Letters to the Editor Archive December 2007

Re: Reap what you sow!

Mr Sikua, you are no better then Mr Sogavare. If Sogavare does not comply with legal procedures in bringing in Mr. Moti why are you doing the same thing to deport him? This is completely hilarious. Can't...

A Fresh Start

With the new year appraoching, the longing for a new begining is grooming well for our Solomon Islands. The past year has been very gloomy in terms of all the political farce that has been happening in...

SI New Year Honours list - just published in London, UK

Hi, I was looking at the UK Government's website for new years honours and located a link to the official London gazette copy of the SI list, thought you may appreciate the original source document for...

law fairness

If that is the case and what the police and soldiers may be doing, ( treason ) and its punishable by death, doesnt that put mr somare in the same boat and his charge punishable by death. If mr somare is...

Reply to Teddie

I thank Mr. Teddie for his response to my views on the above topic. I only intend to respond to two issues raised by Mr. Teddie. Firstly, I agree that the JLSC or members of the JLSC are well aware of...

Reap what you sow!

Mr Sogavare, I hope you now realise some of the mistake you made. Now you are calling on the new government to comply with legal procedures when dealing with Moti 's deportation. You must be kidding! Remember...

Response to Duran Angiki

Dear Editor, May I congratulate you for setting up Solomon Times Online. Today, [Sunday 23rd December] I had the misfortune of browsing your letters to the editor column. I was amazed to read one by Duran...

Time to Tell the Truth

Whether I am a bush political anaylist or not does not matter but what matters in my view is revelation of the truth. Many peole have talked about projects through the BUA.From very realiable sources BUA...

Merry Christmas

The Community of Solomon Islanders living in Fiji wish all Solomon Islanders living in the Solomon Islands and abroad, a Joyous Christmas and a Prosperous New Year 2008. May the celebration of the birth...

Royal Engineers on Malaita, 1972

Dear Sir, It is now 35 years since I left Malaita, where I was serving with the Specialist Team Royal Engineers. My task was connected with the construction of the Kwai Road working with a great team...

Congratulations to New Prime Minister

I feel obliged as a Solomon Islands citizen studying overseas to warmly congratulate you on the sucess of assuming the highest responsibility as the New Prime Minister of Solomon Islands. I join others...

The CJ call on Sikua to stop misleading the Nation.

I write to thank Andy Muaki for his response to my views on the above subject. While I appreciate his explanation of the appointment and discipline process as it relates to the subject matter, there are...

Re: Time to tell the Truth

I think GEORGE SAEMANE is a bush political commentator himself. What do you call some of projects that are in progress in some parts of the country? Those are achievements from the bottom up approach by...

Time to Tell the Truth

Many bush political commentators believe the Sogovare error has lapsed. If so, what are some of the achievements of the last government? We need to know this to be able to judge the new one. Else we will...

His Excellency

May I congratulate the venerable parliament for electing His Excellency Marcus Stephens as your President. In your new President you have a man of integrity, courage and commitment. You also have a...

The CJ call on Sikua to stop misleading the Nation.

The CJ call on Sikua to stop misleading the Nation. I write in response to Mr. J. Teddie view on the above topic. From what I gathered from your paper, the CJ only wrote to Dr. Sikua pointing out that...

Congratulations to NEW PM

I wish to join others in the nation to congratulate our New Prime Minister Hon. Dr.Derrick Sikua. I know the celebrations will be shortlived as you have to choose your cabinet and of course begin to set...

Congratulation New PM

Dear Editor, I wish to congratulate the country's new Prime Minister, Dr Derek Sikua. The challenge starts today. Undoubtedly, there will be many sideline experts of the likes of Alfred Sasako. But don't...

Chief Justice Calls on Dr. Sikua to Stop Misleading Nation

It is rather disturbing that learned CJ has to come out in public and defend a statement which clearly the truth. It is clear from the appointment someone is clearly not thinking properly or was forced...

Tuhanuku's view

Reading through the Executive Officer of Transparency Solomon Islands, Mr. Joses Tuhanuku's view on the out going government and the opposition, I for one disagree with some of his comments that discredited...

Chief Justice Calls on Dr. Sikua to Stop Misleading Nation

Something Fishie starts to come out on an accussation the intending PM made on the previous Government. He has accused members of the previous Government to plot the 2000 coup. How credible is this or...

Number Game -

Freedom of choice is one of the basic rights that underpin the advancement of democracy and democratic societies. In family, business, and politics or in all manner of decision making process individuals...

The Numbers Game

As a concerned citizen of this nation, I am sick and tired of hearing numbers claim by both sides. Do the most honourable task of going to the floor of Parliament instead of telling us that one group...

Hon Koli Resigned

By far, the most disgraceful decision in the ongoing political saga was that which was taken by Hon Koli. The decision had to the drug of the Honorable across the muddy field between the Government and...

dolphin export

It is unfortunate that the Solomon Islands has nothing to export but a bunch of t-shirts and dolphins. And worse yet, they are exporting those dolphins where half the population (women) don't have much...

S. Havea Hide behind Brits History

Havea, The panorama you portray is relatively historical and I think you have missed the point. Firstly Solomon Islands were never a colony, we were a British protectorate, Secondly you stated clearly...

Cry for our tama

4/12/07 Dear Editor Our tama is gone Nobody listened. And nobody cared. And now there is a high ugly steel fence around the Town Ground. We have lost our Honiara Tama. So the children will...


Sir, The twist and turns of the writing by Watson from Gizo is becoming of Sogavare. The crux of soverignity Soga stood for is within the facilitation act of RAMSI and the way RAMSI has been operating...

Letters Archive