Letters to the Editor Archive November 2008

RAMSI to stay!

Dear editer, I want to say a big thanks to Mr. Tonavi, for his positive views concerning RAMSI's stay in our country. I strongly agree for RAMSI to stay as long as they should, as a Solomon Islander we...

Global Peace Festival?

Mr Ledesma, Behind every organisation and gathering there is a motive and a goal to achieve. In this case the loving and peaceful people of the solomon Islands don't need your sweet and well chosen...

Rev. Moon is Promoting False Teachings

Dear Charlse Bingham from Korea. Stop fooling the people of the world with Rev. Moon's false teachings. These teachings are luring people in the name of Global peace, Sport,Scholarship/education,money...

Global peace festival

Dear editor, This so called peace festival was dominating this column for more than a week now and what good thing does it bring?Do Solomon Islands desperately need this peace that Rev moon and his followers...

Moonie Peace Festival

Thanks for this opportunity to voice out my christian views on this leading news in Honiara since past weeks. In the last days people will use God's name to say that they are Messiah. or the way the world...

Reverent Moon, Global Peace Festival

With all due respect to Mr. Bingham from Korea, and not to be redundant since I have made other comments on this subject, let me just post a handful of direct Rev. Moon quotes that I found in some of his...

Peace Festival

The debate over this gathering has sparked wider criticisms stemming right back to some historical uncovered dealings from the founder towards politics, personal affairs, and the philosophies/ideologies...


What do this people know about peace in SI? We do not need their misleading teaching. SI has already got the best christian teaching in the world, and we love and enjoy it all through. Why dont this group...

Where am I?

Much has been said either for or against the Global Youth Festival (GYF) organised by the Universal Peace Federation (UPF) founded by Rev. Moon. Before contributing to this controversal & sensitive issue,...

To the Ministry of National Unity, Peace and Reconciliation

Dear Ministers, The Solomon Times reported that you are likely bowing to the pressure of SICA by refusing an invitation to the Global Peace Festival. Is that true? What other reason could you have? Please...

Free Education

Free Education for Solomon Islands? How free is a free education that cost tax payers of another Nation. It bogles my mind. I rather make Solomon Islanders pay for their hospital bills for being careless...

Dear PEAE and SICA

My great, great grandfather brought the Bible to the Gilbert Islands. Hiram Bingham. He risked his life to bring Jesus' spirit to the Pacific Islands. I can tell you now, he is NOT happy. Nor am I. I can't...

Irreverent Moon

It is interesting to read all the supporting emails for Irreverent Moon from overseas. He obviously has all his brainwashed wolves in sheeps clothing working hard to convert all you disbelievers!! "Beware...

Christian Leaders and Global Peace Festival

I wonder what is happening to the Christian Leader protesting against the Global Peace Festival and inviting people to boycott the Festival. Are they serious? How can people meeting together trascending...

Fruit Pickers to NZ

No doubt everyone is looking for opportunities within and outside of the country during this period of global crisis. Amongst are those who selected to have a try in New Zealand farms. Just a reminder...

Moon Peace Celebration

SICA and Solomon Island christians should hold on to the truth they know "the Bible". Perhaps for many, little is known about Mr. Moon that many of us could fall for easily. Claiming himself as the Messiah....

Rev. Moon

I write in response to Jammie from Asia. The fact here is our christian leaders here in Solomon Islands do not teach hatred but they have the spirit of dicernment. They decern and see what will jeopadise...

Rev Moon

Dear Sir I was reading about christian's concern about Rev Moon on Solomon Islands. Don't worry he is living out his life at an incredible rate for the sake of others and loves God with his whole heart...

Addressing Social Issues In Tackling Vandalism in Honiara

Dear Editor, The recent vandalizing of a public telephone at Rove has stirred some interesting debate and condemnation has come from Telekom and several contributors to the Letters to the Editor page...

