Letters to the Editor Archive July 2009

Call for Attention and Action

Dear Editor, Ouch! its been steaming hot the exchanges from recent contributors on the above matter and sadly, its not constructive at all. Talk solutions and actions, tame the egos and put them aside....


Dear editor, Heres what chills me. Why is the number 50 and 500 a favorite in parliament? 50,000 and then 550,000. Thanks Warwick and Alex for commenting. I agree that this is daytime robbery. What...


It would be interesting to see the opposition members submission to the PEC, knowing fully well that when MS and Oti were at the helm, they award themselves (parliamentarians) payrise only 4 weeks into...


Dear Editor I couldn't believe it when i saw the above subject making a headline on Solomon star dated 30/07/09 and I quote"DEFEATED MPs at next year's election will receive tax-free payments totaling...

The Downfall of the Solomon Isands

Dear Editor Please allow me a space to voice this concern of mine about the $550,000 - $1,200,000 Defeated MPs compensation scheme or I would put it Ministers Self - Rich Scheme. Solomon Islands is...

USP Allowances

Much has been said about the delay in allowances for overseas students especially SI sponsored students in PNG and FIJI. We have established High Commission Offices in PNG and now Fiji and with the Fiji...

SIG students at USP

The USP SIG sponsored students' plea is genuine. As such, the responsible authorities should take immediate attention to the students' plea. In fact, it is quite absurd to note that students' allowance...

Parliamentry entitlements & student allownaces

How ironic! Students are facing a cut in their stipend in the face of currency devaluation while parliamentarians are fattening their bank accounts! First was the $50,000 spouse entitlement, now this...

TO Linda

I just want to say i think Linda you talk to much, you talk like you are the mother of all the students here some students a grown up people already and are inservice, who do u think you are to judge us...

To Jonnie

Hello Jonnie, Thanks for your comment. As far as I am concern, I was responding to her because I did not at all have any of the stuff she mentioned except Fijian Sulus. That is why I said she was generalizing....

Bring A Gift Home for Parents - USP Students

I read with interest some comments made by the publics of this paper regarding the SIG USP sponsored students' living allowances. But the most interested one is the one by Linda. By reading Linda's first...

WHAT MPS WILL GET:Defeated MPs to receive $550,000

Dear editor, Very interesting to note that while USP students are crying for increase of their students allowances, and most Solomon Islanders are struggling to make ends meet, our very own so called...

Are you there, Melanie?

Hello Melanie, are you there? This is Danny. From my primary and secondary education uni, I lived a responsible life and from time to time accountable for what I have done. At this stage, if I fail a...

Parliamentary Entitlements

Dear Editor It is important that the issue of the controversial parliamentary enttlement be highlighted in the Media again to avoid loosing the momentum. From a piece written by Sasako, it has been revealed...

USP students

Dear Editor, I was somewhat a little bit disorientated thinking i have opened up on a student website somewhere when all i could read about is the much talked about situation on students allowances etc...

Danny Asa feels the pain

I hope Danny learns his lessons and stop saying rubbish on people's comments. Thanks Linda for making that point to Danny. I can see he changed the tone of his comments and became more humble. Danny's...

USP Allowances

Dear Editor, allow me space to comment on the above mater. I must say that people like Linda have the right to speak their concern over the matter because she is a tax payer. But she should also consider...

Defeated MPs to receive $550,000

Dear Editor, The recently revealed details of PEC's approval re:WHAT MPS WILL GET:Defeated MPs to receive $550,000, is a decision that must not be taken lightly by Solomon Islanders. People must rise...

Student Allowance

Sir, With all the hypes and the ongoing drama about the students need for allowance increase, I just wonder if the students have submitted the claim to the right authority. I noted the media release...

Students Allowance

Hi greatful if you could also publish my littel view on the above subject. I was a private sponsored student also at UPNG for four years. The notion of pocket money or extra spending money was non existent...

GPPOL Office Burning

Dear editor allow me this space to voice something about this disappointing incident. I am from around the GPPOL 2 area and I feel realy bad that this burning is the second one to have occured at the...

USP Student Allowance

The issue here is the SI government decision to cut students' allowances at a time when the Fiji dollar has been devaluated and the inflation rate sky rocketing that subsequently hiking the standard of...

Students Allowance

I have been following this issue since it was dominating this column. Interesting indeed to note that our students at Laucala Campus trying to explain their situation while certain individuals accusing...

Students allowances

I am just wondering if the topic of students allowances only affects some of the students and not all of them. You feel for students complaining about the allowance not being sufficient, but I felt really...

Re: Mia

Mia, I didn't comment on the issue of MP Wives entitlement simply because I would like to focus my comments on the issue of contention here, which is the issue of tertiary student allowances. I couldn't...

