I support the stand made by the Opposition group regarding SI to remain faithful to its allies but at the same time to have an open minded that in future all nations shall become one in terms of development, economic, sports and so on despite of different governing systems and religious beliefs.
Just like US and China despite their differences in fundamental beliefs on human rights, their relationship is growing stronger through economic cooperation and partnership. However, in the eyes of traditional separatist movement, the latest twist of events involving SI, Iran and Israel could be seen as displaying a double standard by SI. Whilst we have a foreign policy that advocates friendliness and enemy to none is fundamental to Christian faiths and the likes of President Obama's vision of world peace, and also given our state of dire straits for monies, we need a little bit of wisdom and forward thinking here.
I think this is a great lesson for us, not to jump on the fire too quickly, allow the fire to cool down before jump. The situation could have been resolved internally had the SI think seriously about theses issues especially investing on education and training. In fact we should be glad that Cuba has continued to meet the rest of the tuition fees and SI only to meet airfares. But here we are so dependent on external sources on one hand and fail miserably to put a standby generator incase anything goes wrong. As case of Iran, putting all our last hope to Iran then time hem no woka wat na happen, olketa man kickie olobaout na.
If I can take you back to the debate over the PEC entitlements not one single politician question the integrity and financial implications of the PEC entitlements in its initial stage. I hope airfares for these prospecting medical doctors could have easily been resolved just like the acceptance of spouse entitlement without any hesitation from our leaders. But, millions have been lost in the air as reported lately, money tossed here and there, thousands lying all over places, in the car, in boxes, iumi garem staka selen ia, millions na.
Use wisdom and moral judgment and do not allow money to deceive our sovereign state for political gains and recognition.
SI Foreign Policy on sale for monies not by virtue
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this letter are those of Kulekana. E and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Solomon Times Online.
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