Economy Archive January 2009

Training to Boost Sweet Potato Productions

Solomon Islands is expected to make a good market out of the sweet potato farm training that has started in the country this week.

Government Commits to Supporting Local Farmers

The government of Solomon Islands commits to supporting the First Farmers Field School in Solomon Islands.

SWIM Donates Computers to School

The Coronation School will now have better computer access thanks to Christian organization the Short Workshop in Mission (SWIM).

Solomons Launch Farmers Project

Don Bosco Rural Training Centre at Tetere, east of Guadalcanal, launched its first ever 'Farmers Field School'.

New Zealand Aid Program is the Best: PM Sikua

Prime Minister Derrick Sikua has said that the New Zealand AID program is one of the best targeted and implemented programs in Solomon Islands.

Pacific Forum Leaders Call for Fiji Elections

Pacific Forum leaders are giving Fiji until May to name a date for elections.

Pacific Forum Leaders in Solomons

Solomon Islands hosted Pacific Forum leaders who visited the country for a one-day visit.

RAMSI a Model of Regional Cooperation

RAMSI's new Special Coordinator, Mr Graeme Wilson, has described the Regional Assistance Mission as an excellent example of regional cooperation.

Prime Minister Key Plans to Help Blind in Solomons

New Zealand Prime Minister, John Key, will auction the cast on his broken right arm to raise money for a charity for the blind in the Solomon Islands.

Successful End to Fisheries Management Workshop

A two days Oceanic Fisheries Management workshop successfully ended in Honiara.

QuestNet Committee Supports Young Tsunami Victims

The Ministry of Education has received a cheque of $45,000 last week to be put forward to help educate children affected by the tsunami.

Government Taskforce to Fight Against Corruption

The CNURA government is setting up a Special Taskforce on Corruption with the view to advising and helping the Government develop a policy paper on how to fight against corruption in Solomon Islands.

New RAMSI Head Reaches Out to Solomon Islanders

The Chiefs and people of Salesapa Village, Gela Island, put on a special welcome for RAMSI's new Special Coordinator, Graeme Wilson and his family when they took part in a RAMSI Community Outreach visit to Central Province this week.

Ground Breaking Ceremony for Auluta Next Month

A ground breaking ceremony next month will pave the way for the Auluta Oil Palm Project in Malaita Province.

Forum Leaders to Visit Solomons

New Zealand Prime Minister, John Key, will be among some Forum leaders visiting Honiara today.

Rudd Signs Partnerships with Solomons and Kiribati

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd today signed Pacific Partnerships for Development with Prime Minister of Solomon Islands, Dr. Derek Sikua, and President of Kiribati, Anote Tong.

Leadership Training for Youths

A two days youth leadership training is underway in Honiara.

New Supplies of Condoms to Arrive Soon

Reports on shortage of condoms in the country until the middle of the year is not true.

Solomons to Sign Partnership With Australia

Solomon Islands and Australian officials are preparing a draft Solomon Islands-Australia Partnership for Development.

More Seasonal Workers to New Zealand

More Solomon Islanders are expected to head to New Zealand this year to work as fruit pickers.

Alcohol Awareness Workshop in Honiara

Thirty-two participants attended a one-week workshop that aims at helping people with alcohol addiction.

High Record of Weekend Accidents

Police traffic detectives at Kukum centre are investigating seven accidents over the weekend.

Hit and Run Results in Road Block

A hit and run accident at the Kakabona area, west of Honiara, results in a road block that called for police intervention.

New Premier for Temotu Province

Temotu Province has a new Premier.

Value Donor Funding: Central Province Deputy Premier

Young people of Kavua village of Central Islands Province are called on to "stop destroying PVC pipes to make music"

Solomons Honour National Anthem Composer

The body of late Panapasa Balekana, MBE, SIM, was laid in state in the chamber of Parliament House for members of the public to pay their last respect today.

