World leaders should be gathering to achieve sustainable solutions to worldwide staple fish resource devastation and worsening poverty instead of spending on disasters claimed to 'possibly' result from climate change.
It seems there is no data to confirm there is enough water trapped in world ice and snow to flood the whole ocean but there is evidence of what is going on in the Pacific, including at the Carteret Atolls. Yes, there is considerable melting of ice occurring at the poles.. Of the 15 million sq km of sea ice that exists during winter in the Arctic, on average only 7 million sq km remains at end of the summer melt season, so what unusual rise in sea level at Ontong Java or the Carteret Atolls or anywhere else? See:
There is question whether atolls are being covered by rising sea level or whether they are washing away and sagging and sinking due to less deposit of coral sand and rubble that prolific coral growth once generated, forming atolls. The Carterets Atolls are downstream from somewhere. Vast areas of coral in the Philippines is dead and covered with algae, similar in SI. It is admitted a fifth of the world's coral is dead, however it is dangerous ignoring nutrient pollution that empirical evidence indicates is feeding algae that is smothering and killing coral. Ignorance will further damage marine environment. See:
Nutrient pollution damage to seagrass and coral and the seriousness and generality of world fish devastation and impact are issues not being discussed in media that seems to have climate change agenda. Climate change is not the only vital issue? What about essential protein for indigenous people, data or peer reviewed or published reports or not?
Australian ABC Foreign Correspondent report Trevor Borman writes about visiting the Carteret Islands on a tiny coral strewn atoll and he refers to hunger and the Carterets sinking. But could the sinking be due to the atoll coral sand and rubble being eroded away by current and not replaced with new coral residue?
One local has told of being sick and tired of eating fish and coconuts, boring probably when fish are sometimes found. The ABC reporter refers to need to share food, last supplies, trouble finding enough to eat for themselves, plain rice the only source of food for the next 5 days, hunger pangs, boiled rice diet, a fish (singular), and no fish, yet online photos show calm and good fishing weather. See
Malnutrition and fundamental collapse of subsistence barter trade in Solomon Islands and elsewhere is linked to fish resource devastation and solutions of far more immediate importance and urgency than possible impact of CO2 induced climate change. Nobody has collected data on baitfish that many people used to eat 3 times daily every day in SI, but now hardly ever. Empirical evidence of fish devastation and the real life plight of indigenous island people does not have to be published to allow debate toward solutions.
Climate Matters
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this letter are those of John C Fairfax and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Solomon Times Online.
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