Letters to the Editor Archive June 2009

Swine flu

Dear editor, Allow me a space to respond to the article concerning the swine flu threat to the USP students, Suva, Fiji. This letter served to clarify the information concerning the H1N1 flu virus threat...

10 Resrved Seats for women

The dropping of the proposed ten reserved seats by the government Caucus as revealed by the Prime minister is welcoming to those who opposed the issue since it was hotly debated in the media. Though...

Algae Killing and Heating Ocean

Algae is killing the ocean and causing heat, anthropogenic global warming and climate change. Initial evidence can be found in basic science. Take 6 equal size containers, 3 full of distilled water and...

Pheonix International (SI) Limited - Business Model Explained

Dear Sir, I have been watching the debate being waged on the net and other medium about my business model and feel that I should respond. In particular, I wish to address the sharing of profit on a 50/50...

Solomon Island Mining

Dear Editor I have changed the topic because the discussion has taken on a larger picture but I am still responding to Alfred Sasako. My discussion should not be restricted to alluvial mining or hard...

Journalism program at SICHE

Interesting thoughts from Alfred Sasako regarding the proposed journalism program to be hosted by SICHE! I guess, from an advanced environment like Brisbane, one can be forgiven for misunderstanding the...

Police Code of Conduct

Dear Editor, Ms Katya Fono's letter, today, raises the question as to whether the RSIP is subject to a Code of Ethics, as she put it. It is for others to comment on today's practice, but I, myself, produced...

Sasako & Saiki

Dear Editor, Great response from Charlie Kieu except on two fronts. First, he's obviously mixed up alluvial mining with hard rock operations. Separate kettle of fish altogether, mate! Secondly, the...

Saiki & Sasako

Dear Editor I am surprised about Alfred's online response. He sounds so defensive as if I had hit a raw nerve. Remember this is constructive discussion Alfred, and it should be treated as such. Nobody...

Media School in Solomon Islands

Dear Editor, Allow me to comment briefly on the announcement of this important facility. At the outset I must congratulate those whose efforts have realized this development. So congratulations all....

Men In Uniform

Dear Editor, Whilst I find it confusing as well as amusing that 'police officers' have recently been found in odd places and at odd hours of the day or night, being harmed, raped let alone have used...

Sasako & Saiki

I have been following the 50/50 shareholding issue proposed by Alp and the consequent unfolding media debate in this forum. I tried as much as possible to avoid being dragged into this debate however,...

Gold Mine

Much has been said about the Alps Investment on Gold Ridge. Good, because then it should be sufficient enough to help the good people of Gold Ridge and associate landowning tribes to have further insight...

Re: Isabel for statehood

Dear Editor Firstly I would like to commend Drummond for his strong stance and argument for the statehood system as a way forward for our nation. Well my views are somewhat similar to those express by...

Shame on you Mr Sasako

In his reply to my letter, Mr Sasako states that "The difference is whether we've turned away from that past and redeem our time with public good." The problem with this statement is that there seems to...

Sasako & Saiki

Dear Editor, I wish to thank all for all the publicity. Any media buffs would know, any publicity is good publicity. As for the latest contribution from Tio, I could not agree more with what he said....

Sasako & Saiki

Let us all stop looking at the deal and start looking at the person who is causing all this trouble. Kelvyn Alp, oh my goodness and what a trouble maker he is. His failed army career was said to be due...

Swine flu

A second Australian has died from swine flu but the man had other medical problems at the time. See news at: http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2009/06/23/2606488.htm Try not to worry in SI but do something...

Ysabel for Statehood

''This sound more like of character assassination, but, in instances like this, there is room for such to get matters clarified. Pardon me if I am off sighted on the matter''...quoting Ernest K. Ernest,...

Sasako & Saiki

Dear Editor, May I please respond briefly to Charlie Kieu of Kavieng who raised again like those whose views he support, say nothing to move anyone. All I can say to Mr. Kieu is: "You liklik mangi no...

Sasako, Alp, Pheonix and Fools

Dear Editor, Its quite fascinating to note that at this stage of our lively debate which I'm now closing to let others come in, Alfred sasako like a mad dog is continuously barking to himself. The first...

Sasako & Saiki

I am also an avid follower of the debate between Sasako and Saiki or any debate that concerns the property of indigenous Pacific Islanders Islanders, be they be fish, logs or gold. It is indeed important...

Sasako & Saiki

Dear Sir, I like the contribution to this debate by Kal Banu from New Zealand's South Island's city of Dunedin. My only dissent is the fact that no condition was attached to my offer to arrange a meeting...

