Letters to the Editor Archive December 2008

Bashing of Priest

Its not a surprise the Solomon Islanders whom have accepted and become muslims. What must be clear to all peace loving Solos is Muslim from historical knowledge they spread the teachings by intimidation...

Price Hike and $100 Worth

I was interested to read about certain articles regarding the worth of Our $100.00 Note. I agree with Cecilia that most of our goods are imported from abroad, thus importers incur expenses that should...

Child Bashed to Death

Its really the most cruelness thing on earth for a parent to ever bashed his own child resulting in agony and death. A poor innocent child's life is only cut short by his own parent. A poor child who trust...

Worth of $100 in the Solomons

I read your article with interest and have noted there is no reference made to why SI$100 gives so little in return other than the high prices in the shops. Most goods in the Solomons are imported and...

Child bashed to Death

Inhumane,barbaric,uncivilized and disgusting was the action of that cruel father that has led to the death of that innocent,precious little child. While children of his/her age were enjoying the spirit...

SIFF Shocked

The latest resolution by OFC is a wake up call for SIFF. Did SIFF ever dreamed of having a national league or keep on promoting franchise league in Honiara that produce no national/regional gain or achievement...

Re-Arming the Royal Solomon Islands Police (RSIP)

The Editor Solomon Times Online Dear Sir, The question of re-arming the Royal Solomon Islands Police (RSIP) continues to capture public attention in the Solomons since my own comments on the subject in...

One Crash, Two Lives Taken

It is sad that one accident can take away many lives. Yes, others have shared their views with examples about how such incidences can be minimised or avoided by addressing the issues encompassing: driving...

Crash takes two lifes

The gentlemen from overseas had provide insights into the process to obtain driving license from the countries they are living and studying. Maybe it will help to eradicate accidents in Honiara if we try...

Crash Takes Two Young Lives

I just want to provide some figures and general thoughts about obtaining a driving license here in Europe that my well be a thinkable comparison if we wish to in-place strict orders on drivers in the Solomons,...

Taisie on Multi Lingualism

Thank you for all the good words Wantoks. Yes, I truly understand the point concerning having some prior knowledge on foreign languages while pursuing on adventurous path via scholarships, as has been...

Motion on Sir Allan

Dear Editor, It's good to see that the government sympathises with the jailing of Sir. Allan. In the contrary, nobody is above the law and therefore he deserves to be in there just like any ordinary...

The role of CBSI

The CBSI does not appear to have a specific response to the global financial crisis. The reason as stated in my previous letter to the editor could be related to having our financial system being fluid...

Taisie on Multi Lingualism

I appreciate Mr. Taisie for his achiement in learning Multiple Languages. Congratulations! However, I have few cooments to make with reagrds to his previous posting on this site. He rightly stated that...

Climate Matters

World leaders should be gathering to achieve sustainable solutions to worldwide staple fish resource devastation and worsening poverty instead of spending on disasters claimed to 'possibly' result from...

worth of $100 in the solomons

Dear editor and to my beautiful home honiara. It is very saddening for me to know how this economy is affecting honiara terribly. One thing I would like to say to each individual in Honiara is why are...

A Government with cabinet either serving time or have fraudalent cases pending against them

Dear sir, I wish to take this opportunity to discuss a worrying trend within the SI government such as, MP's who have a) served time in jail, b) still have fraudalent cases pending against them but are...

crash takes two young lives

Now a days I open my eyes closely monitoring the happenings in SI via media and its regretful indeed to note that traffic accidents have increased to an alarming rate this year. Many were innocently either...

Tuna Commission

Dear Editor, In response to your recent editorial describing the outcome of this year's meeting as a "failed compromise" the Pacific Islands Forum Fisheries Agency would like to offer the following information:...

Congratulations Wantok

Hey Dr Gordon Nanau, I salute you on your achievement. Congratulations indeed!!! Wantok, your decision to return and serve SICHE deserves praise. I am absolutely certain that you will be fulfilled in...

Response to Taisie

Congrats to Taisie and well done on your fine achievements in the various languages you have `mastered`. Your argument is that learning Japanese should be as simple as learning ABC. Now whilst German,...

Crash Takes Two Young Lives

Its sad to hear of such young lives being cut short in such a tragic way. Making seatbelt wearing compulsory should now be a must although, while compliance with wearing seatbelt might not be absolute,...