Stand in Faith and Prayer

I am a Commited christian myself, to be honest, reading this particular event, I believe that this is only a challenge for God's Children. Christians should consider this and pray instead of accussing...

Moons Festival

I read with interest the some letters supporting Moonie and the peace festival in Honiara. I have been an objective observer of the Moon followers in Honiara as some close relatives have fell prey to...

Moon Boycott

First of all. Every Unificationist believes that Rev. Moon is the return of Christ because Rev. Moon has been publically saying that since 1992. He overtly advocates the creation of a world-wide theocracy...

Monitoring and Enhancing Teacher Performance

Like Melanie, I also wonder why education authorities (EAs) and school managements do little or nothing about the issue of teacher absenteeism in schools. I believe there is a need to put in place a Performance...

Boycott Moon article

The article at first appears to be simple reporting but then ends up with statements from only one party - the nay sayers - why not also provide some quotes from an interview with Moon's people? Then you...

Moonie article

Hi there, I wanted to write you about the article concerning the boycott of the Global Peace Festival by the Christian leaders. I personally just came from the Global Peace Festival in London and didn't...


Jesus came as the Messiah and he was murdered by the Nation God prepared to receive Him. Stoning and killing those sent by God is nothing new. Now, in the Solomon Islands, the religious leaders have taken...


This is what (amoung several other theologies of the Unification Church) that is not uniting at all about this movement: Virtually all Unification Church members consider Father Moon to be the new Messiah...


GPF is a front group for Rev. Moon's asperations to take over the world. That is a fact which I suspect Frank K knows, but like his last name, refuses to disclose. The Christians in the Solomans, in rejecting...

Rev. Moon

Nice job on exposing Rev. Moon as a bad influence. The Bible is real clear that anyone who claims to be "the Messiah" (as Rev. Moon does) is definitely not. Indeed, Rev. Moon represents a test which my...

RE: Where is the right enshrined in the constitution?

I am speechless at the hatred aimed at the federation for peace organization. The Christian denominations that once preach love are now preaching hatred towards their neighbours. What bible are we preaching...

Global Peace Festival

Thanks Editor for allowing me space to comment on the proposed Peace Festival in Honiara. While I appreciate PEACE being exceptionally important for Solomon Islands, I personally do not perceive any...

Global Peace Festival

Yesterday, you reported about a ban of the Global Peace Festival called for by the highest Christian office of your country. Mr. Riti's religion is the kind of religion that crucified Jesus. If he doesn't...

Boycot "Moonie" festival

I have had close and intimate encounters with the Unification movement and it's followers. I have seen many of my friends who are supporters of the movement be attacked and put down by main stream christian...

Vandalism in Honiara

Dear Editor, The level of vandalism in Honiara needs to be addressed with the full force of the law. We cannot go on expecting handouts in every aspect. Utilities such as public telephones are there...

Article on GPF

How sad Christian churches are so impoverished for ideas and inspiration that the only time they show any sign of life is to oppose stuff, scare people, and otherwise bring clouds, darkness and oppression....

Teachers' absenteeism

Its appalling how teachers can be absent from classes under the very nose of their education authority and the Ministry of Education and little has been done about it. But just as you can do accounts audits...


Dear Editor, Its very disappointing to see public facilities being vandalised by few selfish and and uncivilised individuals. The recent vandalising of the public telephone at Rove is just another example...

Teacher Absenteeism

Dear Editor, The latest debate over teachers being absent from work could be attributed to several factors and the best way to obtain worthwhile/meaningful information is to ask/allow teachers who falls...

Public facilities damaged

Its so sad to see public phones around Honiara has been vandalized by few selfish and careless individuals,still don't understand why they have to do such an stupid action by damaging such a good and helpful...

Vandalism in Honiara

Dear Editor, The latest report of damage to a newly installed public telephone at Rove is yet another example of what appears to be endemic instances of vandalism occurring in Honiara. Another recent...

