Letters to the Editor Archive November 2009

Iran and Solomon's Relationship

In reply to Michael Aike from Honiara (Iran and Solomon's Relationship): Look at the need for a more fundamental change in the government. The government does not need more money. The government needs...

Time to Change

It is time for change as many countries around the world embrace few alterations to their constitution and legislative powers. Solomon Islands constitutions should be reviewed after every 4 years to see...

Law & the Citizen

Last week (16th -21st of November 2009), Port Vila residents was given a week-long opportunity to learn and be kept informed about the judicial system and the law of their Country. The Law Week (as it...

Climate Change Over!

This is another attempt by the so called "Republicans" or the GOP strategists in the US. The hackers as claimed in the articles are republican activists who try to derail the progress made on climate policy...

Corruption causes poverty

Dear Editor, With all due respect to Malaita Premier Richard Na'amo Irosaea. I believe he has the wrong end of the stick. Poverty does not cause corruption, corruption causes poverty. ...

Goldstone report

I believe the SI vote supporting the Goldstone report has its own merits however, it seems like Solomon Islands is selling itself to Iran for the sake of money. This is the same tactic we've applied to...

Iran and Solomon's Relationship

Jane, writing in from Gizo seemed not very happy with the SI Gov't newly established friendship with Iran. Most Solomon Islanders are in the same boat and wish that the Government urgently severe ties...

Climate Change Over!

It is official it has been confirmed that Fraud was being committed on the Global Climate Change reports for main world reports, as the operators stated openly on their reports that they were tricking...

Telekom services

Dear editor, I was quite frustrated everytime I try to call families in Honiara. I don't know what type of services Your Telekom is providing? Honestly, I will not say our telekom because it is unrealiable,...

Goldstone Report

Dear editor, I would like to comment on Tesua's article on Goldstone Report. It was a pity Solomon Islands voted in favor of the Goldstone Report at UN. The so called 'Human Rights' is a tool used by...

Don't take Iran Money

Thank you for submitting my concern. As a Solomon Islander I am very unhappy and outrage regarding the Solomon islands foreign minister's action to take Iran's money. I don't like Iran and I have nothing...

Teens Soccer Rioters

I reckon those teenagers should be whipped on the bottom! They obviously lacked some sort of discipline in the home! ...

Foreign policy of 'friends to all, enemies to none'

Dear Editor, Interesting to note that this new foreign policy is the reason behind for voting against Israeli's attack on Gaza. This policy can be interpreted in numerious ways by different individuals...

Use or Abuse of Development Funds

I overheard a conversation between a Constituency Development Officer and an Officer regarding the Millennium Constituency Development Fund (MCDF). I am not going to delve on the discussion, but on one...

Goldstone Report

Solomon Islands should be proud for voting in favour of the Goldstone Report at the UN. The report condemns both sides - Israel and Hamas - for the atrocities (allegedly) committed against civilians and...

Telekom Service

Dear Sir/Madam, I am one of those frustrated callers who has been trying to call to Honiara. But has been unsuccessful since they started improving their system. While I appreciate the fact that they...

Selling of Honiara Crown Land is a Concern

Dear editor, thank you for allowing me this space to comment on the issue concerning the above subject. Public view that Land in Honiara is scarce for any development, but looks beyond what you think....

Reply to Dan Tanagu

Dear editor, Allow me space to confer my view in response to Dann's article on "Questions: USA and Israel. Well, it's interesting to see the questions you (Dann) raised about the visit of the US ambassador...

Equipment and Protective Clothing for the RSIP

Dear Editor, In last Friday's edition of the Solomon Star newspaper, a letter was published from a Paul Raogara, writing from Honiara, claiming that the local members of the Royal Solomon Islands Police...

Our Soverignity

It is interesting to read the stand-out Solomon Islands had taken in abandoning its vote to Israel. Was that a reiteration of the cold war onslaught, a post cold war realisation or an exercising of our...