USP student allowance

I would as well like to contribute to this issue. I for one feel sympathized with our students as they are victims of the current situation in Fiji. They are expressing their plight to their sponsor which...

Tertiary Student Allowance

Dear Editor, I would like to comment on this current issue. With all due respect I thank those of you have contributed to the discussion about tertiary student allowance. Further I would also like to...

Students Allowances

Dear Sir, As there's a lot of articles that was written in your online 'e-paper some of which are already out of point and de-railed I would like to add a piece or two to straighten the discussion forward...

To Melani

Moza is making sense here. You are the one talking nonsense. Oketa Student ia stap lo different country ia. Prior to the devaluation, all they crying for is the lateness of their allowances. It is because...

To Linda

hello Linda few things for u to know. First, I only have a mobile phone that costs $18. Second, Bargain Box is lot cheaper than value city so i go there. Third, i never go to dragonz, i go to church...

Australian education scam

This thread has been widely reported in the media internationally. It is covered in tv and newspapers here in Japan. However, it may have referred to a few sections of unauthorized education agents who...

USPSI student allowances

On their part, those SI students concerned must take heed of the many advices rendered by few in this forum. On the other side of the lake, the govt must also listen to the cries of their human resources...

Reply to Felisia colley

Felisia, Talking about cost cutting measures for SIG, why not comment on the 50 grand for 1 mp spouse who contribute nothing to the country? a couple of hundred dollars for each students each semester...

To Melanie

Thanks anyway for explanation. The way I see it is not as you mention. We are making generalization in our arguments. We seem to point the finger at all students at USP. But to tell you the truth, some...

Tertiary students scholarship and allowances

The continuous protest by Solomon Island tertiary students, both overseas and locally, for an increase in their allowances need further scrutiny and consideration by responsible authorities. I think the...

Re: Danny Asa

Thanks Dan, When you throw dirt, calling my contribution laughable and shallow, then be prepared to get some dirt thrown back. I am sorry for calling you an average bloke. I am happy that you are succeeding...

Student allowance

Thank you editor for your space on this site. Firstly I would like to support and thank Moza for your comment here. The fact is people like lynda Miley don't feel what the USP SIG student feels here,...

USP student allowance

Is Mozah making any sense to anyone? Feeling sorry for these students doesnt help them become responsible people. My brother studies in Laucala, he bought his girlfriend a mobile phone for her birthday...

Terminating SIG students

Thank you charlie for your comment especially to MA and CS students. i was wondering if you are taking CS or MA, if so you shouldn't have comment like that. Maybe for your own case that could be right...

SIG Student's termination

Dear editor, thanks for a space to post my comment. I am a private sponsored Indo-Fijian studying at USP. To my fellow friends from solomon islands whom we all fail CS204, thanks for the times we shared...

Solomon Islands Govt in Scam

Dear Editor Please allow me a space to voice this concern of mine about our government. Some Achievements of the current Solomon Island government . The Cattle money scandal . Miss use of laptop funds...

To Linda Miley

Your advice is not accepted to some of us because of what you have stated. Danny is true that most of us did not possess what you have listed. Thus it gives us the reasons to laugh when reading your letter....

Termination of SIG sponsored students

Dear editor, As a student graduating with a degree in maths and computing science, i totally agree with what Matt Jay has been saying with regards to the policy of terminating students in the discipline...

USP student allowance

To Danny Asa, students like you need to grow up and be responsible over yourselves. Life is tough my friend. The government is not your mama so that you can depend on them for your survival every time....

termination of usp students

i would like to thank matt jay for expressing his views on the issue and i support his view that courses such as MA, CS and the likes are quite tough. however, I feel that such an excuse to justify policy...

To Linda Miley

Thanks Linda, I'm preparing myself to face whatever challenges that may comes my way; economically, spiritually, educationally and etc. No one can deny the fact that student allowance is higher than...

Student Allowance-my View

I have read through a few discussions on this hot topic and wish to register my personal view. The Issues at hand are the inflation in Fiji, and a call to increase the students' allowance. I will give...

Let the employers participate!

Many thanks to my friends Alfred Sasako and Jully Sipolo and all those who have written on the subject of Parliamentary Entitlements! Whether pay increments are proposed by a Parliamentary Entitlements...

To Danny Asa

Thanks Dan, There will come a time when you and your giggling mates could live, eat and smell like the Romans, the time is not now. I am sure Fijians would excuse you for dressing slightly less fashionable,...

Self - proclaimed advisor, Linda Miley

Dear editor, I would like to respond to the uninvited free advice given by the self proclaimed advisor Linda Miley from Honiara, by shouting with the top of her lovely, admirable, attractive and nice...

