Dear editor,

Allow me space to contribute to the standstill relating to the issue of Martin Robinson.This issue has been going on for some weeks now and has raised alot of interesting riddles.

From my point of view as an ordinary observer, I suggest that Martin Robinson should accept the call for his resignation. Why is he forcing himself to stay when the majority of the workers don't want his service anymore? I think his days are over and Telekom now needs a leader with a new corporate vision and culture.

The following are some of the reasons why I'am supporting his immediate removal:
1) He has been running Solomon Telekom Company Limited contrary to the expectations of all the employees of Solomon Telekom and the general public. For instance he has an old fashion mentality in running telecomunication industry and has been making some unfair telecommunication decisions that economically hard hit on all telekom customers indirectly;he was unnecessarily meddling with his senior subordinates about certain major issues affecting the wellfare of the workers,

2)Lack of facilitating training(both locally and overseas) for local staffs,

3)He has been holding the position of Chief Excutive Officer for 17 years so far but not much improvement have been materialised by comparision with other similar industries in the region, so he should now be changed with a new expatriate brain.

With these few remarks I urge the Telekom Board of Directors to immediately remove Martin Robinson.