Letters to the Editor Archive January 2012

Youth employment opportunities

In support of T. Cumberland from Aust., I also think its about time to develop Solomon Islands infrastructure rather than rely on more funding support. We have a beautiful country and have a lot of good...

Resolving poor living

Dear Sir, This report of a young boy searching for ways to make money is telling us that not only in Africa, but in other countries around the world, there are many people who are poor and can't afford...

Plea for reconcilliation in the Solomons

Dear Editor, Last week the Member of Parliament for South Guadalcanal, the Hon. David Day Pacha, was quoted in an article in the Solomon Star as having said said the $3 million allocated in the budget...

Dolphin Exploitation

Dear Editor, May I reiterate that unless and until EII start taking practical steps to deal with the issue of indiscriminate fishing practices of purse-seiners in the western pacific region, its campaign...

Recycling Business

The story about the 11 year old boy scavenging for survival is indeed a sad story and many people certainly look at the government to do something about this before and I quote from Solomon Times "it gets...

School Drop outs

Dear Editor, A well written comment in relation to the youth numbers in the country. So now what better a time and opportunity is there to whole heartedly push the SI Tourism sector. The timing is so...

Unrest at Gold Ridge

I am not surprised we again have a situation where everyone is unhappy at Gold Ridge and surrounds. I wonder how much research the Government did into looking at the problems of the past to avoid the same...

RAMSI'S Withdrawal from the Provinces

Dear Sir Your Friday 20th January article that RAMSI will be withdrawing from a further five areas of the Solomon Islands this year in order to focus more on building the capacity of the RSIPF raises...

Use of Tasers by Police

The Editor Solomon Times On Line Dear Sir In a letter published in the Solomon Times on Line this week, Mr. Shane Lynd described how tasers have proved effective in deterring crime in Queensland when...

Dolphin Exploitation

Dear Editor, While the debate continues regarding the Solomons continuing to capture and export dolphins, Earth Island will not cease its campaign to end the brutal and disgusting trade in live dolphins....

Dolphin eploitation

Berman might also want to tell us how dolphins are killed annually by almighty US purse-seiners in Solomon waters and just what he's doing about it. Thank You!! ...

Re: The Solomon Islands Flag

Dear Sir, Your article above of today's date is abhorrently incorrect. The late Sir Frederick Osifelo GCMC; MBE was the designer of the Solomon Islands Flag. With the late Daniel Buto OBE, we were shown...

Dolphins Export

Dear Editor These so call experts in Dolphin-Mark Berman, Visser are trying to asphyxiate a culture which dolphins are part and partial of for centuries. Live export is better of the two evils where the...

Corruption in Forestry

Hi I am the Chairperson of the Leanabako Tribe Association of Kolombangara Island in the Western province. Please allow me to comment about the corruption in Solomon Islands. My concern goes to the...

Rearming Solomon Islands Police Force

Perhaps as an interim measure the government could consider arming the Solomon Islands police force with tasers rather than firearms.Tasers are proving to be an effective tool in both deterring and controlling...

Dolphine export to China

Sir, If Mark Berman really honest about saving dolphins then he should also tell the whole world to release all the dolphins in all the aquariums around the world. If dolphin business is only for few...

Dolphin Exports to China

Some of us understood the so called illegal dolphin export issue. Our point with regards to Dr. Visser is on the grounds of discouraging NZ visitors to the Solomons. Why not put pressure to those importing...

Dolphin Exports to China

Dr. Visser of New Zealand is correct in her statements regarding the ILLEGAL dolphin exports to China. This export was done without license from the Fisheries Ministry. I ask what Solomon Islander will...

Dolphin Export

Dear Editor, Dr Ingrid Visser, from The Orca Research Trust calls on Kiwis to boycott travel to Solomon Islands because Solomon Islands exports dolphins to China. I find this perplexing. Firstly, I...

Letters Archive