Economy Archive April 2008

Sky is the Limit for the Happy Islanders

Living the laid back lifestyle and being content with what is offered is known for the happy-going Solomon Islanders.

Climate Change Linked to Global Food Shortage

The Secretary General of the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States, Sir John Kaputin, has joined world leaders in pleading for an urgent action to address the growing global food shortage crisis.

Employer Refuse Workers' Redundacy Payments

Frustrated workers of the Wings Shipping Company are complaining of waiting too long for their redundancy package payment.

Workshop Discuss Women and Disability

A representative of the "Women with Disability Group" Mrs. Cyrene Aonima has just arrived from a one week workshop in Samoa on 'The Pacific Disability Forum'.

Fashion and Attitude Changes

Locals in the Solomons are blaming outside influence for rapid changes in character and respect for one another in the country, particularly among the younger generation.

RAMSI says Thank You Very Much to Marshall Islands

RAMSI Assistant Special Coordinator Masi Lomaloma today thanked the Marshall Islands for its valuable contribution to the work of the Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands.

Addressing Core Problem to Social Issues

Escalating social problems in the Solomons is continuously blamed on the young generation without much care on reasons behind their actions.

Prime Minister Sikua Receives Report on April 2006 Riot

Prime Minister, Dr Derek Sikua has taken delivery of the report by the Commission of Inquiry into the April 2006 Riot.

Solomon Airlines Domestic Services Down with More Flight Cancellations

Cancellation of Solomon Airlines domestic services has continued at an alarming rate.

Beauty Sleeps in the Wrong Spot

Catching sleep after partying hard out is the next thing on anyone's mind, but to find one snoring away in the midst of the hustle and bustle of a busy Honiara street is a funny sight.

Banging Up on the Streets of Honiara

Blame it on potholes, the pedestrians, lack of space for vehicles to maneuver on the roads are the many excuses given by drivers who find themselves bang smack into another vehicle, something or to some extent someone.

Selling Birds for a Living

There is nothing like walking through Honiara to come across a young man standing around the busy street with an owl.

Government Puts Measures to Protect Forests

Government is putting in place a number of measures in efforts to save the country's forests from over exploitation and total destruction.

Kakabona Women Receive Training in Tourism and Hospitality

In an effort to bolster small scale tourism operators, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism provided a short training course to the women of Kakabona, in West Honiara.

Shoppers in Solomon Islands Face High Prices

People in Honiara, Solomon Islands, are now feeling the pinch of what seems to be a general rise in the price of goods due to the dual effects of high fuel prices and a global food shortage.

Child-Friendly Police Reach the Provinces

Twenty more police officers have completed Save the Children's innovative Child-Friendly Policing training this week.

Health Equipment for People of Gizo

The Solomon Islands Planned Parenthood Association received some reproductive health equipment and supplies on behalf of the people of Gizo in the Western Province.

Solomons Government Increases Legal Minimum Wage Rate

The Solomon Islands government has increased the legal minimum wage rate for employees in all sectors in the country after a period of twelve years.

Prostitution Concerns School Principals

A number of Honiara School Principals have called on the Solomon Islands National Teachers Association to assist them deal with the involvement of some of their young female students in prostitution activities now on the rise in Honiara.

Dawn Service Marks ANZAC Day

A dawn service was today held at the Central Police Station in Honiara marking the Gallipoli campaign by the allied forces of Australia and New Zealand.

Tragic End for Solomons Student

A swimming exercise turned tragic for a Solomon Islands student studying at the University of the South Pacific who drowned in the university pool.

Tuna Species under Threat: Green Peace

Two migratory Tuna species are seriously under threat of being extinct in the Pacific Ocean, a recent survey by World Conservation Union (WCU) revealed.

World War II Veteran Visits Solomon Islands After 60 Years

An American Veteran arrived in the Solomon Islands on Monday 21st of April to visit World War II battlefields.

Darcy Calls on DFNs to Use Sustainable Methods

The Minister of Environment, Hon. Gordon Darcy Lilo, calls on the Distance Fishing Nations (DFNs) to use sustainable fishing methods when fishing in the high seas.

Green Peace Proposes Logging Alternative

The Green Peace launched a report yesterday detailing the impact of logging in the country.

