Dear editor,
Can you allow a space for me to respond to the baseless comments posted by James Wareta.
I think James ought to do more reseach on this critical issue before coming out publicly in the media.
The allegation raised against Aaeliau as a person who preach the message that Malaitans are Jews was not appropriate. Infact there are others in Malaita who strongly preach that, for instance, there are some people from Kwara'ae, North, Kwaio and the Sourthern Part of Malaita who strongly claim that Malaitans are Jews. Not only the Malaitans are talking about this, other people from different countries are also supplying information and conducting research on the same issue.
Thus my recommendation is for you to do more research on this issue "Malaitan Jews" before barking in the media.
In relation to vision and the practices advocated by Maeliau; it is all Biblical and that issue was already dealt with during many consultation among SSEC leaders in the past.
One thing that is obvious during these consultation was, the vision and practices of that Movement called Deep Sea Canoe Fellowship advocated by Maeliau, is about things that you don't find in SSEC doctrine, not against, but it is always there in the Bible. Thses new things is what caused disagreement among the church leaders.
Therefore you think about this...what is more urgent and worth doing? living strictly according to SSEC teaching or fullfiling the word and will of God?
Respond to James Wareta
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this letter are those of Judge Filia and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Solomon Times Online.
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