Dear Editor,
Derick Manu'ari has contributed some very interesting points, today, in joining the debate on last Saturday's violence at Lawson Tama and on the burning down of the SIFF administrative building.
I am not in entire agreement with all the issues he raised, but I do concur with his need for an assessment of the future playing of the Solomon's Cup, particularly referring to his remarks, "On top of that, I believe the whole concept of the Solomon Cups must be reviewed so that incidents of this nature are avoided. Petty issues such as team composition, especially in relation to Honiara-based players being part of provincial teams is always a contraversal one that often results in tensions between teams therefore requires re-looking."
My experience of violent incidents at Lawson Tama during the playing of soccer matches has been the spontaneous reaction from fans and spectators to on-field decisions, rather than any premeditated course of action which led to criminal damage such as occurred last weekend. The exception to that, however, is that I believe there has always been those criminally minded opportunists ready to take advantage of a riotous situation by raiding nearby China town, hence police preparedness there.
Derick's local knowledge of the "game" and his observations and insights on the need for reform are all matters worthy of consideration by the relevant soccer authorities and the police service.
Yours sincerely,
Frank Short
Reform of the Playing of the Solomon's Cup
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this letter are those of Frank Short and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Solomon Times Online.
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