Letters to the Editor Archive April 2008

Whats next for SIFF after KOSSA

I would like to take this opportunity to thank KOSSA FC for the victory in the first leg of the O'League Final in Honiara. I look forward for a positive result in a weeks time in Auckland. I would just...

Catching and selling owls

It is with great alarm to see this catching of wild owl predator birds that are protected under international law. In the US, Australia, New Zealand , and EU trading in predator birds is not legal. ...


Pauls critics seems to be baseless and irrelevent. Clubbing problems or drinking beverages is a common trend to everyone as known. Blaming students on clubbing matters is a choice to each and everyone,...

Price increase

Whether you live in the States, Japan or out in the rural areas of Solomon Islands we will all feel the pinch of the price increase not only on food items but basically everything. The current price hike...

Solomon Airlines ongoing saga

It is high time that our responsible authorities including our ICSI board must look into the solomon airlines ongoing management crisis. To avoid a potential bankruptcy our good government should intervene...

Behind the curtain

Just like to add a comment on what Paul has brought to light regarding SIG students in Laucala. Clubbing has nothing to do with each students academically.Is there any corelation between clubbing and...

Price increase

The price increase of goods in Honiara, Solomon Islands will contoniue to increase. That is because SI is producing less/nothing and import all it's food products. The government now should encourage...

Congrats Kossa

That's for the job well done last Saturday. But don't be too complacent,the job is half- done and you got to prove to these Kiwi boys that you can even do what you have done last Saturday on their home...

Turn to Christ!!

SINTA should not look to health talks/schemes to solve this issue; these things will come to pass, Increase the Gospel message!! These young girls know already health risks associated with postitution....

congrats kossa

Congratulations to the KOSSA boys for a job well done in beating Waitakere FC in the first leg for the right to represent OFC in the upcoming club world cup championships in December. Although you are...

Questions for Greenpeace

What is you problem Greenpeace? Has your organization's integrity been compromised? Why is Greenpeace failing to protest the seriousness and generality of fish stock depletion and impact on coastal people?...


Wish to share my condolence with fellow Isabellian students at USP - Fiji for the tragic death of the late Mr. Kafa. Isabel has lost another very valuable resource personal who is still to explore his...

Totori to US

Congratulations Totori! We look forward to see you play football here in the US. Fly the Solomon Islands flag with pride, as we will watch from afar with pride at what has been achieved by you.. Cheers!

Totori's achievement and SIFF

It is quiet right to uplift somebodies achievement but the question is, has this break through is what Alufurai's federation has been waiting on? While waiting for this move by Totori,what has the federation...

Totori to the US!

Dear Editor, Just writing to register my congratulations to Totori, in regards to his latest achievement. "GO TOTORI GO" Totori go to the States and show to world that Solomon Islands can dribble all...

Solomon Airlines

Thank you Editor to publish my comment. Much has been said against unreliability of Solair dometics. Hey, but we must not overlook that the Airline is flying. Surely it will take you to your destination....

Diamond on Malaita.

Dear Editor, While the above issue is now making news in the media there at home, to some of us it is not news at all. It was a common knowledge around the 1990s and if I quite remembered rightly, one...

Solomon Airlines

The issue of the above is out of reach indeed. Some commentators seems to be putting across their own mistakes. It seems that the female pilot issue arose from other issues within the airline. So why...

Laucala-The real Story Behind the Curtain

The hardest time that we have been complaining about is now over. Thank you SIG. Now everyone have enough money to go clubbing every weekend. When I start bombing the editors again with complaints please...

Solomon Airlines

I read an article about the pathetic and poor domestic service of our national airline and its only reminds me again of the many encounters and same experiences we had while travelling from Kaghau to Honiara....

Unreliable Solomon Airlines

Just want to get our frustrations out in public in regards to Solomon Airlines unreliable services. Passengers booked to travel Honiara - Lata on Saturday's 19th April's flight were told that flight...

SINTA and Prostitution

Dear Editor, What is SINTA trying to prove? I am of the opinion that SINTA should only deal with matters of concern to the welfare of teachers. There are already enough organization both government...

Equality for Local Professionals

Good idea Lipson. just wondering, the word equality seem to be adulterated here without specifics. What is the inequality issues about, wages,sex,religion,tourism,development,education,health,sport,transport,...

kossa fc

would like to urge the kossa fc boys to play with mental strength against the waitakere fc of nz. you are the first ever local soccer club from solomons islands to receive direct assistance from a foreign...