Australian Education Scam

I cannot say more or less but I fully support the sentiments that shared by Exsley Taloiburi & Nancy Mae. The issues that affect those Indian students is definitely not applicable to every international...

USP Student Allowance

Sheetal was totally misguided with his interpretation of Linda's article. Linda was talking about how to cope with the limited amount of money you guys have. Not about passing your exams. Read carefully...

USPSI student allowances

If our parliamentarian achievements are a measure of our economic dire situation then, I would say that SI is not even experiencing a pinch of the current global economic melt down. Many developed nations...

Student's termination

Dear editor, The issue of student's termination is one of the big issue at USP, Laucala campus this week. It's true that during the NTU briefing at the beginning of this year, the NTU staff makes it...

Australian Education a Scam

Dear Editor, As a former Solomon ISlands student graduating with two Masters degrees at an Australian University, I think Ruks article carrying the above heading is misleading. The recent case of the...


I just want to respond to Linda Miley's letter.I think she just look at one side of the coin.There are many things that contribute to the failure of students.By just pointing on particular things is...

who is the first resource???

Allow just little space to express some ideas that will help everyone understand where they stand. The bursting issues is not wrong either but what our Govt should know from the very start is our scholars...

Parliamentary Entitlements- where is the opposition.

Dear Editor It seems as though the opposition bench fully supported the govt intention to increase the MPs parliamentary entitlements (PE) though the move was widely criticized by the public at large....

USP Students Allowance

Dear Editor, I would like to contribute briefly to the above. I would like to offer some free advice to students that are affected by the current inflation hike in Fiji. First, downgrade your mobile...

Our side of the story

Dear Editor, I as a student want to express my point on behalf of us students affected by this allowance decrease. if the allowance was given to students purposely for food, shopping and alcohol as stated...

Australia Education in Scam: Exploitation of international students?

It's interesting to read an article by a "Ruks Loko" from Adelaide with the above subject. Well Ruks Loko, I was also a recent international student at an Australian university from 2007 until end of...

Spouse Grant

Very funny indeed to see the men we called our leaders who suppose to be the leading examples of upholding our motto "To lead is to serve" practically, right before our very own eyes, trying to put some...

Students for Termination

Last night we the SISA at USP, Laucala campus had an interesting meeting and among the agendas is student's supposingly to fail 2 or more of their courses enrolled for last semester to be terminted. I'm...

Increase in allowance

Dear Editor, I sympathise greatly with our students at USP that our government is not responding immediately to the VC's call on the effects of the devaluation of the $FJ on the students. As such, I...

Parliamentary Entitlements - a means for politicians' Ends

Editor, again I appreciate a space for my observation and reflections on all the heated discussions regarding the Parliamentary Entitlements (PE) under the Parliamentary Entitlements Committee (PEC). ...

Australia Education in Scam: Exploitation of international students

Dear Editor please allow me a space to voice this alarm. We come to know that Australia is one of the leading education providers in the world. Its standard of education is of quality and integrity, providing...

Student Allowance

Dear Editor, I want to contribute to the topic, allowance decrease of students studying in fiji. It is known that the Vice chancellor of the University of the South Pacific has already alerted USP member...

PS unsatisfactory explanation

Dear editor, Allow me to express the above issue. USP vice chancellor requested sponsors to increase the allowance because of the devaluation, which the chancellor stated very clear that it will have...

Childish act to SIG sponsored Fiji students.

One of the big mistakes the government doing is cut the allowance of students studying in Fiji. Why is the government taking the advantage of the devaluation to victimise our fellow country men, is that...

USP INCREASE OF ALLOWANCE: Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.

Former United State President JFK rose to the platform in his inaugural ceremony to make one of his most famous speeches known these days as, "Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can...

RAMSI - sustainable employment

Special Coordinator Graeme Wilson is correct to say RAMSI can contribute beyond restoring law and order and revitalizing government institutions. Firstly however the lies and deceit have to stop and truth...

MPs Parliamentary Entitlements

Dear editor, allow me a space in your column to comment on the increase in Parliamentary Entitlements of MPs. What in the world is the government trying to achieve by increasing the entitlements of members...

Rugby 7's Squad

A good concern by Mr.Joshua Tale about our national rugby 7's. I'm sure there are people working on that and now in the hands of the coach.Let's just wish them the best with other athletes going there...

People's Power

I'd like to thank Solomon Times for this online site whereon, with interest, I've been following to date, almost all the online discussions on issues and topics that are of concern to Solomon Islands as...

Student allowence needs to be considered.

Dear editor, allow me space to raise some concern regarding the above issue. Today i Went to the USP Book center to look at the cost of my prescribed text books and What a shock! the prices are sky rocketed....