Malaria in Lord Howe

It is now nearly 50 years since malaria was first eradicated from Lord Howe by the late Dr George McCririck . Let's hope that the latest attempt is equally successful. ...

$800,000.00 - Dealing

Dear Editor, Need space to rconcile related event (fire and money). Please publish. It is quite interesting to know that some of our people are good creative thinkers, can think and analyse creatively....

Opposition Inconsistent

Dear editor, The opposition's stand on the voting by the governement in support of the UN report condemining Israel's inhuman military actions in Gaza against the Palestinean, couple with strong oppositon...

The Opposition could be right

Dear editor, allow me to present some comment. Its too early for a country like Solomon Island to embark in such a hot firing decision made by the foreign affairs minister Mr Haomae. It is true that our...

SIFF lost $800,000.00

Dear Editor, Previous weeks, SIFF was accussed of misusing SIFF money for soccer development in the country. Now SIFF is burnt. $800,000.00 is just too much money to be left as a petty cash or in such...

SIFF on Fire

I find it interesting because the burning of SIFF Administration Block came amid allegations of abuse of funds by certain SIFF officers. Not only that but substantial amount of $$$ were said to perish...

Reform of the Playing of the Solomon's Cup

Dear Editor, Derick Manu'ari has contributed some very interesting points, today, in joining the debate on last Saturday's violence at Lawson Tama and on the burning down of the SIFF administrative building....

Hon. Forau and the loss of $200,000

Good try Honourable Forau thanks, but NO thanks. Why don't you try some other ways to account for that lost $200,000, rather than some thieves broke your car. This excuse seems like someone trying to...

SI Foreign Policy on sale for monies not by virtue

I support the stand made by the Opposition group regarding SI to remain faithful to its allies but at the same time to have an open minded that in future all nations shall become one in terms of development,...

Questions: USA and Israel.

As the Solomon Islands know, the United states of America's (USA) ambassador is visiting Solomon Islands. The purpose for the visit is strengtening of the long freindship between USA and the Solomon Islands....

Better Police is not the answer

Dear Editor, Please allow me space to join other Solomon Islands soccer followers in condemning the recent torching of the SIFF Office in Honiara. It is indeed an action uncalled for and the perpertrators...

When Shall we ever learn?

Its sadden me but it is always expected when games like we have last weekend ended up just like any one might expected. However, my concern is not so much on games but on how well do we prepare for such...

It's not soccer, it's hooligans

Agree with Mr Zutu. Millions of dollars been poured in from FIFA and other generous donors to SIFF and still yet our soccer development has not yielded any the result worthy of that input even in its infrastructure....

Reply to MICHAEL AIKE on lessons still to be learned

A very good point indeed Mr. Michael raised on considering a fair place for players from each provinces in the Honiara squad but one thing he failed for consider is that Solomon Cup is about the Highest...

Reactive Policing Is Not The Answer

Dear Editor The RSIP has done well to quickly identify and arrest several persons allegedly involved in the weekend arson attack on the Honiara SIFF administrative building and it is hoped the suspects...

SIFF Lost $800,000

When I first read and listened to this item from the one-television news, I thought it's the total value of that building or property lost but instead its cash money as reported. I was bewildered and muffled...

It's not soccer, tis' hooligans

While I agree, with Midweek Jani, that the latest event in Lawson Tama has taken soccer in our country backward, I do not, however, agree that such incidents will backfire on SIFF. There were incidences,...

Congratulation Beach Soccer Team

I would to congratulate our beach soccer team for their fine achievement in what was their thrilling first match. The Uruguayans' are super players but our boys held their nerves and confidence to overcome...

Lessons Still To Be Learned

Dear Editor, I for one support Frank Short's statement on that matter that Lessons from the April 2006 riot is still to be learned. Not suprisingly there were not enough police for that late evening...

lessons still to be learned

Besides security, I think the selectors for Honiara side need to consider a balanced selection of players from all the provinces. How about 3 players from each province are selected to represent the capital....

