This is one of the many exercises long over due and must be implemented by the government as soon as possible, to pave way for new recruitment who are young, energetic and visionary enough to lead us into the next decades.
Although there are still some very ethical and committed old age public servants still serving in some of our ministries, it is paramount that our rightful authorities must retire them humanely and legal procedures.
Some particular ministries have old age officers who had become idle, stagnant and ill conceived because of their old age and longevity within their work place. They do not accept reforms in their approaches to development strategies, which should be the case to keep track with the shifts in development paradigms. These particular officers became liabilities (instead of assets) to the people of Solomon Islands with drastic decline in their work performances consequently.
Some public servants nearing their retirement age never even bother to assist their new colleagues in equipping them with the proper pragmatic styles (if there is any) to become capable forerunners themselves instead, they put much of their efforts to corruptly acquire every possible funds available to them for their own empires and remain in their nutshell of ideologies.
If implemented, it will certainly benefit our country and may also rid us of the chronic cronyism still in existence and vibrant in most of our work places.
On the other hand, some ministries such as the education sector (particularly for teachers and not administrators) should adjust their retirement age above 55 years to 60 years. This is to cater for the education of our ever-increasing young population.
Over to you!
Retirement of Public Servants
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this letter are those of Samson Viulu and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Solomon Times Online.
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