I found the reaction of the SICHE director in response to the School of Education (SoE) students' protest over an increase in their allowances weird and only reflect of a person who desperately avoids taking the blame on matters relating to students' affairs.
Does he imply that students are separate from the SICHE institution?
Given the fact that the current SoE students come under the management and supervision of SICHE, it is only fair that the director and his managers should also be held responsible of what happened on Tuesday 21 April, at the Panatina Campus. Hence, the SICHE director should not blame or point his fingers at the Ministry of Education for what happened. He and the Head of School/SoE and bursar should also be blamed for failing to present the students' case (when they learnt about it) to MEHRD in reasonable time.
The protesting students' case has raised a number of questions in relation to the Annual Grant that MEHRD normally provides to the School of Education for its operational costs. Amongst other items, I understand that the grant provided to SoE also caters for food, students' book/living allowances. If indeed students' allowances are factored into the School of Education Annual Budget as in the previous years, why were students' request not considered nor factored in this year's budget, given the fact that the student leaders at SoE had an audience with the Head of School last year? Or does the director imply that students' allowances are drawn from another source and is not part of the MEHRD's grant to SoE?
In this regard, the assertion that SoE students have targeted the 'wrong people' is purely senseless to say the least. How can the SICHE boss say this when in fact, it is SICHE/SoE who normally prepares its annual budget and presents it to MEHRD for approval? As an institution that not only provides training to students, but also looks after students' welfare, the negligence of students' genuine request is deplorable!
You are targeting the wrong people: SICHE Director
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this letter are those of Davidson Puali -ex SoE student and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Solomon Times Online.
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