Political Intergrity Bill Commentary (Part II)

POLITICAL INSTABILITY ISSUES & REMEDIAL POLICY OBJECTIVES FOR STABILITY: The working committee has found that some of the factors causing instability and poor governance in Solomon Islands include: (a)...

Isabel ready for statehood

Great comments! What I gather from the discussion so far is that Drummond is immature to discuss real issues of concern or fail to understand the crux of the issues raised. From the beginning of his discussion...

Royal Engineers on Malaita 1973

Dear Sir, I served with the Royal Engineers on Malaita in 1972/3 and worked on the Kwai Road project. It was a wonderful part of my army career and I would very much like to regain contact with any Solomon...

Sasako & Saiki

I am a keen reader to this column and was interested in particular with the discussions/debates between Sasako and Saiki, would like to note down my observation. I would like to ask Sasako why did you...


Apart from improving health facilities or importing new equipment to deal the flu, the government should also do other things. some tempory options among others include, -imposed curfew around Honiara...

Swine flu

Swine flu looks like a big con and just another flu. If a person is sick or weak already then flu can kill some people. Hong Kong flu whatever flu, swine flu is not killing people as the drama mongers...

Outspread of Swineflu in the Solomon Islands

It is really bad to hear about the habits of some of the people in Solomon Islands especially when the outspread of swine flu is increasing at an alarming rate in some countries of the world. That doesn't...

Sasako's Challenge

Dear Editor, I think it would reflect well on Mr. Sasako had he answered the simple questions raised by Solomon Saiki. Being defensive is the least I would expect from a senior citizen and leader like...

State/ Federal system

Can any one in this forum explain my previous response to Ernest K? His response headed the wrong direction. Ernest if you don't mind revisiting that particular posting. I hate repeating myself as well...

Federal State system

There had been alot of debate and discussions revolving around this issue. My simple contribution, despite all the positives and negatives views,and given the many problems in our country. My simple opinion...

Why federalism for Isabel?

I am drawn to the question of Ysabel province becoming a state of its own from the letter titled 'Ysabel state' written by Drummond O from Suva in response to Ernest K. and I would like to share my perspective...

State/Federal System

Thank you Moziah Aitoro for your reply to the statements I made. I believe you are one of the blokes you draw up the state/Federal guidelines by reading between the lines. Now just answer this simple...

Swine flu equipment:sb$3000,000

In line with Andrew's viewpoint, can our 50 constituencies come together and contribute just SB$6,000 each, may be drawing from the livelihood fund because it's going to affect everyone of us- our livelihood!...

Sasako's Challenge

Dear Editor, The idea of a meeting with Mr. Saiki was an invitation, never a challenge. It was given to a desperate man gasping for air in issues he has shown he knew nothing about. It was flagged with...

Ysabel Ready for statehood

Great comments from Drummond, but he seems to be driven away from the crux of my opinion/ discussion about Isabel provinces readiness for statehood. I do not want to repeat what I have said earlier on...

Sasako's Challenge

Dear Editor, I will accept Alfred Sasako's challenge if he and Kelvyn Alp's first reveal to the readers of solomontimes.com on how they will provide that 50/50 profit sharings they had been shouting publicly,...

State and Six feet

Robert, What's so special about the six feet? Is it some kind of magic or sacred number? If six feet was given or specified in any regulation, it can be changed to 100000ft or even to the inner-core of...

Give 'em all!

Sir, I'm a constant visitor to this site, just recently I notice something that I know most of the writers forget. There has been a loud applaud from friends and supporters when Marist won the O-league...

Swine flu equipment

Swine Flu equipment I read that the deadly virus maybe now in our country. government authoriries have also stated that the machine needed to detect this virus is expensive, just about SBD300,000. Please...

Swine Flu

Dear Editor, Public at large should take extra precautioun about their health if the samples of the suspect turns out to be positive. With inadequate medical technology and specialist at the national...

Congratulations Frank Kabui

Congratulations Frank Kabui, I wish to congratulate Mr Frank Ofagioro Kabui for his election as the new Governor General designate for Solomon Islands. Mr. kabui's election to the highest position on...

Ysabel State

Simple questions to Ernest K. If Ysabel is economically developed, what's the use of adopting a system to improve things when the current one serves us well? And which one of the two comes first, Politically...

State/Federal system

I totally agree with your assertions Robert, I have the same opinion as well. I am in the opinion, that there is nothing wrong with going into statehood, or whatever system of governance we opted for,...

Alp, Sasako, Wane

Dear Sir, The latest contribution from Mr. Solomon Saiki is to put in a nut shell, "nonsense". Saiki has conveniently avoided an invitation extended to him by me to meet Mr. Kelvyn Alp face to face so...

