Letters to the Editor Archive March 2010

Solomons' First Women

I think the misconception which critics of this book have lies with the title of the book. Many commentators on this topic tend to believe that only those named in the books are the Solomon First women,...

Time to get rid of the RCDF funds from the hands of the Politicians

"Its time to get rid of the political patronage system of using RCDF funds" Let me join the right-minded Solomon Islanders who are calling for the relinquishing of the public funds from politicians for...

Eunice Ragethonga you tok true

Eunice Ragethonga, I concur with the issues you raised. I therefore encourage you or another other writer or talk with other women academics/historians who are specialized in Solomon Islands history...

SIWA and SIEA battle of the Giants

The last week will be a memorable week for all Honiara dwellers when the management of SIEA flexed their muscles against SIWA for not paying their bills. Unfortunately SIWA has no answers except to blame...

Federal System

Dear Sir I very much agree with Chief Lulei's idea for opting for a federal system. I am an ex-patriate from the days when the Solomons was a British Protectorate so I knew the people who designed the...

Women Firsts

Dear Editor, Please allow me space to contribute to the topic in regards to solomons' first women. I will be very frank. 'Isabel' as a community and people is in the 'first' in many things in this...

Why increase parliament seats?

While Katya's suggestion is a good one, our constitution needs to be amended to cater for such arrangements. So increasing the seats or not does not qualify increasing the seats for women. For now women...

Reviving the Cattle Industry in Solomon Islands

So much have been raised concerning this industry lately. A lot of questions have been aired regarding the ROC funding meant for the revival of the industry and now farmers are hopeless and thinking this...


Dear Editor, May you please allow space for this short note in your column. Over the holiday season i was privileged enough to have the opportunity to travel to the Western Solomon's. I would like to...

Why increase parliament seats?

Dear Editor, Of all the fuss there was when women were about to be given allocated seats in Parliament; then comes this mysterious proposal to increase more parliament seats(constituencies). Rather allocate...

Ministers Plan Boycott of Parliament

Dear Editor, I would be grateful if you could publish my letter to the editor. Can someone release the names of Parliament MPs that plan to boycott the proposed sitting of parliament this year, if funds...

The Continuous West Guadalcanal Floods

Dear Editor, I would be grateful if you could publish my article and observations on the recent floods affecting the West Guadalcanal areas. It has been noticed that flooding and damages to homes, gardens...

A relief for USP SIG sponsored Students

I would like to commend the Solomon Islands Government in particular the National Training Unit (NTU) in the Ministry of Education and Human Resource Development for its tireless effort in ensuring our...

Unfair Terminations

I would be grateful if you can spare me some space in your paper to express my concern with relation to the above heading. I sympathize with Students who are striped off their future earning by National...

SIG and the welfare of our overseas students

Dear Editor, Why is the government too ignorant of its shortcomings and continues to pretend that it cares? Well, at least, it does care about sending students on scholarship overseas, but thats not...

bemobile in SI 'scandal'

The website www.postcourier.com.pg/20100303/wehome.htm carried a story titled 'bemobile in SI 'scandal' by JONATHAN TANNOS It revealed that a minor shareholder of bemobile used $US15 million (K44 million)...

Students in Fiji

Vey irresponsible of the Gov't. So much of talking about Good Governance when our students are hungery. This is such a shame. The Ministry of Education should be held responsible for that. ...

One Television vs Solomon Star

Thanks Mr. Maesulia for the comments regarding the above subject. Well, both One Television and Solomon Star used the so called platform 'JOOMLA' to publish their websites. Joomla is an open source content...

Starving SIG students in USP

Dear editor, Please allow me to express my concern regarding the above heading. I know that this issue arise every year, but I want to raise it because I witness one incident that cannot hold my patience....

Letters Archive