Issues raised by Mr Galo, Kakai and Maraimoa with respect to granting of scholarships are valid and true.

We have seen previous NTU committees unscrupulously awarding scholarships to less than qualified candidates. As such, sentiments of this nature are not surprising. However as nicely put by Mr Kakai "I believe that learners as developing thinkers can develop their academic capacity and attitude to achieve what they strive for". The beauty of us, as humans is the ability to learn and change. Everyone wants to go somewhere in life, but some people either don't know where they want to be in life or if they do know, are not sure how to get there. When there is a destiny to arrive, a goal to achieve we tend to change accordingly to arrive at these destinations and achieve these goals.

Perhaps while these students were at the USP Centre, the possibility of studying medicine in Cuba (not to mention picking up another language - Spanish) was the catalyst they needed to change their attitude toward study and hence improved their results. As the saying goes "Desire is king - if you want something bad enough you will get it!"

To bring closure to this issue may be the NTU could respond with respect to the selection criteria. NTU is a public office disseminating public funds; hence the public has a right to know the selection criteria, particularly with the Cuban Medical scholarships. It will also clear the cloud of doubts hanging over this office.

Best of success to our students studying in Cuba and elsewhere. Since we are so passionate about the subject, hopefully we will all return after our respective studies to ensure the alleged corrupt practices are not prevalent.

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