Double Jeopardy

Dear Editor, I was terribly sorry to hear the torching of the SIFF administration office over the week end. This raises the question "ba umi blamim who ia?" but I think responsible authorities (police)...

Hon. Forau losing $200,000

It is interesting to note that MP for Temotu, Clay Forau, had $200,000 in cash stolen from his vehicle whilst he was inside the Golden Crown Restaurant. Who does Hon. Forau think he is fooling? First of...

Lessons Still To Be Learned

Dear Editor, It is sad, but true, that soccer matches between certain teams in Honiara have always had the potential for trouble by angry spectators and opportunist criminal elements following on-field...

Its Not Soccer its Hooliganism

Dear Editor, Those who did this criminal act has now put our country back 30 years. Mark these: No FIFA games will be played in Honiara I believe for long while. No influential lobbying for solomon...

Misconceptions about Telekom service

Just wanted to correct some of the misconceptions regarding Our Telekom services. 1. There is nothing magical about using 7 digits. The simple reason is the subscriber numbers have increased and to accommodate...

Good winner and a good losser

Just can't believe whats happening in Honiara, just few days before the tournament proper, the police said they were going to step up sercurity at Lawson Tama but see what happens!..o solomon ae' bae iumi...

"Love" of the soccer game

What an act of horror, a scene of nasty, and an attitude of cretin minded fans? What's the deal, a billion dollar of hard cash or a setback of soccer development in the country? What is the ghosted and...

Burning of Houses

Why Solomon people are good at burning of houses? Did you realized that the consequences of your activity will affect yourself. I am very surprised with your attitude people. You just wait for any opportunity...

Missing Millions

Dear Editor, There is no justice if we do not investigate who are the people responsible for misappropriating $4,000,000 of tax payers money. No amount of seminars or good governance talks would answer...

Millions of $$ donations/aids

Dear editor, appreciate it if you could publish this letter of mine. Having seen what the richer nations are doing in providing donations or aids to our poor country to pay for its own development, a...

Clean Honiara

Dear Editor My recent visit to our Honiara town makes me feel like cleanliness of the town is of major concern. I'm talking about the dirt and rubbish infront of some business houses in Honiara. If one...

Reply to Jackie K

Please editor can you put this reply of mine to JACKIE K FROM FIJI? about the "Youth Parliament Saga" Well, Its how a sociaty functions not all of us can have the same idea. To you my (bro or sis) Jackie...

Killing many birds with one stone

While killing many birds with stone may be useful as the analogy portrays, it would be even more beneficial if the birds killed with one stone have more value than just killing them. Our youths deserve...

Youth Parliament Saga

Dear editor, Allow me space to confer my view in response to Mafros Ali's contribution on the issue of youth parliament. Well, it is interesting to know that you (Ali) claim to neither agree nor disagree...

Importance of statistics

Dear Editor, I would like to support Mr Housanau on the issue of unavailability of funds for the census program which leads to the delay. The statistic office is a very important office in the country...

Missing $400 million

Dr. Sikua has announced that internal audits have shown that over $400 million dollars of government funds have been 'missapropriated' - i.e. stolen. That's $400 million that could have been spent on roads,...

National Population and Housing Cesus Delayed

Dear editor, if you could permit me to elaborate on the above subject. Conducting a Census is not aa easy task. Thus, I'd like to sincerely acknowledge all the staff of the Solomon Islands Statistic Office...

Telekom service

Dear Madam/Sir, We would appreciate if you could post our note/concern in your column. We (three Solos living outside of Solomons) would like to register our dissatisfaction with regards to Telekom's...

Youth Parliament

Dear Editor, For contributors interested to verify the cost associated for the above activity; information about the SBD$1 million cost for the Youth parliament was sourced from an article titled " Youth...

Youth Parliament Saga

Please editor can you put this short note of mine on your column. Again another very interesting topic to bark about. As for that I for one neither agree nor disagree with those fellows who are contributing...

