his professionalism...

Focus on sustainable harvest of Tuna

Dear Editor, It is interesting that the PM highlights that solomon Islands must receive more benefit from Tuna harvesting, which exceeds SBD$29 billion annually. Firstly, Tuna is not the only potential...

Sasako - DPP Battle

There's much already said about this issue in the media. I think Sasako should help the family of the deceased to seek a retrial if he has fresh or credible evidence to pursue a retrial. We can say everything...

Thumps Up Sasako

Its true that you do not need to be a lawyer to see the discrepancies in the much fought case against the DPP's competent. But there is a danger in doing that because you will not proceed further from...

Sasako and DPP

At last, the DPP came out and responded to the indictments advocated by Mr. Sasako. Whether the position of the DPP is welcome or not is up to each individual to decide. Just like Tiger Wood's 'contested'...

One Television vs Solomon Star

Who owns the two media companies? Just by looking at their websites, one will be lured to believe that they do have the same owner-their templetes says it all. But if I am correct they are different...

Thumbs UP Sasako

Based on Robinson Harvey's explanation and the explanations given by the DPP himself, Sasako must be highly commended. I do not have to be a lawyer to realize the promptness at which the DPP quickly ruled...

Tumbs Up Sasako

Dear Editor, Sasako's uprooting and publicising of the issue was an indeed a thumbs up for a freelance journo like him. I also commend him for a job well done. However, for the sake of a fair understanding...

Thumbs UP Sasako

The choice of submitting (re-opening) Carol Edward's case in court does not lie with Mr. Sasako. Instead that choice belongs to the family of the late deceased as well as the person wrongly convicted (as...

Carol Edwards & DPP

May you kindly spare me a space to jot down my comments on the above very sensitive issue. At times the nature of the human being is we usually want to prosecute those people who commits a mistake more...

Thumbs up Sasako?

There has been recently much praise given to the so-called investigative journalist, Mr. Sasako. What a laughing thing! To readers of Solomon Times, please know that Sasako's articles have no credibility...

Thumbs UP Sasako

Digging up the bad smelling debris through the media is one thing. Digging up the bad smelling debris in the courts should be the next course of action. And I am confident that Alfred's next step will...

DPP - Unconvinced

Thanks Editor for permitting to comment. Whilst looking and listening at our local TV One News last week I am 100% not convinced at DPP's interview with One News reporter. I thought, there suppose to...

Awards for Local Journalists

When Solomon Star refaced its old news website with what they believed is a more user friendly one, it did spark some interesting discussions which somehow dragged with it some thoughtful followings on...

Marist in the O-League

Thanks editor for allowing this space. Marist performance in this O- league was very poor as we can see by evidence they didn't even win a single match. I heard Solomon Islands were a Soccer loving nation...

17 New Constituencies - Political Motivated

Having put some thought into the political context of our honorable house of representatives; coupled with public speculation and the peoples dissatisfaction with current parliament members; one can only...

Thumbs UP Sasako

Mr. Investigative journalist must be applauded for his untiring efforts in digging up the bad smelling debris emanating from our so-called trustworthy prosecutorial institution (DPP office). Your articles...

Scholarship Award

Dear Editor Year after year issues are raised in the media about the awarding of scholarships. The overall point raised in relation to the awarding of scholarships was and is that it was unfairly done....

Chinese Prostitutes

This matter should be investigated and deport them back both organizer n prostitutes that's how it will work and stop doing corruptions, police should do their job and no wantok business nogud by country...

Writing in the sand or hurl a stone!

I'd rather write in the sand than throw a stone! Parallel to the biblical story of the olden days when women are being stoned to death when caught in any act of immorality, I may refrain from acts of murder...

Political Parties or Election Campaign Gangs?

Dear Editor, Call them whatever you want, but the features and characteristics of the so-called political parties in this country amount to the behaviours of interest groups. All it take is for any self-styled...

Road Improvement

Unfortunately, Solomon Islands has very little manpower that possess the requisite skills and expertise to ensure roads are built and maintained to withstand ongoing down pours and weather storms, especially...

Road Imoprovement, Makira Ulawa Province

It is interesting to read the views of Makirans and other Solomon Islands citizens sharing their ideas on this project, either for or against. As a Makiran, just return from a long walk from Kirakira...

Students Claim Inconsistencies in Selection for Scholarship Awards

I just want to comment on the above issue which is very important from my point of view. "Most students claim inconsistencies in selection for scholarship awards". This year's selection of scholarship...

Road Improvements

I write in support to Patricia's call for a serious look into the need for qualified technical and manpower needs when it comes to huge infrastructure undertakings. Be it in the provinces or the capital....

Help Police bring the attackers

Thanks editor for allowing this space. On 28th January Solomon star's editor called on public to help find and bring the would be robbers of Mrs. Betty Vollrath to justice.. I think the public have done...

Road improvement projects

Thanks for clearing the air on this matter Josafat. I fully agree that our local people need to take ownership of such developments as they are the immediate beneficiaries. That is exactly the kind of...

Multi-million road improvement project

Dear Editor, Having involved in the inception of the Solomon Islands Road Improvement Project (SIRIP), i would just like to clarify the misconception by the media and others who have contributed to the...

Letters Archive