Climate Matters

When climetologist, evironmentalist, Scientist and the world renown scholars are putting their brains, effort, time and money to see how the world can avert possible disasters resulting from climate change,...

Congradulation Gordon

I join Patricia and others to congratulate Gordon for a well deserved award. I am sure you still have the heart for SICHE and what a better time to have you back at SICHE. It is also fitting that SICHE...

Congratulations to Dr. Nanau

I also wish to congratulate Dr. Gordon Nanau for his recent academic accomplishment which now confirms his lifetime dream and goal just like any other Solomon Islanders of the recent past and in the coming...

Congratulations Dr. Gordon Nanau!

May I take this opportunity to convey a congratulatory message to my wantok, Gordon Nanau, who has just been awarded a doctorate in International Development. Congratulations Gordon! You certainly deserve...

Tsunami victims still living in tents

We are one of the contributors to the April 07 tsunami victims, where our association donated 1.3 million yen on 13th June last year via national disaster council (NDC). It is sad to hear that the Malakerava...

Solomons Integrated Framework DTIS Validation Workshop

Dear editor, Credits should be given to the trade department in the ministry of foreign affairs, and the aid donors for organizing such workshop for the stakeholders and the trading companies in Solomon...

Multiple Language

I had my German some years back, Spanish a year ago and am looking forward to Chinese once the time is ripe for my usage in its purpose. I have never dreamed of learning these languages, nor do I intended...

Foreign Language in School Curriculum?

The proposition to introduce foreign languages such as Spanish, Japanese and Chinese (mandarin) in the formal education curriculum to cater for a very few students who are offered scholarships to pursue...

Climate Matters - Jones NZ

Jones from Auckland might like to indicate exactly what is weird as indicated. Not long ago Ontong Java people were appealing for food aid. Yes some people are enjoying free fresh fish but not so in...

Multiple Language curriculums

I sympathize with our students who have to spend a year or so learning Chinese, Japanese or Spanish before taking up their field of studies. I can imagine the difficulty to adapt to a new language, the...

Multiple Language in Schools

While I am symphatise with Nuake and Wani for what they have been through, I just want to put forth some ideas that I think would help us address their Concern. Firstly I disagree with Nuake to say that...

Climate Matters

I do not know where Mr. Fairfax got his weird idea from but climate issues are of serious concern to all Solomon Islanders. A family from Ontong Java or Sikaiana are enjoying fresh reef fish from waters...

multiple language learning in curriculum

I would be very glad if you allow me a space in your news paper to put across my view on the above topic. Mr Nuake, I was very impressed by your suggestion to introduce other languages apart from English...

Fishing a Hobby

The Solomon Islands still has some of the best fishing in the world but the truth is the world does not have many fish left. The favourite hobby for some people reveals patience is now required in SI....

My Puzzel with Govt Budget.

The Governor of CBSI released a press statement sometimes ago that Solomon Islands will not be directly affected by the recent financial crisis because of two reasons. First, he explained that the three...

Climate Matter Of Priority

With a 69 percent increase in maternal mortality, climate change is the secondary issue to social change already destroying SI lives. It is true climate change is not a fairy tale. The climate is always...

The Plight of a Single-Mother

I read with empathy the story about Lily Mae, and admire her courage and determination as a single mother, in raising three children on her own with the very minimal wage she earns. I wonder how many...

Single Mother of Three

To hear a story of three without a father in country like Solomon Islands is not good to hear. That is to say that Solomon Islands with diverse culture and customs practiced does not accommodate the...

Why Solomon Not Immune?

Dear editor, first of all i want to thank Hubertson Warleds Jr for his response to my recent posting after I responded to the above subject, for Mr. Hubertson's information purposes I have no problem or...

Multiple language learning in Curriculum

This is just a thought from someone who has to study a language other than English within a very short time in order to further his education. I believe our policy makers should now start to think about...

Independence Survey

Solomon Islands is now into its 30th years of Independence and what would be the future brings for a country with alot of challenges encounted during it's life span. Which way are going to follow after...

Single mother of Three

I totally agree with you Mr Nuake. In actual fact I dropped some tears when I read about her story. She is a real mother who sees the needs of her children as very important. She is content with what little...