Youth Parliament

For those of us who have little knowledge about this initiative and trying to pre-empt the outcome is a weakness by itself. The issues affecting our Youths today is wide-ranging and complex, and it needs...

Millions unaccounted for

Not long ago the PM announced a 261 million shortfall attributed to global financial crisis; just lately the PM again announced millions unaccounted for (433 millions) almost double the amount of 261 millions....

Approx 400 million lost Through Malpractice

Approximately 400 million dollars is lost through Malpractice according to the Auditor General's report What a huge sum of money just went down into the drain. Why we have to be silent with these corrupt...

Malaita Team for Solomon Cup

Dear Editor, I disagree with Nancy Mae and Fred's perception of the Malaita Squad for the Solomon Cup. Having Honiara based players in the squad demoralizes the aspiration of players in the rural areas...

Provincial Teams

Nancy And Fred failed to see one thing. Developement of soccer in the Provinces. Why do we have to select players who participated in the league(Honiara) when we have players in the provinces? Do we only...

Malaita Squad - Solomon Cup 2009

I think Nancy Mae is right that these Honiara based that are currently in the Malaita team for the Solomon Cup are Malaitans as well. They will also take pride in representing their province. Are there...

What is Youth Parliament?

Dear Editor, I am still to make sense of the Youth Parliament in Solomon Islands despite having read so many articles on this subject in this forum. I'm sure that this is a kind of Youth movement. But...

Youth Parliament

Thank you for putting my comments regarding the above issue. Having read some and skipped through some comments about the youth parliament, I got few questions. Is the youth parliament a pilot project...

Killing many birds with one stone

Dear Editor, I have no objections with the mock 'youth parliament' concept. By golly, if there's government funding for it, may as well fully support it. I see it as an investment and not a waste at...

Youth Parliament Discussions

Dear Editor, I would be grateful if you could publish my comments, thoughts and observations on the recent Youth Parliament meeting in Honiara. To put some prospective and logic to what happened; and...

Youth Parliament

Dear Editor, Just a short comment or may be a correction in to put to the attention of those of us who have contributed on the issue of youth parliament. The SBD$1 million that some writers have asserted...

Climate Non-Change

In your article "Solomon Islands Makes Strong Statement on Climate Change" of 9 November 2009, you repeat the incorrect claim that rapidly rising sea levels are threatening low-lying coral atolls. First,...

Women, Crime and Justice

Interesting to read the letters to the Editor, regarding the above issue. We all know we live in a country where we can have a freedom of speech to criticise, or even argue about a matter in media. Ella...

Youth Parliament

Thank you editor, Just a thought. I think another way of addressing the underlying concept for youth parliament is education for citizenship. That is, to include education for citizenship into our national...

Youth Parliament

Youth parliament? what a waste!! If its a mock kind of parliament, then its a waste indeed. Why not improve the social science syllabus in our schools and include everything that youths need to learn about...

To Jude He'elalo and his Youth Parliament

Dear Editor, May I congratulate Felissa Kaye for his/her contribution on the topic. It's the line of thinking that we need for Solomon Islands and not wasting our efforts, time, and money on unproductive...

Jude's Reply to View

Thank you Jude for your comments. Actually I am just a Medical student at UPNG who have just arrived for holiday. I don't need to do any research into this issue nor do I need to seek legal advice on...

Malaita Team for Solomon Cup

Dear Editor, Jeff Haka may be right but he should also do away with this whole idea of regionalism or localism in the Province. Enough of that and look at you as a Malaitan if you're one or a Solomon...

Youth Parliament

Dear Editor, Allow me space to register my strong support for your countries youth Parliament. The initiators would have their reasons and list of benefits they expect such a program would bring. As...

Youth Parliament

Dear Editor, Could you please allow me space to air my views on the above topic? While I agree that the "youth parliament" initiative has its own merits, I would like to share my views in support of...

Youth Parliament - Is it an opportunity worth a million dollars?