Return home...Equality

Yes, as suggested by Dr. Lipson it is time we do something about inequality in the workplace at the political level...I am already homesick and looking forward to the time those of us working abroad could...

Equality for Local Professionals

We need to get the issue of Equality for local professionals into the political arena. Politicians at the highest level must be involved to get the Equality that our local professionals deserve. Let...

resignation of female pilot

A question to elizabeth- do you have to fly this so called first officers, i.e. like they are passengers or do they fly solo as well. what are the differences in salary scales, what exactly are the reasons...

Good On SkyAirWorld

Dear Editor, I am writing to congratulate skyairworld in introducing reliable and efficient services to the people of the Solomon Islands and visitors of our nation as a whole. I commend them for what...

resignation of female pilot

thank you all for your support and sentiments!! i really appreciate that. i only hope that this cause i am fighting for will survive time and succeed! i only wish and hope that people are renumerated...

Holistic capacity for autonomy

Holistic capacity building and preparation would be help here any way if solomon islands and its provinces are dreaming ,yearning and visioning for a state government system and autonomy.Make sure the...

Call for rain.

It is interesting that your report came out simultaneoulsy with extreme opposites. One a case in which a young person died as a result of injuries sustained due to citrus tree crashing on him after mocking...

Soliar Female Captain

In reply to Mere Lisi's comment. Yes she is the second Solomon Island's female pilot But the First Indigenious Solomon Islands Female Pilot. Kenny is a Solomon Islander with part European or maybe Australain...

callin 4 rain

This is interesting. Is it a fact or a coincience? you judge. Rain or precipitation as meteorologist wants to name it is a result of complex and chaotic atmospheric and oceangrahic processes. In Guadalcanal...

Unfairness to Local Pilots

Dear Editor, The resignation of the only indigenious female Solair Captain. Cpt Ramoni is a serious issue and needs to be address by the government and the airline boards. If they can pay so much money...

localpilot resign

In response to the resignation of the solomon islands female pilot last week , I just want to put these thoughts across the floor that ,''to fly solomon islands into into the gobal market, solomon islands...


The response to the resignation by Ms Ramoni from around the world is quite amazing. For instance, Dr. Togamae from USA Dr. Lipson from Australia and others from differents parts of the Pacific. The question...

Resignation of Pilot

Dear Sir, It is regrettable to have lost one of our local pilots. However, I think it's time local pilots take a stand to eradicate such discriminating practices within the system. Ms Ramoni has made...

Salt Fish

Dear sir, I'm surprised and annoyed to know that selling of salt was allowed to continue at the central market and elsewhere around Honiara. It seems we are not using our common sense. May be someone...


Our local professionals, from most professions in the country, have been asking for equality at work place for years. We need a system that demonstrates fairness at work place. We need equality. Recognition...

Solomon Times Online

Dear Editor, Just writing to register my gratitute to what I ranked as the best on line news paper site in the country. I like Solomon Star but it is not as informative as your site.Their news is good...

Mining changes, good for whom?

It will be interesting how the sumitomo case to stop their competitors proceeding will be affected, after all they have already been advised that they have no right to question the landowners in Isabel...

"First Solomons Female Pilot?"

Good day, Just wanted to know if Ms Elizabeth Ramoni "is the" first Solomons female pilot. Thought it was my class mate Keni Prince, who has also left Solo for greener pastures abroad. I may stand in need...

Local professionals

It is not a suprise that we see alot of local pilots, doctors & other professionals leave the country. There is a common practice that our nation pays local professionals with equal qualifications much...

First Solomons Female Pilot Resigns

I cannot believe our airline is treating local pilots like second class employees with a salary that does not equate their status. This is outright discrimination and very uncivilized attitude. How can...

Resignation of female pilot

It is always a pride to see our country women taking up high calibre jobs and one of which is becoming a pilot. It is not because of the prestige and status that matters but is because of the nature of...

Local woman first pilot resigns

Dear Editor, It is a sad thing that local pilots are paid very lowly compared to oversea pilots. It is an indicator of the one of the problems faced by the local carrier. Just for the purpose of proper...

The Airport upgrade

It is welcoming to hear that work has already been started on the renovation of our Domestic Terminal. As far as development is concern Solomon Islands needs this.Our nation is blessed with lots of beatiful...