Public phone

Dear editor, Please give space thanks, concernning the people who always have the bad manner of distroying public phones and peoples things in our country. This is very seriouse problem in Solomon islands,...

Dynamite fishing

It should be noted that reports of dynamite fishing was used in the past to catch fish for the captive dolphins held in pens being readied for sale. The citizens of the Solomons must know that destroying...


Congratulations Gerard, I also heard from a father of another Solomon Islander from Auki that his son have also been contracted to play for Paramata EELS after turnig down an offer from Broncos. So I...

Is Honiara heating up?

I would like to appreciate the contributions of people like Lionel, Hiba and Luwii. It is interesting to see the in-depth growth of the discussion surrounding this phenomenon. It is also interesting to...

Is Honiara Heating up?

Dear Editor, I would like to thank Ambrose, Lionel and Hiba for the contribution to the climate change issue. Lionel's comment about the 'BIG' issue of taking appropriate action now must be reiterated...

Achievement in the game of Rugby

I would like to take this time to salute Gerard Tema for his achievement in Rugby League. Despite there are plenty of good players in the category he is playing in Australia; this didn't stop him from...

Government officer awaits verdict

It is indeed interesting to read that one of our officials in Taiwan had let alcohol drown him and ended up acting disorderly and caused damage in a foreign country. That behaviour should have been best...

Is Honiara heating up?

Thanks Hiba for the short but precise and progressive infor. Barack Obama in his renewed promise to climate change policies in the USA yesterday (November 19/08) said that "any nation that's willing to...

Villagers plea for clean water

In addition to correcting the location of Mataruka village, the constituency where it is located and the MP representing this constituency, I think the name of the village elder who raised this issue with...

Waimapuru jubilee

The last time I was in Waimapuru was in 2000 to take a short time with the form 5 and 6 students, after the June 6 episode. The first object of interest to me was the "family pot" and I could not even...

Is Honiara heating up?

I'd like to thank my two friends Ambrose & Lionel for again bringing up the discussion. The issue of global warming is in fact a global concern as it has huge implications on all aspects of life and Small...

Ex-Waimapuru Students

Thank you to those initiators of the idea of celebrating our great jubilee. I was a former student of Waimapuru and I look forward for whatever the committee or organizers plan for this event. Again I...

Villagers Plea for Clean Water

Dear editor, The concern raised by people in Mataruka village, East Guadalcanal I believe should likewise ring the bell to other leaders of other constituencies that perhaps their people might plea for...

Villagers plea for clean water?

Dear editor, Can you get your facts right about the place you are referring to "villagers Plea for clean water" you are reffering to two different places. Mataruka in Malango is correct but in East Guadalcanal...

Is Honiara heating up?

It is interesting to read that the topic has some connections with the global climate. Thinking logically about that gives me light that, whatever human or non human activities occuring in other parts...

Solomon Music: Story for sore lo hem

It is very interesting to read about Solomon Islands music being exploited in Fiji. This is an affirmation that Solomon Islands music and other Pacific Islands' music are not protected from remixing or...

Congrats Waimapuru and Capt Eric Rove

Congratulations to Waimapuru and am sure its ex-students are all proud of that place. I couldn't agree more that Waimapuru has contributed its best to various offices in the SI and overseas. And some...

Waimapuru silver jubilee

There are many of us who owe our academic success to the casava, slippery cabbage & rubber rice of Waimapuru. Please keep us informed of developments as we want to be part of this jubilant event! Is...

Sad story about Solo Music

Dear Editor, It saddens me to hear lots of our music are being remixed by very cunning people here in Fiji. Many of Wally pazzy's and Wantok's songs are totally remixed by people here and are sold in...

Waimapuru silver jubilee

It is interesting to read that the SSPM is taking the initiative to organise ex-Waimapuru students for the celebration. I do not disagree with this plan but fully support this. Waimapuru had contributed...