Kavua Receives New Water Supply

People of Kavua village on Small Ngella, Central Islands Province, says goodbye to long walks for fresh water with the approval of water supply project from the European Union's Micro Project.

Traffic Campaign for Road Users

The Royal Solomon Islands Police (RSIP) Kukum Traffic Centre is currently working on a traffic campaign for vehicle drivers and pedestrians.

Sikaiana Doing Okay: NDMO

The multi-agency team sent by the Malaita Provincial Disaster Committee and National Disaster Council last week returns saying problems on Sikaiana are not as bad as Lord Howe Islands.

State Funeral for Composer of National Anthem

A state of funeral will take place for the composer of the Solomon Islands National Anthem, Panapasa Balekana.

Update: Two Nominees for Temotu Premier

Two nominations have reached the office of the Temotu Provincial government Speaker for the position of premier.

Sunny Days Gives Reason to Smile

Sun is shining and people are smiling after weeks of non-stop raining in the country.

Calls for Makira-Ulawa Premier to Step Down

The Premier of Makira Ulawa Province, Thomas Weape, has been called on to step down.

Nomination for Temotu Premier's Post

Only one nomination reached the office of the Temotu Provincial government Speaker for the position of premier at the close of official working day.

Officers Doing Very Good Job: Marshall

The Explosive Ordinance Division within the Royal Solomon Islands Police are doing "a very good job".

Government Pays $19 Million for Fee Free Education Policy

The National Government this week has paid out $19 million dollars to school's around the country to kick start it's free fee education policy.

Solomons National Anthem Composer Dies in Honiara

The man behind the Solomon Islands national anthem has passed away today after a long illness.

SIBC to Support Music Industry

The country's national broadcaster, the Solomon Islands Broadcasting Corporation (SIBC), will be supporting and promoting local musicians.

New Initiative to Improve Tourist Service

People selling goods to visiting tourists will now be required to fill in a form available at the Solomon Islands National Museum.

Governments Explains on RCDF Confusions

Deputy Prime Minister, Honorable Fred Fono, says government will not pay out any Rural Constituency Development Fund (RCDF) in the first quarter of the year.

Solomon Islands to Stop Copra Export

The Commodities Exporting and Marketing Authority, CEMA, has resolved that Solomon Islands will no longer export copra to overseas markets as of next year.

Committee to Host Cruise Ships

A committee has been formed to help coordinate, facilitate and host cruise ships lined up to visit Solomon Islands through the year.

Temotu Premier Oust in a Motion of No Confidence

Temotu Premier, Johnson Levela, has been voted out of office in a motion of no confidence in the provincial capital Lata.

Fono Dismisses Ma'asina Forum Accusations

Deputy Prime Minister, Fred Fono (MP), dismisses claims by the Malaita Ma'asina Forum - accusing the present government of displaying a "lukewarm" attitude towards major development projects on Malaita Province.

Public Accuses Top Ten of Extending Hours

The famous Top 10 membership club near the Kukum Traffic Centre is again causing grievances to nearby residents.

HCC Gives Notice to Kukum Market

The Honiara City Council has given a 28 days notice for the Kukum Market to close down.

Temotu Premier to Face Motion of No Confidence

Temotu Provincial Premier Johnson Levela will face a motion of no confidence in the province's full assembly today.

Solomons Prime Minister Sikua Congratulates President Obama

Solomon Islands Prime Minister, Dr. Derek Sikua, has congratulated the new President of the United States of America, Barak Obama.

Operation to Help Towards Tourism Boost

A joint operation to clear out illegal betel nut stalls around Honiara is believed to be a good boost to the country's tourism sector.

Solomons Has Power to Determine Future: Hemmer

Solomon Islands can choose to make the right decisions.

Health Talks for Seafarers

The Solomon Islands Planned Parenthood is embarking on strengthening its ties with the National Fisheries Development through health awareness talks.

Chamber of Commerce Predicts a Tough Year

The Solomon Islands Chamber of Commerce and Industries predicts 2009 to be a very tough year.