State/Federal System

I have read through some debate on this issue and find an interesting article by Mr. Robert Walesaesae from 14 Mile, PNG. He argued that if Solomon Islands adopted the State/Federal System the Land Owners...

Phoenix and the Raw Deal

One sad thing lacking in this debate about the Phoenix gold deal is some questioning of the deal itself. I love the way that Phoenix crows about how 50/50 is a 'generous' deal for the land holders. Would...

Impact of Financial Crisis on SI

The global financial crisis is nothing less than a financial misfortune. Most parts of the world, the recession brought new challenges and inevitably bucketful of policies to contain its impact on livelihood...

State/Federal System

Thank you Drummondo for your response to my questions. I am starting to like the idea now, but please what would you say in regards to this insight. Did you know that with state system you only own six...

Pheonix International

Dear Editor, I just want to record my gratitude to Noel Wane who wrote on this topic on Thursday 11th June. Solomon Islands certainly needs people of his calibre and understanding. What Mr. Solomon...

Wane, Sasako and Alp

Dear Sir, I would like to comment to Noel Wane contribution to the lively debates I'm having with Alfred Sasako regarding the proposed operations of Pheonix. When Kelvyn Alp shouted to the four corners...

Ysabel ready for statehood

I guess Mr Drumond O from Suva might view my article from different angle. My assertion to the above subject is my personal opinion as a lay person from Isabel on my Hon Premiers speech as reported by...

Marist Our New O league Rep

Dear Editor, I wish to join others in congratulating Marist Football Club for winning the Our Telekom National Club Championship and becoming the nations next football club representative in the upcoming...

Congratulation to Marist club

I wish to congratulate the winning club in the 2009 Solomon Telekom cup club championship. And this goes mainly for MARIST CLUB as I am one of its biggest fans. CONGRATULATION MARIST... ...

Sasako and Phoenix

Dear Editor, I agree with what Mr. Sasako said about the ongoing issue that Mr. Solomon Saiki wanted to voice out. Its good that he came up with those issue but I think it is not right for an Investor...

Marist march-on to O-league 2010

Congratulation to Marist FC for making it to the O-league 2010. You have played good football and you deserve it. Wish you all the best in your preparation for the O- league which will be started in early...

Ysabel ready for statehood

In my view, ERNIE K from Wellington is targeting the wrong people by critizising the leaders of Ysabel. The fact that YSabel could not enter statehood is not the problem of Ysabel leaders. Its the problem...

Congratulations Marist!

Congrdulation Marists Football club for showing the higest performance of being so competitive through out the Our Telekom National club chapionship which you have finally won it. Now you have proved to...

Federal System Unfit for Solomon Islands

I agree with Andrew Nori that Solomon Islands government should concentrate to unify Solomon Islands than forced to introduce federal system. We have started to recover from the deadly effects of the recent...

Sasako and Pheonix

Dear Mr. Editor, I'm not questioning where Kelvyn Alp get his working capital, either its from the mafias, drug lords or Al-Qaida is not important. I'm just asking, how the Landowners and Pheonix share...

State / Federal system

Thanks Robert. To answers your two questions; 1. States' interests may at times give way for central government's interest on an adhoc basis as a necessity. Also some states may become so developed and...

Pheonix International

Dear Editor, Solomon Saiki appears to be someone badly in need of a thorough medical check up. Where the money for the 50/50 share arrangement is none of Mr. Saiki's business. I have covered developments...


Dear Editor, The tears for statehood may stem especially from provincial leaders' dissatisfaction over unfair distribution of wealth to provinces and from provincial developmental biaises by the national...

Political party

Thank you Kataresi for coming out with this important issue. I hope we know that we are doing because most laws where our country has passed, we (Solomon Islanders) always find what many call "loop holes."...


I would like to respond to Drummondo in his article State/Federal. He stated that this would be the best system of governance for solomon Islands, if I were to read between his line of talk. Please Drummondo,...

Pheonix and Sasako

Dear Sir, I have nothing personal against Alfred Sasako or Kelvyn Alp nor with Pheonix International. The article from Kelvyn Alp you just published doesn't clarify how and where the 50/50 profit came...

Political Party Systems & Governance Reform in Solomon Islands

THE GOVERNMENT WHITE PAPER AND ITS PURPOSE: The government recently tabled a white paper on "Policies for development of Political Party System and Governance Reform in Solomon Islands" during its parliament...

Congratulatory message

Congratulations for the fine achievement in winning the art competition on the FSM logo competition. You have added yet another page to our history for our beloved nation of Solomon Islands. Once again...

