I would like to share with your readers an article about reconciliation I was emailed in 2008. The full script can be accessed through: http://solomonbeat.blogspot.com/2008/08/basis-of-true-reconciliation_18.html. The parts I agree with and like most follows.
"In this article I would like to share some thoughts based on a paper by a Catholic Father when he spoke to a congregation of Jesuits in 1972 on the theme: "Be a man for others". This was Fr. Arupe. The reaffirmation and forgiveness ceremony organized by the Government on 2 July 2008 had an associated significance to a sinner recommitting his love and his relation with God. Fr Arupe emphasized that, this love for God fuses with the love for our neighbor. Or if you like, it means that we cannot be sure of our love for the unseen God unless we love our fellowman (including our enemy). The love for God and the love for neighbors, Fr. Arrupe stressed, are summed up in the words of the Judge as He vision the Last Judgment. He said, "As long as you did this for one of the least of my brothers, you did it for me". This is not only a Christian principle but a fundamental moral guide to each and every one who seeks to bring social justice in our communities. And may I add bring reconciliation and long lasting rehabilitation.
In this process the paramount issue is that the differing parties should be a man for others. And to be a man for others requires us to be considerate, and care for other parties concern rather than focusing so much on our own condition for reconciliation. Our own concern will be taken care of through the process of reciprocation. Indeed this needs an act of good faith and is usually a difficult process, because is it not contrary to the human nature of man? - A "being for and to benefit himself"? Okay, this is correct; man gifted with intelligence, endowed with resources, and granted with power controls his world with himself as center. But a center that ought to go out of him to others in care and reconciliation. Mutual coexistence and partnering is not only a value, it is increasingly becoming a prerequisite to progressive development."
Truth and Reconciliation
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this letter are those of Judas Gelu and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Solomon Times Online.
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