MV Esperanza Visits Honiara

One of Greenpeace's campaigning vessels, MV Esparanza visited Honiara yesterday, with message 'Our Ocean, Our Forest, Our Future stacked to its side.

UN Launches Joint Office in Solomon Islands

The United Nations in Solomon Islands today launched its Joint Presence - collaboration among the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Untied Nations Children Fund (UNICEF) and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA).

RAMSI Builds Bridge from Isabel to Sydney

The Lepi Primary School in Isabel has formed a sister school relationship with a primary school in Australia, following a visit to the island by the Minister for Police, the Hon Sam Manetoali, and Professor Cindy Davids of Macquarie University in Sydney.

New Malaria Tablets Introduced in Solomon Islands

A new Malaria tablet, called Coartem, will be introduced in Solomon Islands this year by the Ministry of Health and Medical Services.

Lilo Seeks Innovative Approaches to Land Reform

With more then 85 per cent of lands in the Solomon Islands under customary ownership, many landowners have had difficulties in using it as collateral when seeking capital. The problem is the fact that, despite having huge amounts of land, many lack some sort of legal recognition as they are often not registered.

Giving Young People Space to Talk

Over 60 Honiara youth came together recently to discuss what it is that RAMSI does in partnership with the people and government of Solomon Islands.

Alert, But Not Alarmed

Staff at Henderson International airport say they are more confident about their ability to identify a bomb hidden in a passenger's bag following a workshop held by RAMSI.

Australian Scientist Optimistic about Diamond on Malaita

An Australian scientist, Professor Ken Collerson, has said there is great prospect of the presence of mineral diamond on Malaita.

Bulk Assistance towards Solomons Health Sector

Signing of a Memorandum of Understanding paves the way for better health in Solomon Islands.

Calls on Government to Build Care Centres

Home Affairs Minister, James Tora, is seeking the government's approval to build at least five Care Centres in Solomon Islands.

Need for Discipline on Young Students

Students are seen roaming everywhere in the heart of the capital city on Fridays, still in their school uniform.

Solomon Islands Economy Expects to Grow: CBSI Governor Hou

Solomon Islands economy expects to grow this year and the years ahead.

SINTA to Launch Counselling Programme in Schools

The Solomon Islands National Teacher Association (SINTA) is planning to launch a counselling programme in schools, as part of its fight to curb the alleged involvement of youths in prostitution, which is reported to be on the increase.

Ne'e Blames Serious Social Problems for Rise in Prostitution

The MP for Central Honiara, Nelson Ne'e, has blamed the high level of unemployment and rising cost of living and poor wages as the main underlying causes of the current rise in prostitution in Honiara.

No Probe in Solomons Prostitution

There are still no signs of authorities in Honiara investigating the alleged Asian organized prostitution ring while at the same time the number of Asian girls brought into the country as part of the prostitution racket has gone up.

Launch of the Health Sector Support Program

The Solomon Islands Government has begun implementing a sector wide approach for the health sector to markedly improve health service delivery and achieve the Millenium Development Goals for health.

Transforming City and Nation to Positive Changes

A five-days Reconciliation and Unity city wide crusade started last night at the Art Gallery in Honiara.

Gifted Woman to Heal the Sick

Healing the sick is a miracle that Christians believe comes from having faith in God, as is the case with a gifted healer in the western part of Guadalcanal.

Beautification for Positive Community Change

An open market was officially opened at the Kakabona Police Post area, West of Guadalcanal.

Solomons to Attend Disability Forum

Solomon Islands will be represented at the Pacific Disability Forum in Samoa next week.

Nomination for New City Mayor

Nominations for Mayor of Honiara City Council is likely to be opened Monday next week.

Rural Development in the Solomon Islands - On Hold

The current Solomon Islands Government profess to be concerned about the development of the rural areas of the Solomon Islands.

Calling for Rain

To call for rain is next to impossible.

Council Meeting Votes Mayor Out

The Honiara City Council Mayor, Alfred Maetia has been ousted in a no confidence motion.

Credit Union Workshop for Business Holders

A two day Credit Union Legal and Compliance Workshop was held at the Quality Inn Conference Room in Honiara.