Pheonix International

Dear Sir, Solomon Saiki's unexpected outburst on Pheonix International and people like myself appears to suggest he's someone bored to death and is looking to pick a fight with anyone he could think of....

Isabel Province ready for statehood

Great comments from the Chief of Katova, we could pour in millions of ideas but we may lack the political will to pursue them. I guess the onus is on the leaders of today to move Isabel into statehood...

State / Federal system

I'm of the view that State or federal system of government is the one that fits or is better for solomon Islands. This system might help provide some solutions to Solomon Islands' problems in terms of...

Lest we forget: Panguna Mining

Dear Editor Please allow me to put this few words of reminder to my good people of Solomon Islands and especially of those of the Guadalcanal province. As the debate heated, on whose licences are to...

The True Church

Thank you Aihunu J for your suggestion. I would rather seek the Holy Spirit for clarification & explaination than those whom you've referred to. With the greatest for our clergy, I remain convinced that...

Foreign Minister Haomae's Trip

Dear Sir, If I were the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, I would not push it. There's more to the report than meets the eye. Alfred ...

Big Fish

Dear Sir, I agree with Andrew Radclyffe that Jimmy Rasta Lusibaea should take steps as a responsible citizen and perhaps a victim in reporting the so-called "big fish" to police. My fear though is reporting...

"Big Fish"

Dear Editor, Andrew Radclyffe is correct, of course, to point out that it is the responsibilty of a good citizen to give evidence to the police regarding the instigators and perpetrators of crime, but...

Isabel Statehood

I totally agree with the views raised by Enerst and Hubert that gaining statehood does not happen overnight. However, I do believe there is no harm to desire that wish. Therefore, this is where my two...

Big Fish

You quote Jimmy Rasta as saying that the "big fish" should be arrested. As he was one of the barracudas swimming in the same waters as the so called big fish he should know who they are and do his duty...

Isabel Statehood

With reference to the above issue, I for one also share the same sentiment as Ernest had stressed. Lets be reminded that achieving statehood is not all that rosy as one or collectively we may think of....

Pheonix International

Dear Editor, I would like to say that the alleged 50 kilometres radius of the Pheonix International mining licence is not right considering that from the main base of his proposed operations up to the...

Mining Issue

If solomon Island is going to be the last frontier for mining industry in the Pacific region if not the world, especially for valuable minerals, such gold, diamond, nickel and others, as alluded to by...

True Church

Please, don't talk about something you don't know, True Church, The Truth, Bible, etc, are not as simple as you guys are describing and in vein trying to explain. Please consult your pastors, bishops,...

Solomon Islanders Scoop Prize in Fiji School of Medicine Arts Competition

Congratulations Simon Wale and Pedical Churchill for jointly winning the prize for the logo competition at the Fiji School of Medicine (FSMed). You have made us proud of the great achievement. ...

Solomon Islanders Scoop Prize in Fiji School of Medicine Arts Competition

I wish to join others in congratulating our two FSM students, Pedical Churchill and Simon Wale, for jointly winning the first prize in the FSM's e-journal logo competition. As a person that has won about...

Mining Issue

An interesting letter from Brown Nena on a Solomon online paper prompted me to bring the issue to this forum. I believe it is far too important to be left at that. Nena, while acknowledging Phoenix and...

Isabel Ready for State Govt

I read with great interest my good Hon Premiers bold statement that Isabel province is ready for statehood. In my humble opinion as a grassroot person from Isabel, I think we are not even close to ready....

The True Church

Thanks Steward for your illustration provided on the above subject. Few contributors in their articles mentioned that Jesus is the True Church. That is easier said than done. That very Jesus in his prayer...

The True Church

I am very interested in this debate and decide to comment especially on the true church. Just imagine if this earth is a village. People started to build houses. Among these builders is Jesus. In the...

Solomon Islanders Scoop Prize in Fiji School of Medicine Arts Competition

Congratulation to both of the said names. Keep up the creativity and your excellent performance. Congratulation again Tufala bro.... ...

SDA Debate

Dear Editor How interesting, people are searching for the TRUTH and what the truth is. If you are looking for the TRUTH then you are actually looking for Jesus The Christ. He is the WAY, TRUTH AND THE...

Solomon Islanders Scoop Prize in Fiji School of Medicine Arts Competition

Just could not even find a word to describe my fellow old friends, Pedical and Wale. Anyway, I would like to point out that both of you deserve what you have achieved. Hopefully, you will continue to serve...

The Truth

This religious discussion is very interesting and important. There is a Solomon Islands religious forum that we can also use to continue in this interesting religious discuss. Some friends told me about...

Letters Archive