Dear editor,
Allow me a space to point out my concern as a Solomon Islander. From grapevine I heard that Cuban scholarship has been allocted to lucky students already and which I'm grateful of, however from the first group that already left the country at the begining of the year, they are mostly school mates of mine or I have known them, roughly there are two or three students that are F7 graduants and have earned the right to the scholarship. The question is how about the others?, do they have certain requirements to earn the scholarship? for example do they have a GPA 3.5 and above?
I do not want to point fingers to the students awarded but from what I believe most are USP Solomon Centre based which failed to be awarded SIG during thier form seven or six. Seriously how would Solomon Island people feel if they are dignosed by medical personnals who have not gone passed the required criteria to do medicine?
There are many "A" grade students are not selected and I wish that the panal if theres any to consider the seriousness of choosing capable students in academic to pusure this field because thhey deal with solomo Islanders health and lives. God bless Solomon Island
Awarding of Cuban Scholarship
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this letter are those of Galo Makoti and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Solomon Times Online.
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