Authorities dealing with Prostitution

This are some of the very important issues that authorities such as so-called national council of women(NCM) who they stand to represent the women affairs of solomon islands particularly those in Honiara.They...

Hard life in Laucala

Dear Editor, Thank you for allowing me to share about the saddest moment of my life. This will also concern all the SIG sponsored students who are also studying here in laucala campus, Fiji. Iam a...

Alex Lokopio

I need to get in touch with Mr. Lokopio. I work with the World Forestry Center and he attended an International Educators' Institute conference here in 1997. If you could connect us by giving him my email...

Salt fish business

I see it is not salted fish being sold at Honaiara market but what is called "salt fish". To me these are net boat fish. Has the complaint been made because sale of net boat fish sometimes causes canoe...

Cream of the Nation

I wish to congratulate some many Solomon Islands students have graduated from USP Laucala Campus today (4/11/08). The smiles represent the joys and satisfaction of completing another step of education....

Authorities dealing with Prostitution

I would like to respond to the news article re: the above subject. A couple of years ago (and maybe last year as well), a similar response from authorities i.e. National Council of Women, SI Ports Authority...

Determined Price for Log Export

I wish to applaud TSI in voicing the nations concern on the fact that log exporters are corruptly influencing the previous Ministers of Finance to deliberately under value their exports. As stated by...

Maasina Forum Calls for Malaita Independence

Sir, I support the call by Ma'asina Forum for Malaita independence. Contrary to what Kausimae and Troy of USP, Suva, Fiji, have said, I believe that what Ma'asina Forum have said is best for Malaita and...


Transparency Solomon Islands is concerned at the involvement of politicians in assessing the export log values. There are well-authenticated stories circulating in Honiara that the government is losing...

Ma'asina's calls for Malaita independence.

I would support Mr Paul Kausimae on the matter he raised towards ma'asina forum on malaita gaining independence. Upon reading the article, there are many Questions boiling in my head that even i myself...

Maasina Forum Calls for Inpedence

I find it preposterous that the Maasina Forum should be calling for Indepedence for Malaita on behalf of all Malaitans. Who gave them the mandate? I certainly did not give them any mandate to speak on...

casual workers to NZ

While i do appreciate Mr D.Robert for your contributions regarding the above subject. I am sure you understand our countries posiition in the international economic arena, we lack the capital to fullly...

Salted blood

Salted fish is good for causing high blood pressure. Need to preserve fish in tropical SI is linked to collapse of traditional fresh fish availability nomoa, devastation of staple food supply that past...

Banning of salted fish from the main market

It is not fair to say that the proposed ban is an appropriate action because salted fish sold at the market is risking the health of customers. The displaying of salted fish at the market is a mere offer....

Casual Workers to NZ

Thank you D.Robert.Meyenn for your comments on the above subject. While I agree with your view to retain labour & develop our own country, what you haven't mentioned are the realities in light of the following....


Rural development has been the thematic policy that many successive governments and intending candidates running for rural constituency MP posts around the country are alluding to as priority and fundamentally...


I am a day behine though I am with you on the remembrance day for those who lost their lives . Leana Qua tataru Capt. Eric Rove Air Turks and Caicos, Turks and Caicos, British West Indies Caribbeans

Custom Medicine

It is encouraging to develop our custom medicines. At the same time we must be careful of some oversea people who steal local knowledge for own use. Some oversea people usually come as large companies...

Casual Workers to New Zealand

Dear Editor, Allow me a space to share my thoughts about the said subject. Let us take a pace back during our traditional days. During those days, way back in the past, slave trading has been the discussion...

Funds for tsunami victims.

A big thanks to the aid donours for such assistance. However, as highlighted in the Solomon Times, reality is different people affected are still in tents and nothing has improved and it has been a year...

PM's Infrastruture Development.

It's very interesting to hear that the current CNURA government is indeed seriously considering infrastructure developments in its 2008 budget as reported by paper. Well looking at the past successive...


I agree with the concerned raised MP Inoke about the work ethics of some public servants. While I agree with Hon. Inoke, I must say that it serves no purpose to use the lable 'christainity' as a springboard...

Global eco collapse - seismic

Thank you kindly for the information. Yes, there is a reasonable amount of credible scientific literature on the topic of linkages between (i) weather and climate and (ii) tectonic events. The linkages...

GDP - Honiara economy

Failure to notice and embrace traditional staple food-fish resource devastation and impact in the Pacific is outrageous because due understanding is essential to implement the degree of solutions required....

Letters Archive