The Future of Children is Today - a Fresh Style of Justice for Young People

Diversion is a way of dealing with young people who get into trouble with the law - it is a means of restoring them back to normal life without suffering undue punishment and having to go to jail.

Bridging Partnership, Japan and Solomons

People in the northern part of Guadalcanal welcomes the completion of three new bridges nearby Tenaru 1 and 2.

PM Spells out Government's Vision

The Prime Minister, Dr Derek Sikua, says creating a peaceful and prosperous society in Solomon Islands is his government's vision and mission. Dr Sikua was making the remarks during the closing of the National Parliament.

Colourful and Melodious Cultural Wedding of Lord Howe

Marriage ceremony for the people of Lord Howe is colourful as the bride steps out covered in "keauna", better known as turmeric.

Communicating With the Spirits

Virivirikana was said to be a medium of communication with "pota", the spirits, especially utilized in the making of peace or war.

No Bride Price for Shortland Islands

Marriage is a sacred ceremony across all cultures, performed in many different ways.

Betel Nut Chewing Endangers Reefs

Betel nut chewing contributes to the degradation of coral reefs, was a message among others that stood out at the launch of the Pacific year of reefs 2008.

Government Committed to Improve Public Service

Public Service Minister Milner Tozaka in thanking the previous government for re-establishing the Institute of Public Administration and Management, IPAM says the Sikua government is committed to improving public servant skills.

First Solomons Female Pilot Resigns

The country's only female pilot, Elizabeth Ramoni, has resigned from the national air carrier, the Solomon Islands Airlines.

SICCI Concerned with Lack of Consultation in Mines and Minerals Act Amendment

The Solomon Islands Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SICCI) is extremely concerned by the enacting in Parliament of the Mines and Minerals Act Amendment on Wednesday 9th April. The Amendment was drafted with absolutely no consultation with private sector organizations or mining sector firms.

Goverment to Set Up Land Reform Centres in the Provinces

Land, Housing and Survey Minister Martin Maga has re-iterated government's policy to set up land reform centres in the nine provinces.

Setting the 'Determined Price' for Logs is Not a Job for MPs: TSI

Transparency Solomon Islands (TSI) is concerned at the involvement of politicians in assessing the export value of logs.

Varikanas in the Western Solomons

Traditional wartime tales is common in the Solomons, and a 'varikana' in the Western Province was an ancient fighter in the tribal fighting era.

Clinics Receive 'Facelift' to Appeal to Youth

Young people in Honiara can now access improved STI and HIV services at the Rove and Kukum clinics run by Honiara City Council.

Taiwan Donates Clothes to Tsunami Victims

A group of women from Honiara are currently in Gizo to deliver clothing bales to tsunami victims in the Western Solomons.

International Relations "Very Important": Prime Minister Sikua

The country's relations with the international community including the neighbouring Pacific Islands are very important in its development efforts.

Police Help with Reconciliation

Police mediated a reconciliation discussion between two families in relation to an incident where a 20 year old man died from injuries sustained at White River last Saturday night.

Joint Effort to Address Rise in Prostitution

Joint effort is being taken to address the issue of young girls visiting foreign fishing boats in Honiara.

Women's Council Meet to Discuss Exploitation of Girls

The Solomon Islands National Council of Women (NCW), with other stakeholders, met yesterday to discuss the exploitation of young girls by foreign fishing ships.

Asian Mafia Alleged to be in Solomon Islands

Asian based Mafia may have entered Solomon Islands through Papua New Guinea setting up a prostitution ring, allegedly involving three Chinese owned nightclubs, a restaurant and one general shop in the centre of Honiara.

Legal Draftsman Appointed

The CNURA Government has appointed Mr. John Hauirae, a local private practitioner to the vacant post of legal draftsman.

Tourism Ministry Set in Motion Plans for 2008

In an attempt to reduce the country's reliance on the export of round logs, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism is embarking on an ambitious plan to diversify the countries economic base.

Government Committed to Build Temotu Airstrip

The Sikua Government is committed to build a second airstrip on Vanikoro Island, Temotu Province.

