Letters to the Editor Archive March 2009

Dolphin statistics

Dear Editor, I am in favor of Mr Bermans statistical revelations about the fate of exported SI Dolphin. We need more of these awareness and pressure on the higher hierarchy. I still believe there's got...

Tourism Program at SICHE

Dear Editor, We note that three countributors to this discussion disagreed on word "lousy" as used in our contribution. For this, we must apologize for the inappropriate "choice" of word on our part....

Tourism Ed at SICHE

I have been following through alot of interesting views and ideas from all and what fascinates me is that the tourism training has just started at SICHE and is already undergoing through an 'ongoing evaluation'...

Congratulations Koloale

I wish to congratulate the Koloale FC for the win over the weekend. Good on you boys. We are proud of you. Go Koloale Go!!!! ...

Tourism at SICHE

I agree with Adrian. At this point, no one has yet taught the course so that comparative analysis could be reached. Rather, we should give it ample time before making any judgement. Some of the respondents...

Tourism Ed at SICHE

I would like to thank those who have shared their views on the above discussion. Whatever lenses you have perceived through, I for one have seen great value in your views, not only to address the above...

SICHE Tourism

Interesting comments coming in and I for one was sceptical about the selection of teaching personel for starters. Having read some of the student's views, I thought why not, give it a go! There'll always...

Tourism school at SICHE

Dear Editor Thank you Malaii for your comments. I understand SICHE has formal procedures to follow when selecting their lecturers. They (lecturers) have to be qualified in their fields, have some teaching...

Dolphin exports: 100 annually

Received on 21 March 2009: Dear Editor, Once again the SI govt. does not examine unbiased science. It is interesting that Dr. Defran who is a US citizen claims there are no problems with these exports....

Tourism Program at SICHE

I tend to think that it is quite too early to evaluate and compare pedagogical aspects of teaching the tourism course, since the program just started. In addition, you cannot compare the tourism course...

Tourism school at SICHE

I would like to make some comments further to what some contributors have raised under the above subject, particularly on the issue of Lecturers'/Teachers' lacking passion in their work. However I will...

Congratulations Koloale FC

Dear Editor, I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Koloale FC for a job well done against BA FC of Fiji last saturday. All your fans here in Auki are behind you. You can do it! Wish...

Tourism at SICHE

Dear Editor, Thank you Joyce for responding to my views. You are correct in pointing out that my assumption was incorrect - as I had mentioned, it was an assumption. But that does not, by an inch divert...

Tourism Program at SICHE

I thank Irene and Patricia for their frank yet candid contribution. A couple of points they reinforced are genuine, and should be taken onboard by the SICHE management in the context of improving SICHE...

Tourism school at SICHE

Thank you Victoria for your reply to my earlier letter. I find it quite confusing when Victoria use some words or phrases in her previous articles. Generally speaking, she seemed to not care about using...

Kukum market down!

I am pleased the kukum market 'war zone' has been levelled. I will be glad when all is over and we have our very own hardworking vegetable/fruit (excluding betel-nut let alone cigars) vendors selling their...

Tourism school at SICHE

I refer to Malaii's comments from Auki. I wrote in the first place due to the fact that there was no advertisement from the department of tourism for interested and qualified locals to teach at SICHE....

Tourism Program at SICHE

Dear Editor, I also wish to share a few thoughts on the above subject. I think Joyce's concern regarding the need for local institutions to recognise Solomon Islanders with appropriate knowledge, skills...

Tourism program at SICHE

I thank Victoria and Joe for sharing their views on the factors that constitute and contribute to an effective and engaging learning environment. It is encouraging to see students like Victoria and Joe...

HCC Flattens Kukum Stalls

The recent action by the Honiara City Council on the Kukum betel nut vendor's stalls was indeed deplorable. In essence, it was an obvious and absolute symbolic act of repression. Certainly, the prospect...

Kukum Market

Mr. Bilau thank you for your posting on the above issue. I am obliged to contribute to the deabate and state some of the adverse effects of Kukum Market on the Economy. The effects of Kukum Market on...

Quality education

Victoria and Joe raise a critical point when making a comparision between locals and experts lectueres with regards to how they discharge their duties. Their point sounds a bit degrading, but it has a...

SICHE School of Tourism

Dear Editor, I just wanted to say to the SICHE Human Resourse recruitment, there are so many foreigners/Regional with the right papers, (Qualifications) but do not deliever. Be weary of those taking the...

Tourism in SICHE

The discussion is interesting especially when some contributors are in favour of the idea of recruiting foreign lecturers. I know that the curriculum for this program had been set by one of our locals...

Tourism school at SICHE

I've read with much interest on the discussion about the above issue. All views are valid and have strong supportive ideas. First, from my point of view I think it is important take also take the students'...