Australian Dummies for SI Red Cross

Solomon Islands Red Cross (SIRC) has received twelve resuscitation manikins courtesy of Triathlon Solomon Islands (Tri SI) and the Australian High Commission.

Police Investigate Gairavu Stabbing

Tulagi police are looking for five men from Gela, Central Islands Province who are believed to be on the run after they allegedly attacked and injured four people on 10 January 2009.

Government Audits Need to be Improved

The Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Finance and Treasury, Permanent Secretary for Finance and Treasury Shadrack Fanega, has said that the reports by the Auditor General on our previous government accounts contained many qualifications and areas for improvement.

Chamber Stands Neutral: Hemmer

The Solomon Islands Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SICCI) as the country's leading private sector organization, and the focal point for the private sector in the Solomons, remains politically neutral.

SIBC Teams Up With PNG National Broadcaster

A memorandum of understanding for co-operation and partnership was signed between the Solomon Islands Broadcasting Corporation (SIBC) and the National Broadcasting Corporation (NBC) of Papua New Guinea.

Mutli-Agency Team to Sikaiana

The Malaita Provincial Disaster Committee and National Disaster Council are sending another multi-agency team of assessors today to Sikaiana Island.

Riverside Project a "Tremendous Achievement"

The success of the Riverside Village EU project is a "tremendous achievement" that demonstrates "cooperation, unity and leadership".

NZAID to Support Fee Free Education

The New Zealand government through its aid agency, NZAid is committed to supporting basic education in Solomon Islands for the next 10 years.

Lending to Earn Extra Cash

Running a fund is becoming popular practice in town as an alternative pick to earn extra income for the family.

Guadalcanal Women Elect New Office Bearers

The Guadalcanal Provincial Council of Women elected new office bearers this morning.

Launch of Fee Free Education

An educated populace is the foundation to a vibrant society and nation.

New RAMSI Head Looks Forward to Tackle Challenges

The new Special Coordinator to RAMSI, Graeme Wilson, says he is "very proud and happy" to be appointed head of mission and looks forward to working with the country.

RSIP to Work With Media Organisations

The Royal Solomon Islands Police is keen to strengthen its work relations with the local media organizations.

Former Waimapuru Scholars Plan Giant Silver Jubilee

Friends and Former students of Waimapuru National Secondary School around the country are planning to host a huge celebration to mark the school's Silver Jubilee [this] year.

Government Now Up-to-Date with Annual Accounts

The Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Finance and Treasury, Shadrach Fanega, today congratulated the staff of the Financial Reporting Section of the Treasury Division on the completion of 2007 Annual Accounts for the Solomon Islands Government.

Huge Waves Destroy Fishery Base

A family fisheries base at Nangagu, East Rennell, was totally destroyed by two huge waves earlier this week.

Police Warns Public of Internet Fraud

Internet fraud is getting popular in the Solomon Islands and the Royal Solomon Islands Police are taking this very seriously.

Head of State Praises Outgoing Mission Leader

Solomon Islands Governor General, Sir Nathaniel Waena, acknowledges outgoing Special Coordinator of RAMSI, Tim George, for his contribution in helping the nation find its way forward.

New Initiative Elects Office Bearers

A new initiative has office bearers in Honiara to help raise the profile of research and knowledge creation in Solomon Islands.

Solomons Farewells Head of Mission

The out-going Special Coordinator to RAMSI, Tim George, appeals to the people of Solomon Islands to work hard together for the best of the country.

Locals in Nadi Safe Amid Flooding

Local students doing Flexi School in Nadi are reported to be safe as heavy rain and flooding brought about by tropical depression continues to hit Fiji.

Government Receives First Payment for Fee Free Education

The government received the first payment of 2.5-million dollars for the 2009 Fee Free Basic Education Program in Solomon Islands.