Solomon Islands Prison Service Assists Visale Local Community

Forty Solomon Islands Prison Service officers and RAMSI Law and Justice Program Corrections Advisers participated in an all day working bee at Visale.

Remove Non-performing Public Officers: Oti

The former Minister of Foreign Affairs and External Trade, Hon. Patteson Oti has urged the government to remove workers who fail to perform.

Police Investigate Killing

A joint team of serious crime investigators and detectives from Honiara City are investigating the circumstances surrounding the death of a 20 year old male in the early hours of Sunday morning.

Solomons Parliament Pass 2008 Budget

Solomon Islands' Parliament passed the country's 2008 budget with minor typical amendments.

Public Lashes Out at Arrest of Women on Fishing Vessels

The recent arrest of six women, on board foreign fishing vessels, has brought strong rebuke from Honiara residents.

Salted Fish Banned From Honiara Main Market

A group of disappointed women matched to the inspector of health and environment office and demanded an explanation as to why they were stopped from selling salted fish at the Honiara main market on Friday.

Security Crucial for Investment: Manetoali

The Minister for Police and National Security Samuel Manetoali has pledged to use his Ministry's 2008 Budget allocations to provide a safe and secure environment for Solomon Islands.

NDMO Welcomes Proposed Commission of Inquiry

The National Disaster Management Office (NDMO) has welcomed the announcement by the Prime Minister, Dr. Derek Sikua, to set up a Commission of Inquiry into the management of the tsunami rehabilitation funds and resources in Western and Choiseul Provinces.

Drug Dealer Arrested

Yesterday, the Honiara Police Drug Squad arrested a 49 year old man who was in possession of marijuana weighing at least 300 grams.

Transparency Solomon Islands Changes Executive Officer

Transparency Solomon Islands (TSI) will soon invite applications for the position of Executive officer. TSI has appointed Jean Tafoa as acting Executive Officer pending the appointment of a full time Executive Officer.

More Than Just a Tree

Solomon Islands have many plants that are used as medicines, often prescribed by traditional healers for all kinds of sicknesses.

Operation 'Clean Harbour' Continues

The joint law enforcement operation between Customs, Quarantine, Honiara City Council and Police to tackle criminal activity on the Harbour and Central Markets continued today.

Heavy Rain Floods Honiara

Torrential rain in Honiara caused floods in the main city and to some extent Honiara residential areas.

Guadalcanal Has New Ship

The people of Guadalcanal are proud new owners of a new ship, which would help in servicing transportation from their port to Honiara.

Casual Workers Bound for New Zealand

The apple season in New Zealand has prompted many apple farmers to look to Pacific Islands for much needed labor force.

Infrastructure Opens Up Development: PM Tells Parliament

Prime Minister Dr Derek Sikua has told Parliament that infrastructure is the key to development.

Funds for Tsunami Victims

Prime Minister Dr Derek Sikua has announced in Parliament that Australia and New Zealand are providing nearly 18 million dollars towards last years' disaster victims in Western and Choiseul Provinces to rebuild or repair their homes.

Two New Legislators Sworn in

The two new Members of Parliament for East Malaita and Aoke/Langalanga have taken their oaths yesterday morning at the National Parliament of Solomon Islands.

Australia Offers Scholarship for Tertiary Studies

Acting Australian High Commissioner to Solomon Islands, Heidi Bootle, is pleased to announce that applications are now open for the 2009 Australian Leadership Awards (ALA) Scholarships.

The Tsunami Disaster, One Year Later

Today, the 2nd of April, marks the First Anniversary of the devastating tsunami that struck the Provinces of Western, Choiseul and Shortland. 52 lives were lost during the disaster and hundreds more were left displaced.

Candle Light for Tsunami Victims

Hundreds of people in the Western provincial capital town Gizo turned up for the April 2 candle night service at the JFK stadium last night.

Police Retrieve Government Vehicles

After months of accusations, counter accusation and, most recently, court cases the Solomon Islands Police Force have stepped in to sort out the 'Government vehicle saga.'

Minister Calls on Aid Donors to be Flexible

Speaking on the floor of Parliament, Minister for Justice and Legal affairs, Hon Toswell Kaua took a swipe at the donors for their lack of flexibility when it comes to providing Aid money for development.

Economy Archive