Tourism Program at SICHE

Paulsen, there are many things. However, because of space limitation, we will only mention one. We find their presentations far-reaching, intellectually stimulating, and application-oriented. In particular,...

Tourism Program at SICHE

Any Solomon Islander would agree that giving away jobs that local people are eligible to do to foreigners is not acceptable and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism perhaps knew that very well in the process...

Kukum Market

Dear Editor, Thanks Frank Bilau for your latest posting on the abovementioned topic. While I have no data to furnish you in relation to government expenditure on addressing adversities reulting from...

Tourism program at SICHE

An interesting observation Victoria. I think we all have something to gain from your comments so perhaps a detailed explanation of what you mean by the phrase " ..their methods of teaching are unique.."...

Tourism Program at SICHE

I note Oligao's comments on this issue, in particular, on nationality and our countrymen and women getting degrees in this field. On former, it is my view, as a student, that selection shouldn't be made...

Kukum Market

Dear Editor, Nancy Mae from Sydney, here we are talking about Kukum Market, therefore, the adversities and pressure the entire population exerts on the economy shouldn't be comparable. For this reason,...

Obama's Opinion piece

Obama's opinion piece makes interesting reading. I can smell the fall of capitalism and the so-called free market, let alone democracy. Those who advocate communism in the former soviet union and China...

Opinion Piece by President Barack Obama - "A Time for Global Action"

Barack Obama: A time for global action By Barack Obama We are living through a time of global economic challenges that cannot be met by half measures or the isolated efforts of any nation. Now, the...

Kukum Market

Dear Editor, It's surprising to see that Mr. Frank Bilau from Taipei failed miserably to perceive that Kukum Market is indeed detrimental to the economy. Frank, you don't have to be a rocket scientist...

Tourism school at SICHE

I have been reading all the views of different writers with regard to the Tourism study at SICHE. As has been pointed by Joyce that it's time to utilize our locals with relevant qualifications to be...

Mining License

Thank you to Harry Kwow for proving the links to information pertaining to KelvynAlp and Pheonix International. While every information provided on the internet cannot be taken on face value, this in...

Tourism Program at SICHE

What we, the SICHE students, need are good quality lecturers. Giving preferences to locals, in my view, can lower SICHE's academic standards. Lecturers have to be selected on the basis of their experience,...

Tourism School at SICHE

Dear Editor, While I support the idea of engaging locals to teach tourism courses at SICHE, what is important here is the standard and quality of training students have accessed to. Not only that, raising...

Tourism School at SICHE

Dear Editor, Allow me to share some of my views on the above topic. I understand the frustration and sentiments expressed by my friend Joyce Maetoloa. Indeed it is a frustrating sight to see an expatriate...

Water disconnection

It is illegal and contrary to the provisions of the public health Ordinance to disconnect water supplies. I beleive the Solomon Islands has similar Ordinances. ...

Tourism school at SICHE

I strongly agree with what Joyce Maetoloa expressed. Its sad when we see expatriates filled in the employment positions that local solomon islanders can do. How can we express ouselves when we cry to stand...

Kagovai Counter

ALLOW me to reply to the concerns raised by the Solomon Islands National Union of Workers general secretary Tony Kagovai, on my background and that of my company. First of all my name is Kelvyn Alp,...

Quest Scheme

I agree with the view shared by my sister Nancy that our people never learn from those past experience. However, instead of just pointing out the obvious, it is important that we look at some of the factors...

Tourism School at SICHE

I thank Joyce for concerns raised in her letter. However, as a SICHE student, I prefer to be taught by expatriates because their methods of teaching are unique compared to local lecturers. I tend to learn...

Kelvyn Alp, Phoenix International Gold Mining

Have a look at the following links:

Link to http://www.radioaustralia.net.au Article

Kukum Market

Dear Editor, Thank you too Ambrose for your response to my short note. However, your mistake is that you failed to see kukum market's small indirect contributions to the economy of Solomon Islands is...

Questnet Scheme

Dear Editor, I would like to comment on quest net scheme. It seems like all Pacific Islanders never learn their lesson. We talk about mountain people's cult movement. What we are wittnessing is morden...

Granting of Mining License

I am concerned about the recent decision to grant Pheonix International a mining license on Guadalcanal. It is important that companies that are issued such license are not only experienced in the mining...

SICHE Tourism Studies

Joyce I applaud your sentiments and agree with you whole heartedly. I guess the bottom line is who is paying for the position. ...

Tourism school at SICHE

I learned with dismay the fact that the Ministry of Culture and Tourism has seen it fit to hire an expatriate working with RAMSI at the Prison Services to teach Hospitality studies specifically house-keeping...

