Letters to the Editor Archive March 2012

Beche-de-mer saga

I wish to comment on the issue of bech-de-mer which raises alot of contravercy at the moment. It is much interesting for a foreigner to be so brave in continuing carrying such an illegal activit in the...

A path to educational crisis

Dear Sir, Thank you for publishing this view in your paper. It is sad to note that both the Primary and Secondary Schools in the country are steadily increasing in number due to population growth while...

Bech-de-mer Saga

I wish to commend the tireless effort of our police and Immigration officers in apprehending the Asian businessman Zhang Tong Zi, the so-called "ringleader" of the bech-de-mer illegal trading network in...

Not too late yet!

Thanks for finding a space in your worthy paper for few comments. We should not be too critical on the performance of our young boys. They had done their best. Perhaps SIFT should take the defeat of our...


It seems that very far for Solomon Islands National Soccer Squad to qualify for the 2014 World Cup. New Zealand started their campaign last year and had friendly match with Jamaica they are the 11 aside...

Under 23 Performance

Dear Editor Yes our national pride was put down due to results from the recent concluded OFC Olympic qualifiers. New Zealand has again won the right to represent us at the London Olympics, Congratulations...

U20 National Soccer Squard Embarrasing Campaign

Dear Editor It is of great shame and embarrasment to see and hear the, i would say great defeat of one of our National sides in history. I would like to think that our managment and technical staff of...

USP 4th Campus

I have been following the debate on this issue. Firstly, establishing USP's 4th Campus would address the current explosion of student population. Thus remedying the current situation we are facing. Secondly,...

Tuna farming Mariculture

Dear Sir, The very first issue to understand when considering tuna and other mariculture investment programs is to understand your fish. I have travelled througout the Pacific and for 10 years been...

U.S. Reporter looking for help

Hi, I'm hoping someone can help me out. I'm a U.S. reporter with the Miami New Times. I'm working on an investigative piece about several shipping containers that have been seized because they were filled...

USP 4th Campus in Honiara

Dear Editor I would like to comment on the issue of establishing USP Campus or National University in Honiara. Firstly, I would like to pose this question. Is the Government Financially fit to convert...

4th USP Campus in Honiara

Dear Editor I read with interest the ongoing debate about the 4th USP Campus in Honiara. There is no denying the fact the need for such institution is there. The current USP centre is small and is overwhelmed...

Response to the USP issue

Establishment of 4th Campus, a view well taken, but when we come to look at it, is it time that we start with our own campus. I agree alot with the views that is expressed by having a USP campus in Solomon...

USP's 4th Campus here in Honiara

Hon. Prime Minister, did you hear what your Hon. Minister for Education has just said? His only reason for not accepting USP's 4th campus here in Honiara is because of land, he says that the proposed...

Beetle nut Ban

Sir, There could have been no real excuses for the City Council to ignore it's responsibility to keep Honiara the Country's Capital clean. A look and learn trip to Australia was taken by a previous...

Letters Archive