I am appealing to those who advocate the Malaitan Jew concept to come forward and prove what they are talking about.
As a Malaitan I am quite embarrased by such allegations. I understand Judge filia's concern on this issue especially when one is so indoctrinated with this concept.
I find it quite interesting to note that even some Malaitan educated people believe in this Malaitan Jew concept. Where does this concept come from ? or is it just a disguise of the cult mentality? I am afraid to say this but it sounds and have the features of a cult mentality.
I am a proud Malaitan and I AM NOT A JEW. Keep that mentality to those people who would advocate that. Don't label Malaitans as Jews. Because most of us don't even believe in that concept.
RE: Malaitan Jews
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this letter are those of Jammie and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Solomon Times Online.
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