Dolphin Export

Yea, you are right Nancy Mae of NSW, the Gov't, Exporters and Buyers know what they are doing. That was the same thing they say about logging industry in the Solomon Islands; the gov't, loggers and buyers...

Dolphin Trade

Dear Editor, Whilst working together, for gathering information with Institutions like Earth Island may be important, as asserted by Pakipota, fairness should be done here when it comes to campaigning...

Dolphin Trade: Demand Vs Supply

I have a question for the Director of Earth Island Institute. How does the Dolphin Trade affect your "dolphin safe labels?" How much will you stand to lose? I have reasons to believe that the issue at...

Dolphins and Development

The issue of dolphins in the Solomon Islands is truly a story that stands out. The pros and cons are both heavily agreeable. However, I would like to state that given the current situation and need for...

Dolphin Trade

Its interesting to note people like Nancy going out to the media without doing proper research on dolphins status in our ocean. Nancy mention that "dolphins are still in abundance and not even near extinction"....

Dolphin Export

Re: Andrew Tika's Editorial. Andrew, you didn't even make any clarification in your posting but to tell you the truth, I indeed know what Iam talking about. There are legal arrangements established my...

Reply to Ms. Mae: Dolphin Trade

Dear Editor, In response to the letter by Ms. Mae, it needs to be clarified that these dolphins are not volunteers to be sent to Dubai or any other dolphin prison for human amusement. These dolphins...

Dolphin Export

RE: Nancy Mae's Editoriol. I just want to clarify somethinting here. Ms. Mae do you know what you are talking about or have you been brainwashed just like any other Solomon Islanders. Just asking thats...

Arts Festival Preparations-What About Public Toilets?

It's interesting to read of all the preparations that had been put in place by the organising committee to see that things are done as planned for 2012. I always want to support what ever is done to promote...

Dolphin Trade

To you all the critics of dolphin trade in the Solomons, I would suggest you look thoroughly through the established arrangements between SIG and the Exporter and whether or not SI breaches its international...

Dolphin Trade or Tradition?

I write with much sadness and heartache with regards to the capture and trading of dolphins. How about the many inspirational stories of dolphins that have saved human-lives over the years? More-over they...

Forum on Live Dolphin Trade

This forum is important if done correctly. The bottom line is that the international community of environmental organizations have condemned the capture and trade of dolphins from the Solomon Islands....

Bones Mission Team

Hi, I'm an anthropology/archaeology graduate of the University of Queensland, St. Lucia. I'm curious about the annual investigation of the Bones Mission Team and would like to know where I might find reports...

Dolphin Trade

I have only one thing to say to the people of Solomon Islands regarding the dolphin trade. How low in the eyes of the world are we going to go to make money, it is so disgusting to even think of exporting...

Kukum Market

Dear Editor, Its interesting to read many of our good people commenting on the closure/half closure of Kukum Market. My only comment would be for the policy maker (HCC). Before you decide to close such...

Congratulations to Mr. Wini

Congratulations, Mr. Wini, for successfully completing your UN exams and for your selection to join the UN Secretariat.

I look forward to welcoming you to the UN family.

Well done!

Request for supporters forKoloale FC against BA

Regarding to the reguest by SIFF and the Organising committee of the match between KOLOALE FC (our O-League rep) and the Fiji giant Ba FC to the supporters to come in numbers on 28th March to support...

Re: Kukum market!

It is a saying too that in any economic policy there should always be a healthy social policy!. I say to summarise my previous article to you.

Kukum Market -Tossing between loss n gain

I would say i have been 'born n bred' in Kukum well into my young adulthood days. Kukum used to be a wonderful one-stop shopping haven and a beautiful suburb one would ever want to live in. The conveniency,...

National Ocean Policy

Dear Editor, I write to convey my sincere support to Kenilorea (Jr) writing on the National Ocean policy. On another note: Foreign Affairs are working on various committee and hope to draw a pool of new...

Proposed boycott of General Election

I salute the stand taken by the small Mala House of Chiefs in their proposal to boycott the coming general election. I only wish if constituents in other constituencies come to their senses and adopt the...

Natural Disaster (ND) lies

Dear Editor, From the occurance of the tsunami in the Western Solomons to the floods in Guadalcanal, natural disasters are causing havoc and suffering, people loose their loved ones, their homes, food...

Population and Economy

"Economic growth continues to be insufficient in the face of a rapidly growing population, putting pressure on limited national resources," said Hon. Billy Hilly, Minister of Commerce, Industries and Employment...

Kukum Market a Blessing in Disguise

I believe when HCC first lease the property to SEMRC, the substandard facilities at Kukum market including sanitation were not an issue. It has become an issue lately when SEMRC fails to keep up its financial...


Thank you very much Frank for opening my eyes. I would like to pose a question about how many of those tenants do pay taxes to the government and it would be very interesting to know how many of them are...

