It is sad that one accident can take away many lives. Yes, others have shared their views with examples about how such incidences can be minimised or avoided by addressing the issues encompassing: driving age, driving licence, driving tests, driving behaviour, road & traffic rules etc. I incline to think that the biggest problem in our country is our attitude. I know that there are regulations that underline most of the things others have pointed out in our country. However, we just don't follow them. Beginning from our parents to our young people, to those who test and issue licences, to those who enforce the laws etc. If we all take up the responsibility to follow the rules and regulations that are already in place I think most of what others have shared will be addressed to some reasonable extent.
On the other hand, in line with others, I personally think that our country needs to improve on some of the regulations that are already in place as shared by others. For example, the process of obtaining a full driving licence, the restrictions guarding age & provisional licence holders, the road & traffic rules & signs, awareness to people etc. More importantly, we should take responsibility for ourselves and for others who might not have the capacity to make good choices, such as parents guiding their children, responsible officers to perform their duites appropriately with respect and honesty.
Essentially, the problem our country face in this aspect is heavily moral. I think it is right for us as citizens of Solomon Islands, as we come to this festive seasons of Christmas and New year, to rethink and reengineer our personal and family visions, goals and strategies. So far all through this year we want our government to do this and that, maybe its time we ask ourselves what we need to do for our government because the government is us the people. Starting from our head of state to our humble rural citizens, we should re-assess our values, beliefs and responsibilities with respect to ourselves, families, communities and our country as a whole. According to many experts who share their views concerning the current finacial crisis, the problem we face now is more ethical and spiritual than physical and its time we shift from I to us, from self to relationships. On that note, if we all take responsibility in what we do and help guide others who cannot make good decisions due to other factors or other circumstances, I believe many bad incidences can be minimised or avoided. I know its not easy but...'yes we can' (Barack Obama's speech).
One Crash, Two Lives Taken
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this letter are those of Lionel Kakai and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Solomon Times Online.
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