Rainy Season "Becoming Annoying"

The current ongoing bad weather experienced in the Solomons is "becoming annoying".

Officers to Crack Down on Betel Nut Vendors

Betel-nut sellers are once more under scrutiny as officers take on the street to stop illegal vendors selling in public.

Bank South Pacific Partners with Our Telekom

Our Telekom and Bank South Pacific announce their partnership in linking BSP's seven branches here in Solomon Islands.

Police Investigate Stabbing

Detectives from Central CID are investigating circumstances surrounding the stabbing of a man at Point Cruz area near the Hot Bread Kitchen at approximately three o'clock last Saturday morning.

Sir Allan Plans to Contest 2010 General Elections

Solomon Islands' former Member of Parliament and Prime Minister, Sir Allan Kemakeza, plans to contest in the 2010 general election.

Popular Shop Down in Flames

Yesterday, three businesses housed at the Eastern Motors building went down in flames at the Ranadi Highway in Honiara.

Japanese Volunteers in Solomon Islands

Guadalcanal and Western provinces currently have the highest number of Japanese volunteers working in various community high schools.

No Date Set for Motion of No Confidence

No date has been set to table a motion of no confidence in the Premier of Temotu Province Johnson Levela.

Security Concerns for Dash8

Solomon Airlines says there is security concern for Dash8 service to Santa Cruz.

Riverside Community a Good Example

The Riverside community in South Malaita sets a good example on how to utilize well funding allocated purposely for rural development.

Form Five Students View Results

The hype is in as form five students finally get to see their long awaited results.

Investor Expresses Interest for Tuna Cannery

Getax Australia, a consultant agency, is expected to start a feasibility study into the Foumamanu area in East Kwara'ae as a potential tuna cannery location by June this year.

Project Empowers Women of Riverside Village

The completion of a health and life skills project funded under E-U Micro Project's Phase Two marks a "historic milestone" for the women of Riverside Village in Small Malaita.

Family Escapes King Tide

A family living in the Kangava bay area on Rennell Island in Rennell-Bellona Province was affected by what appeared to be a king tide.

Government Implements Free Education Policy

The Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development has began implementing the C-NURA government's fee free basic education policy this year.

CBE Recipient "Over the Moon" on Award

The man behind Honiara's B-Kool Dairy ice-cream was "greatly overwhelmed and over the moon" over the news of being made a recipient of a Commander of the British Empire medal, CBE, in the Queen's 2009 New Year Honours List.

Dump Site a Worry for Villagers

Residents of Lilisiana village, close to Malaita provincial capital, Auki town, are complaining over the rubbish dump that is alongside the road leading to their village.

Preacher Reminds Leaders to Turn to God

There is one government above the government on earth.

Riverside Village Women Receives EU Assistance

Women of Riverside village in South Malaita officially received assistance from the European Union Micro Project that enables them to start on micro projects to support themselves.

Road Campaign Pays Off: Samani

Police campaign on safety road rules has paid off over the end year celebrations, states head of Kukum Traffic Centre in Honiara.

God's Man Challenges Solomon Islanders to be United

There is one Solomon Islands, not a divided Solomon Islands.

Call for Religious Group to Hand in Suspect

Anglican bishop of the Diocese of Malaita, Reverend Sam Sahu, is calling on Muslim leaders in the province to hand over the suspect who allegedly assaulted an Anglican priest.

Health Problems for Islands

People of Ontong Java in the Malaita Outer Islands will face numerous health problems with the absence of frequent shipping services to the islands.

Successful End to Church Workshop

The School of Prophets successfully completed their 2 weeks training last night at the Kingdom Harvest church, in east Honiara.

Dispute on Women in Parliament

The government's decision to provide ten seats in Parliament for women without going through the electoral process has been criticized by the Kwaio Development Association (KDA).

Sir Allan Loses Parliamentary Seat

Solomon Islands' former Prime Minister, Sir Allan Kemakeza, is no longer a Member of Parliament.

Economy Archive