Thanks for those who shared their views on the this subject. I tend to think that this question is a global question. Well, after all Honiara is just a part of the globe (world). Though there are distinct absolute temperatures at one particular time, place, latitude and altitude, there are average trends of anomalous temperatures across the global regions. Yes, whether these average unusal temperatures are directly or indirectly affected by natural or anthropogenic causes are significant but more importantly, how do we address the facts in life that we experience now in Honiara?
Just recently, out of interest I attended a presentation on issues pertaining to the current food crisis by a human rights lawyer from the UN here at Waikato Uni. She said that the chief cause out of 4 main factors causing the current food crisis is 'climate change' which is also associated with small temperature changes. That is, food production is low because of frequent natural disasters etc. However, she said that one of the many solutions to such effects is for national governments to frame policies that will help people to be aware and practice safer, sustainable and environmentally friendly activities. For example, encourage more small scale subsistance agricultural activites, such as gardening in small plots of land using less sophisticated machinery etc.
Moreover, I wasn't aware until I heard during the first and the latest melanesian symposium in Wellington that Solomon Islands is one of the few pacific countries that don't have legislations, acts or policies that addresses issues concerning climate change, (I may be wrong).
Finally, Is Honiara heating up? Well, whether we use scientifc instrument or just using our body senses to measure, I suppose the fact is that the natural, social, technological, political and economical environment are not the same any more. Honiara is just a surburb in a global village and obviously we are feeling the trickling effect of global crises. How do we as a country and people respond in reaction more so proactively to address such issues as climate change. We maybe too small in contributing to the global efforts but let us find ways that will encourage our people participate more in building their viable niches in this 21st century amongst the various global crises.
Is Honiara heating up?
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this letter are those of Lionel Kakai and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Solomon Times Online.
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