First, Joanna's article is not a wonderful piece. It was an article that lacks substance vis-a-vis its connotation to the Salt Water people. So as the one by Bebean who replied to my posting. Both of them lack points that strike the balance that needs to be mentioned in relation to such issues. Joanna and Bebean were not careful in terms of the way they write. I therefore, called on these two to improve the way they have been conducting their research in order to write inspiring and inform articles on controversial issues.
Second, these people are not landless. They have their roots back among the bush people. The distinction between 'wane i asi' and 'wane i tolo' does not hit any point home. It does not validate whether these people are landless. Even if they do not own neighbouring coastal regions, they certainly have their origins in the interior among the busy people.
Bebean, who told you that these people do not know their ancestors? It is another lie you got from the pit of hell! These people know their ancestors that is why they live to this day. They know their history that is why they stand the 'test of time'. The statement that these people do not know their ancestors is not well founded. It is a statement by someone who do not know the salt-water people; hence make assumptions. In order to substantiate your argument you need to go down to the people and talk with them. You cannot make such a statement from an assumption you hold. That is absurd. However, if you go down to the people hence receive inconsistent statements, please be reminded to include both of them; you MUST not be bias. It is important that one is open minded. Close mind in terms of reporting is not the way in this context.
Furthermore, the argument that those people moved from the main land to build those artificial islands because they were outcasts is not true. Hence, this argument has two sideline positions. First, to assume that the original settlers are outcast is certainly another lie Satan put into your head. Those original settlers moved down from the interior because they want to explore the coast. It is only true to say that the whole idea of "outcast" came into play when the people are already on the artificial islands. Such precision is what I emphasised when I say that Joanna Sireheti's reporting lack the 'sound base' because she never explained the whole idea of 'out cast' in a clear-cut manner. It does not need a whole essay to explain the forgoing.
While the argument that carries the notion of outcasts might be true, it must not be used in a way that connotes a general statement that applies to all the salt-water people. If that is the general trend in your assumption, then you are certainly on the wrong side. I am sure you need to refresh your memory in order for it to sit on the right track.
Detone Response to Bebean
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this letter are those of Detone in Efate and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Solomon Times Online.
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