Thank you Drummondo for your response to my questions.
I am starting to like the idea now, but please what would you say in regards to this insight. Did you know that with state system you only own six (6) feet deep of the land that you are living in (Even if it belongs to the tribe) and the rest belongs to the Government?
Did you also know that six (6) feet from your last post is the only area you own and the rest belongs to the Government? I have alot to say but would reserve my insights inorder for you to research more on that area.
It is a good idea to go into state system but not now, maybe in thousand (1000) years time when we have good, honest and reliable leaders.
State/Federal System
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this letter are those of Robert Walesaesae and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Solomon Times Online.
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