Dear Editor,
I was somewhat a little bit disorientated thinking i have opened up on a student website somewhere when all i could read about is the much talked about situation on students allowances etc at USP Fiji. And like Duran has clearly pointed out, i do wholeheartedly have empathy for our dear students (our future leaders/citizens) studying in Fiji too. The whole thing sucks!. The reason being that students have come up with the same old grievances without no end. And I wonder when these will stop. From stages in application to the granting of scholarships and furthermore, nothing has improved for the better!. You notice the same old delay at end of year when results of scholarships are due to the final rushing and gut wrenching tempo building up towards the final departure of the last set of students departing happily thinking that all is well when really, it would be doom and gloom for the unlucky few!!. Can I suggest that the Ministry of Education allow a forum in Honiara so that this issue can be discussed and benefit our local students as well and gather people's professional views and support towards this ailing issue before our students run amok the psychiatric clinics in and around Suva(Seriously, this is just an illustration of the inevitable). And can we have legal entities like TSI, NGO's and other concerned bodies to rally on our students behalf to work out a possible strategy to overcome these student grievances. Students association, i believe you can come up with a petition and have it delivered during the forum in front of our government representatives or something similar. Not that i'm suggesting a protest of any nature but to help convey these genuine student voices towards an appropriate avenue where their grievances can be chanelled and addressed for once at least. Any other suggestions would be welcomed and of value. At least we can always try.
USP students
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this letter are those of Katie Fono and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Solomon Times Online.
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