Christians Descriminate HIV Positives

In my Christian view, we are supposed not to discriminate against anyone, HIV positives in this matter. We are all equal in the Master's eyes. How sad is that, it may not be their mistake that they contracted...

Why Solomon Not Immune

Editor, I read with absolute confusion the comments raised by one Frank S. Bilau relative to the above subject. Firstly, your headline did the appropriate justice to report the Minister's cautious concern...

Single Mother of Three: A Challenge

It is inspiring to hear of such stories about the struggles and triumphs of ordinary lives in our beautiful isles. It is also a sad story especially for the poor children who have to grow up without a...

Solomon Taiyo Product

I write to congratulate our Solomon Taiyo company in Noro, Western province for producing and exporting quality tuna products overseas that continue to received good comments from consumers and high demand...

Independence of malaita

Malaita is God's strategic plan for Solomon Islands, and if the so called Ma'asina Forum is Godly, they should seek God first for wisdom. Don't publish human ideas and plans for Malaita if God is not speaking...

Independence Survey

The Maasina forum represents few individuals with unrealistic ideas like independence for Malaita. Whilst the majority of our population as a country is trying to make ends meet amidst the economic hardship...

Why Solomon Not Immune?

Dear editor, it interests me when I saw one of your headlines published December 5th carried the title "Solomon Islands Not Immune to Economic Crisis" It raised questions in my mind like, why Solomon Islands...

Free Education

Some have already provide useful comments on the gov't's plan to introduce free education in the SI. I would like to contribute to this issue but from a different dimension. Free education existed before...


Free Education Lest I sound terribly repetitious, I have noted that there is an overwhelming acceptance and appreciation of Government's recent announcement to provide "free education" to pupils ranging...


Governments recent free basic education announcement is a most welcome news indeed for the country. However, as Mrs Rodie had stated that it is too early yet to ascertain whether this initiative's purpose...

cure fur hiv/aids...Ambush

THE CURE for HIV/AIDS.......AMBUSH THE IDEA that AMBUSH cures AIDS is being proven by the more than 400 individuals who have taken a dose of 60 ml three times daily for 21 days. The result is that AMBUSH...

Independence Survey

Recently the Secretary of Maasina Forum hit the media with the announcement that Malaita Independence Survey is underway and the result will be disclosed soon.While the idea of gathering the views of Malaitans...

RAMSI to Help?

The chief obstacle to peace and prosperity in Solomon Islands is poverty and lack of money for people to live and trade with and for government to properly operate with. If corruption played a role...

Free Basic Education

For a typical Solomon Island family with five or more school-age children, between the ages of 6 to 15, the pronouncement that Solomon Islands government funded schools will provide free basic education...

Free Education

It is one of the mechanisms to address access and simultaneously relieving the fee payers. However, I tend to think that one mechanism/element is still missing from the equation. That is 'compulsory...

Free Education in S.I

This idea for free basic education was raised many times by past governments moreover, it was also highlighted in many political campaigns. Interestingly, one of the S.I Country Reports (National HIV Policy...

Free Education

It is in great desperation news for all the rural dwellers as to when this so called "Free Education"will be implemented, thumbs up for the CNURA government that eventually this will come into reality...

Thank you for coverage

Dear Editor, i am from Madina village in NIP, but living in Port Moersby. Thank you for the coverage. We were really worried as to how much damage the wave had caused after hearing rumours, we couldn't...

Survey on Independence of Malaita

I would like to thank the effort undertaken by Maasina forum in trying to find out the views of Malaitans on the issue of idependence. While that is a worthwile effort, I do not think that Malaitans are...

Free Education

I would like to share some thoughts of mine on the FREE Education for all. I for one agree with Mr SLEEPY 319 from Baltimore Maryland on his last posting. However, my only concern is the ability for the...


Well done Samson, I applaud local musicians who keeps promoting our local style of music. SI is loosing its musical dignity and origin because our bands are copying too much overseas style which they cannot...


Does he really need to retire? Yes retired bishop Pogo is a goodman. He was often referred to during synods as the cowboy bishop. I remember having few drinks with him in a club almost twenty years ago....

Congratulations Sir Peter Kenilorea and Sir Baddely Devesi

I congratulate Sir Peter Kenilorea for the prestigious honour bestowed by University of Queensland as a Honorary Doctorate. If my record is right, Sir Peter is the Second statesman to be honoured with...