Kukum Market

Dear Editor- I'm not for or against this issue of closing down of Kukum Market since it has both good and bad sides to it as mentioned by Ambrose. However, if Mr Ambrose follow this issue carefully he...

Closing Kukum Market a Loss

Great contribution by Steve Ray Vanchan. You have taught us something important but your thoughts are not so recommendable. It is better for you to dig deeper rather than waffling. Hope you have more general...


The issues pertaining to the above subject is capturing. There are many good aspects and bad aspects of Kukum market which needs proper evaluation and assessment before actions taken. The spot is ideal...

Closing Kukum Market a Loss

Dear Editor, Please give space to outcast my opinion on the request for Closing of Kukum Market which is Known as South East Market Resources Centre(SEMRC). Well in response to the article of Wilson...

Kukum market [& others]: a health concern

Luwii pointed out in his article that the cleaning up of kukum market is neccesary as a health concern. While that may be true, "health concerns" is a much broader issue which should not be seen in isolation...

SI National Oceans Policy

Dear Editor, In the past few days the SIG has made some encouraging statements and have taken some admirable actions that indicate that they are moving forward concretely on some important ocean specific...

Kukum Market Closure

The City Council should close down the market immediately. It posed imminent health risks for the public and especially the neigboring residences and schools. The revenue for the gov't as said to have...

Markets and Public Facilities

The Kukum market may have been successful in providing a venue for people to earn something, the lessees to make profit, and the SITC to sell its tobacco products. I am not so sure, however, that it was...

Kukum Markets

The success of Kukum market demonstrates that there is the need for this type of facility in Honiara. Many tropical countries have night markets. Why not redevelop the market so that it has good facilities,...

Closing Kukum Market a Loss

Dear Editor, John Harold is making a lot of excuses trying to ensure that his clients and their dirty and unhealthy business is not eliminated from the Kukum area. The South East Marketing Resource Centre...

Scholarship for Pacific Islanders

Wantoks, Here is a scholarship opportunity. Please share with whoever might be interested: ~~~~~~~~~~ SSGM Pacific Islands PhD Scholarship The State, Society and Governance in Melanesia Program (SSGM)...

Auluta Palm Oil?

Auluta palm oil project will be leading development for Malaita, as stated by few writers. For me that objective will come under cross fire, sooner. The hanging issue is whether all landowners surrendered...

Media: A Powerful Tool for Students

Knowledge is power when it is acted upon. Obviously, less has been seen in the past where students boldly display their thoughts using: the radio , the internet or in news papers. Only few did and were...

Termination of Scholarship

Dear editor, It's in fact, sympathy to those 105 students who have lost their scholarships. I can just feel the mixing reactions produced by this shocking blast. But who should be blamed responsibility?...

Be fair NTU

The complaints of students is something that goes on for so many years. If NTU favours certain individuals, then be flexible to others. Every year, new policies are placed on the heads of the students,...

Student's Bond.

I write to respond to Jeremy for clarifying my previous article. I think something we forget to see is we are going to go back and work in Solomon Islands, and not United States. Are we going to go back...

Students' Bond

This is a new chapter long overdue though and I believe it's good to bond students to indicate our likely implications/commitment in our studies, our obligation and culpability after graduation. In any...

The 2 NTU Policy Missed them

While the policy taken by National Training Unit (NTU) is remarkable and must be given some credit, I questioned the fact that the NTU did not apply that to two Emalus students who went to undergo their...

Termination of Scholarships

Dear Editor, It is sad to see a bulk of future Solomon Islanders being ripped-off their scholarships because of under performance and other ingredients that branded them as failures. I do believed that...

Student's Bond

Dear wantoks, I am writing in response to the previous posting on the above subject. Upon return to our country from studies, our question should not be 'Where is the job my country has for me?'. I believe...

Student's Bond

Dear Editor, Even though we appreciate the government of the day for the scholarship, I just want to comment on the bond or the declaration students sign with the government before leaving to various...

Termination of Scholarships

Dear Editor, I'm writing in response to the article by Midweek Jani, Perth Australia. I agree with what he stated in his letter. I do not fully agree with the sentence "When students get to Fiji are...

Unfair Termination of Scholarships

Dear Editor, Thank you very much for allowing me space to comment on the topic above. I for one think that before students leave Honiara to Fiji upon sponsorship, they have to receive a briefing form...

Auluta Palm Oil Project

Dear Sir, May I through your outlet extend my congratulations to the Government on the occasion of the groundbreaking ceremony last Friday, marking the start of the Auluta Palm Oil development on Malaita....

Termination of Scholarships

Hi there, its interesting to read those that are pro and against termination of scholarships from students that did not pass their courses. I believe, NTC/SIG have done what is required of them by sending...

Letters Archive