Dear Editor,
As a former Solomon ISlands student graduating with two Masters degrees at an Australian University, I think Ruks article carrying the above heading is misleading.
The recent case of the Indian students should not be seen as applicable to all international students. It's absolutely different with a great deal of issues relating to work, immigration, education, attitude and behaviour, social interaction and affiliation to name a few surrounding it. Throwing assumptions here and there as though this would apply to aspiring Solomon Islands students who wish to pursue higher education in Australia should not be entertained.
Like Exsley, I've never come across during my time as a student and even during my last 5 years of working any racial disrimination whatsover.
This whole issue of Australian Education system a scam is news to me.
Australian Education a Scam
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this letter are those of Nancy Mae and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Solomon Times Online.
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