Free Education for All

YES!!! when i read this it bought tears to my eyes because now all of the solomon island children from primary grades and higher will be educated and that is what is needed because kids are your future...

Hon Mathew Wale-congratulation

Hon Mathew Wale- congratulation I wish to congratulate the Hon Mathew Wale for paging the Education ministry to these somewhat liking heights. The news about USP 4th Campus in Honiara and SICHE upgrading...

Environmental NGO's push for better deal

Allow me space to highlight an old issue, that is still very important today. Our country stands as one of those within the region who might benefit from the current Legislative Proposal from the EU Commission...

Squatters In Honiara

It seems that most of the houses and settlement in and around Honiara urban areas are not properly and serioulsy taken into account of their purposes. Taking for instances those of the Koa Hill area, those...

Congratulations Dr. Sir Peter Kenilorea

As a Solomon Islander (SI-der), I write to congratulate Dr. Sir Peter Kenilorea for being bestowed an honorary Doctorate by the University of Queensland, in recognition for his service to SIs and the Pacific...

Koa Hill

The incident at Koa Hill, problems around Burns Creek,and other unrest around squatter camps (let's call a spade a spade) that surround Honiara stem from a profound disinterest of the government to do...

Promising Developments on SI Tertiary Education

It is heartening to note that plans are in place for the improvement of SICHE programmes and infrastructure, as well as the establishment of the USP fourth Campus. It is about time that some serious...

2009 Government Budget On An Increase

I can imagine how delightful our finance minister Hon. Rini was when he delivered the 2009 budget amounted to SBD$4.4 Billion, the highest ever in the political history of Solomon Islands I'm not hoping...

Attacks on Police

Chronic poverty in Solomon Islands is a consequence of collapse of traditional fish resources and barter trade. Many people have moved to town in search of employment and money to survive but there is...

HIV victims

Halo, Yes, it is a mile stone that the AIDS victims take a bold step to proclaim their status. Thanks to many promoters to fight against this man made disease. Now and at the present would be grateful...

Koa Hillincident

Dear Editor It is disheartening to have read about the Koa hill incident. I have never known or heard about such behaviours towards the police. That is serious, it seems there is no respect whatsoever...

Bingham's Moon v. Will Jone's Sun: the latter has it

Either that is Intelligence or spiritual awakening Solomon Islanders had decided to use their democratic right to attend the moonies festival. Thats a big step for our democracy. Instead of listening to...

South Korean Help in Training Solomon's Youth?

Dear Editor, The Government of the Republic of Korea is known to be actively engaged in piloting a number of training schemes aimed at uplifting and encouraging socially disadvantaged youths in several...

Bingham's Moon v. Will Jone's Sun: the latter has it

Thank you Will Jones for the quotations from Rev. Moon. The fact that those are Moon's direct quotes makes it hard for the Bingham's argument to counter it with a reasonable defense. But they can try!...


Hello, I would like to register my sincere gratefulness to these two ladies of our country who defied all the stigma plus our cultural barriers to openly tell out of living with AIDs. I would like to...

Attacks on Police An Outward Manifestation Of Deeper Social Issues

Dear Editor Last night's attack on five members of the RSIP and PPF personnel is to be condemmed in the strongest terms. It is hoped the injured police officers, some said to be in a serious condition,...

Reading Between the Lines

Mr. Jones wants everyone to know how seriously Rev. Moon takes himself and his work. He has apparently attempted to select quotes in an effort to discolor Moon's character and to represent unificationists...

South Korean Help For Unemployed Youths

The Editor, Solomon Times Online. Dear Sir, The Government of the Republic of South Korea is actively engaged in several South American countries in training young, unemployed and socially disadvantaged...

Fraud Arrests

Dear Editor The general rule in reporting crime is that once someone is arrested charged and appeared in court, his/her name and other particulars are usually reported in and by the media. There are...

relax student

students you are lucky that you had been given hotel to stay in n food is provided,some of us are still in Suva.....with no money no place to sleep...since most of us move out from our rented apartment...

SI Students Stranded

That is true. Some are staying at Melanesian Hotel and few at Sky Lodge. Raj, SI Airline agent will try to see all to go by this week flights. Last week Tuesday our fruit pickers to NZ slept at Nadi airport...

Letters Archive