Dear Editor,
The idea of a meeting with Mr. Saiki was an invitation, never a challenge. It was given to a desperate man gasping for air in issues he has shown he knew nothing about.
It was flagged with NO conditions. Now that he has come out with pre-conditions, the offer is hereby withdrawn. I don't know who benefits from such a tralala he's suggestig?
My time is precious and I am not going to use it for utterly useless pursuits Mr. Saiki is certainly fond and capable of.
If he's genuine, it would have been beneficial for him to accept such a meeting that I had offered to arrange.
So all I can say is thank you Mr. Saiki for denying the invitation. I now have the pleasure to hereby withdraw the offer.
Only fools waste their time with you and your cohorts.
I certainly have no time for a time wasting exercise which benefits no one but fools.
Sasako's Challenge
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this letter are those of Alfred Sasako and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Solomon Times Online.
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