Increased suicide in Solomon Islands

Dear editor, Allow me to share some of my views on the above subject matter. The recent report of the increased rate of suicide in Solomon Islands is very sad especially when it is common amongst young...

Waimapuru Celebrations

Dear Editor, I was excited about the news that ex students are planning a celebration next year. Will listen out. Cheers from the Carribean. Eric Rove...

Cuban scholarship & GPA

Thank you editor for allowing me a space to drop some comment. Indeed I would like to thank Mr George and Ishmael for their contribution to this issue of cuban scholarship. Infact i agreed with what these...

Is Honiara heating up?

Thanks for those who shared their views on the this subject. I tend to think that this question is a global question. Well, after all Honiara is just a part of the globe (world). Though there are distinct...

Music Copy Rights

Dear Editor, Well, as far as artists in the Solomons are concerned, to my observation, since our country gained its independence from its colonies, not much has been done concerning protecting the copy...

Nakayama scholarship program

I would like to express my gratitude to the Japanese who established the Nakayama scholarship program. Apart from other donors who poured in money for tertiatry scholarships, I think Nakayama is exceptional...


Never give up. Even though there are tough times in SI and record suicide rates even amongst Australian farmers, just never give up because the tough times will pass. Development of long term poverty...

Cuban medical scholarships

I can only drop in a compliment to Nestor's tone on the medical training in Cuba. I believe there was a gold-rush; the opportunity is perceived as the best gift ever to medicine in the Solomon Islands....

Tatoo Shop in Port Moresby, PNG

I was really amazed about the Tatoo shop being opened in Port Moresby by a Solomon Islander. I salute you for your contribution in doing business in my country, Papua New Guinea and I encourage more Solomon...

Cuban Scholarships and GPAs

Dear editor, Allow me space to share some of my thoughts on the above topic. I believe this is not just an issue of selecting candidates for the medical scholarships to study in Cuba. The fact that the...

Cuban Scholarships & GPA's

Let me also contribute to this Cuban scholarship discussion. As George Hoa'au stated GPA is not all that counts but also character among other things. I am glad that selectors now finally realize that...

Is Honiara heating up?

I wish to thank Hiba for clearly explaining and answering the above question. People may realise that Honiara is getting hotter and hotter but we cannot attach this to increasing temperature or climate...

Cuban Scholarships

Issues raised by Mr Galo, Kakai and Maraimoa with respect to granting of scholarships are valid and true. We have seen previous NTU committees unscrupulously awarding scholarships to less than qualified...

Cuban Scholarships: a footnote

I thank Makoti for initiating the discussion around the above subject. Others who have contributed on Solomon Times did raise further opinions around it. They must be commended too. I will be contributing...

Awarding Cuban Scholarship

Studying medicine is tough indeed even though medical students studying at FSM or PNG are using English language and I hope that our future Doctors in Cuba are studying hard despite the fact that they...

Awarding of Cuban Scholarships

I believe there is an appropriate authority within the Ministry of education who can answer to our queries concerning the above matter. I have no disputes. The practice of medicine can defer greatly from...

Cuban scholarship

Dear editor, I would like to respond to Galo Makoti's comment concerning the above matter. I think that those who were awarded the scholarship have proven to themselves and the country as whole to be...

Shazy and other music

Solomon Islands Government should start thinking about setting up a copy right authority or body that protects our local songs and other original works in SI. Shazy and others are now accessing market...

Cuban Scholarship

Just to recap on the concern of Galo Makoti from Solomon Islands regarding the Awarding of Cuban scholarships. After reading through the article, I was really surprised and worried. If what Galo was talking...

Solomon Music and Fiji Market

Thanks Aokeman for your points. I often wonder why Solomon Music is not making it in the Fiji market. May be you should scrutinize your marketing strategies. I wonder if the black marketing of Solomon...

Is Honiara Heating Up?

I want to thank my friend Mr. LUWII from the far east for his views on the above issue. Few comments though. Firstly, I am not a climate change expert or advisor as stated by my friend.Secondly, my answer...

