Mr. Bilau thank you for your posting on the above issue.
I am obliged to contribute to the deabate and state some of the adverse effects of Kukum Market on the Economy. The effects of Kukum Market on the Solomon Islands Economy can vary and cannot be measured as we do not have figures to say that these people are affected because of Kukum Market. However, there are some points to note when we deliberate on the posiibilities that Kukum pose some adverse effects on our economy.
Paying for medical Treatment. In this phenomena, you are to take note that every infected person needs medical attention. Government is spending alot of money importing medication from Overseas. As such it is costly to the Government.
Similarly, severe cases like cancer, patients need to be admitted to the National Referral Hospital. Government then spend money to buy food, water, Electricity, and other necessary requirments for the person plus another one who cared for that patient. After the treatment the person is send home. The Government is again paying sea fares for those two to return home. Very costly isn't it?
Secondly the existence of Kukum Market harboured many illegal sellers. Black Marketing. This is illegal and in breach of the Laws of Solomon Islands. Sometimes people get drank and ended up fighting. Police may intervene. and if that person is convicted and put into prison, it is another burden to the Government, to feed and other related expenses required to keep him in E wing of Rove Correctional Institute till he/she is released.
Take a Walk around Kukum Market and you see for yourself, KWaso consumption in any corner, marujuana smoking anywhere. These are dangerous practices that would lead to Prison or hospital, and again Government is spending huge amounts of money as mentioned above.
There are other effects of on the Economy to mention, but I wil leave it here, hope you do have some ideas on the effects of our economy as per stated above.
Kukum Market
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this letter are those of Mozah Angisitoro and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Solomon Times Online.
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