Dear Editor, Please allow me space to contribute briefly on the above issue, in light of its recent launching at our National Parliament, and in response to the critics who have written in opposition...

Women, Crime & Justice

Please, allow me space to response to my friend Mr. Andrew Horea's article on this topic. I'm making this response because he specifically mentioned my name and raising a question to me. Firstly, I agree...

Youth Parliament Saga

Dear editor, I would be grateful if you could publish my view on the recent initiative on youth parliament proposed and implemented by our leaders. Well, it is pretty interesting to see a number of...

Malaita team for Solomons cup

The team selected to represent Malaita in the coming Solomon Cup does not truly represent the province as a whole. This is because of: 1. All the players seems to be Honiara based player. Minority are...

Reply to Aike's Comment on Youth Parliament

It's interesting to note Michael Aike's statement as per Youth Parliament. I suppose you do more research to back your arguments. Some background information to support our argument is needed, if not...

Youth Parliment

It's interesting to listen to young people talked on issues said to affect themselves- youths. More interestingly in the first day there were bills raised by our youth parlimentarians. But one bill which...

Women, Crime and Justice

Mrs Kauhue is not alone. Around the world you'll find victims in most cases aren't satisfied with decisions made by courts. It's a normal human behaviour-reaction, thus a continual battle between the rights...

Youth Parliament - Is it an opportunity worth a million dollars?

While the idea of a youth parliment has its own merit, it is also important to consider what would have been best for our youth. Certainly, one million dollars would have benefited some youths of the...

Sir Allan's come back to Parliament a legal puzzle!!

Introduction Sir Allan Kemakeza is a very popular person in the Savo/Russell constituency. His impressive victory in that constituency by election is a clear indication that he still has tremendous support...

Youth Parliament

I never heard of and there was never any Youth Parliament in the entire universe who sit on the chairs of the elected members of Parliament and discuss political matters openly. This idea is nuisance,...

Noble Professions

Editor could you please publish my letter? I appreciate that alot. I am inquiring about this title "noble profession". I read some articles alluding that same title to the law profession. One even go...

Youth Parliament - Is it an opportunity worth a million dollars?

Dear Editor, I would like to briefly contribute on the above issue which was brought to attention recently in your paper. I understand that the Youth Parliament Program was launched earlier this week...

Women, Crime, Justice

I would really appreciate if my letter can be published. Thank you so much editor. Courts are not immune to public criticism. People should be able to criticize the Courts decision when they are not happy...

Mr Pakipota

Dear Editor, Mr Pakipota must be daydreaming in saying that Steve is making an absurd comment in response to Tina's posting. Tina's message really is not clear because the hot issue of discussion here...

Forsake the die-hard habits

I wholeheartedly support Katy Fono's view of the Betel nut stall demolitions and the idea of change for the better of our City. I am from the region of the people most affected in this exercise but i believe...

Women, Crime & Justice

I was reading in between the lines of Mr. Rarumae's article and I think the other responses are getting away from his perspective. In summary, the essence of Mr. Rarumae's article is in his first point....

Congratulations to SIWA new General Manager

I wish to congratulate the newly appointed General Manager for SIWA all the best in his new career. He is in fact one of the most senior public servant serving as a permanent secretary in various ministries...

Lawyers do give free advice

Dear Editor, Allow me space in your column to make some contribution to Aokeman's article, "Lawyers do give free advice". Mr. Aokeman has brought up an interesting point about the issue of "Pro Bono"....

Youth Parliament - Is it an opportunity worth a million dollars?

50 youths from all across the islands gathered in Honiara for a week in Parliament discussing policies, programmes and resources; a meeting which costs one million dollars. 50 Youths congregated for...

Users of drugs are affected than sellers

Dear Editor, Spare me a space to the respond to the absurd comments made by Mr Kapivio in reply to Tina Zama of Fulton College on the above subject. Mr Steve is contradicting himself to what he is saying...

Letters Archive