Awarding Cuban Scholarship

Thanks Galo for raising such a salient concern with respect to the above subject. In essence, I incline to support your concern with regards to how the selections were made, especially to send academically...

Is Hoinara Heating up?

The answer is YES. By the looks of it Mr. Hiba is a local climate change expert in that he is trying to correct information pertaining to climate change as appeared in the mass media for public consumption....

Iumi Flow Album - Sharzy

Dear Editor, I would like to respond to Mai Solomone's rather disjointed reply to my letters on the above mentioned topic. There is no way in my previous articles that I portray Solomon Islands music...

Awarding of Cuban Scholarship

Dear editor, Allow me a space to point out my concern as a Solomon Islander. From grapevine I heard that Cuban scholarship has been allocted to lucky students already and which I'm grateful of, however...

Is Honiara Heating Up?

The answer is NO!!!! Let me just clarify some of the points raised on this topic so as to inform the public. 1. Scorching 32 degrees temperature - This 32 deg maximum temperature is not unusual as the...

Rearming the Solomon Islands Police Force (SIPF)

Dear Editor, I have read that when the Parliamentary Foreign Relations Committee met recently to review the Facilitation Act , the Speaker of the National Parliament, Sir Peter Kenilorea, made a statement...

Iumi flow album

Hey folks, its enough for this nightmare on the latest Sharzy`s album. To be obvious, i want to tell you Aokeman that Solo Music is a hit songs in fiji. Do you ever realise that the flavor of Solomon songs...

SI-Iran proposed relation: a view from the gallery

That was a fair discussion regarding the legal personality of a state. But it would be a mistake to suppose that only the central government has the personality, since government is one element of a state...

The commission of inquiries: the outcomes

Setting up of such tasks/bodies becomes an expensive and unaccountable exercise to which the outcome sometimes does not matter, because it lacks objectivity. As recently revealed by the OAG report the...

Yes we Can!

In the night of his victory's speech, the words of the newly elected President of the United States of America, Barrack Obama has found place in the hearts of the many Americans who are celebrating his...

Aboriginies and Samoans in Tense Situation Following Death

I would like to send my condolences and regards to the family of the deceased. I am going to express my opinion, in saying this my last intention is to offend. If the deceased wasn't related to a well...

Obama as president

As I prepare to return to the Solomon Islands in order to plan another medical trip for the Loloma Foundation, a United States based foundation, I am excited to share with you the great news of our new...

Right use of RCDF

The initiatives taken by Honourable Abana and the PM, Dr. Sikua, in supporting rural projects in their respective constituencies, using the RCDF allocated through them, calls for our approval and appreciation....

IUMI FLOW album-Sharzy

Dear Editor, Allow me space to respond to Phils Manzly from Suva on the above topic. Phils, from you reply I assume you want Sharzy's music to be played in buses and shops in Fiji as well, just like...

iumi flow album

I read with interest the comments posted in this paper. It would be nice if we give positive comments that would help our music industry move forward. By the way you looked at it, Phils Manzly, you got...

IUMI FLOW album-Sharzy

Thanks Aokeman for your views on the above subject. Firstly, I have access to the local bands that you recommend through Utorrent and I never stop listening to then because they sing about some of the...

SI-Iran proposed relation: a view from the gallery

Dear Editor, If Solomon Islands intention is to have diplomatic relation with Iran, then it is perfectly legal by international law. Since its States that have the 'legal personality' to enter into such,...

Appreciate being a Solomon Islander

Dear Editor, The issue of the "Malaitan Jew" has been a center for several constructive and unconstructive discussion thus far. It is indeed heartbreaking to learn that the once well organised denomination(SSEC)...

World Relations

It is good that our nation develops relationship with Iran. Australia also develops relationship with Iran. I mentioned a world respected non-western news source; www.presstv.ir, with bases in the Western...

Letters Archive