Lies will not bring solutions

The lies are amazing, right there in front of our faces. The Sydney Morning Herald P.4 today reports an 'emissions news story' that is riddled with absolute deceit. The story claims island people are...

Student Allowance Reduce Against Fiji Price Increase

Thank you Editor for allowing me to raise few concerns. First things first, we the students studying here in fiji experience greater impacts of the devaluation of fiji dollar by 20%. As the food, water,...

Student allowance cut

Dear Editor, While I am not directly affected by the above issue, please allow me space to briefly voice some concerns on the matter. I was once a student at USP and I know what it is like to try and...

Currency Declaration Bill - Toothless?

The so called Currency Declaration Bill that they will be passing at the Parliament this session is a toothless bill for the main reason that those currency smugglers will be doing it not through the airports...

Increase Parliamentary Entitlements

Dear editor, I would like to contribute to this discussion of the new increment to the Parliamentary Entitlements (PE). May, I congratulate the heart-felt Solomon Islanders who are forefront in positively...

Maasina Forum

Does anyone know who are the current executive of the maasina forum? ...

TSI's support

Dear Editor, I am all in favour of TSI's plea for a review of the PEC and parliamentary entitlements as well. Mr Namo has my support and i do believe many others do so too after having learnt through media...

Currency shortage

The following sites may provide insight to assist SI to achieve economic development, prosperity and peace. http://www.economist.com/world/international/displaystory.cfm?story_id=14091546 http://www.economist.com/world/international/displaystory.cfm?story_id=14087788...

Use of destructive Fishing Gear

The use of destructive fishing gears like dynamites and for example such home-made fishing bombs possessed by those two men is classified really destructive both to the marine environment and the marine...

Independence of PEC

Dear Editor I also wish to support the call by TSI for an independent PEC. The body as it is tainted by party affiliation and cronyism. If I may draw the attention of the Times reader for a second....

SI Ombsudsman Sleeping

I read below from the post courier of PNG. Their Ombudsman is working and doing action while ours is sleeping, hardly prosecutes any one. Wake up obudsmans!! By Simon Eroro FINANCE and Treasury Minister...

Currency to Reform Economy

The Solomon Islands Currency Declaration Bill will need to include reform to overcome impact of collapse of the national subsistence barter economy, in order to encourage peace, development, investment...

Rugby Seven Squad.

I am a big supporter of rugby sevens, and want to comment on the final list to the mini game. We have been doing well in the SPG, but then down again on other tournaments. Are these boys are selected from...

The Integrity Bill not Conducive to Corruption

Allow me to make a brief observation on the above subject. By and large, the Leader of Opposition have very valid substance in his argument that such a legislation as intended by the Integrity Bill would...

Student allowance cut in Solomon currency.

Dear editor, please allow me to express the above concern of mine. We are feeling treated unfairly when the government decided to cut our allowance in terms of the Solomon Islands currency students usually...

Political Party Bill

Dear Editor, Just to let those who may not know, but interested to read and make comment or contribution to the consultation process. The political party bill can be accessed in the National Parliament...

Support for TSI's call on Govt

Dear Editor, I must register my personal support to TSI's call on the government to replace the PEC with a truly independent membership and to completely review all Parliamentary entitlements with the...


I want to applaud you for a job well done in providing up to date news and events in the country. Thank you so very much. ...

Maasina Forum

Dear Editor, With all humility, the executives of Maasina Forum should take heed of the humble views expressed by Paul Kausimae of Suva, Fiji. Our leaders in history have been unifyingly engaged under...

Ma'asina Forum's Demands

I wish to contribute as well to this extremely startling demands of the so called group Ma'asina Forum. I see no reasons or whatsoever for the group to come up with impossible demands which to me are ridiculous...

Maasina Demands

Please,allow me to comment on the above matter. I am from Malaita myself, and I must say that we,malaitans, should also consider that there other provinces demands which they want the national government...

Algae ocean heat factor ?

Algae in the ocean needs to be understood and overcome. Is algae a serious problem or not? For insight see pages 59-60 at: http://www.topix.com/alerts/forum/world/australia/T72EIPCNUB9776TKR No use...

Ma'asina Forum Shocking Demands

Dear Editor, Solo man can make all the justifications in support of Ma'asina Forum and its demands as he wishes but he/she should think again because such demands are nothing but hinderances to unity...

Laucala swine flu case

Laucala swine flu case Dear editor, I wish to use this column to respond to what James had expressed in this paper under the above heading, and to let others know what really happened here at USP Laucala...

Parliamentary Entitlements Commission

Dear editor I would also like to throw in a few lines in the discussions surrounding the action of the Parliamentary Entitlements Commission (PEC) to award Parliamentarian spouses a $50,000.00 terminal...

Letters Archive