Economy Archive November 2021

“I want to make a personal call to the good people of Solomon Islands to please respect our banks and other key infrastructures in and around Honiara,” CBSI Governor, Dr. Luke Forau stated.

CBSI Calls On Public to Respect Critical Infrastructure

Central Bank of Solomon Islands (CBSI) is calling on the general public to respect all banks and other financial institutions’ properties in Honiara.
The Stay-At-Home Notice was issued over the weekend due to the unrest.

Public Servants Resume Duties

The Public Service has resumed duties on Tuesday 30 November following a joint review by the Public Service Ministry in consultation with the Office of the Prime Minister and cabinet of the “Stay-at-Home” notice on Monday.
“Safety comes first in all that we do so we had no choice but to cease operations for several days,” said Colin Sigimanu Manager Commercial for Solomon Airlines.

Solomon Airlines Resumes Domestic Flights

Solomon Airlines has confirmed the national carrier’s domestic flight schedule has recommenced today, and from tomorrow Tuesday 30 November, the airline will resume regular domestic operations.
What people are seeing on their TV screens will make it difficult for Solomon Islands to compete with other destinations, be it for tourists or investors.

Solomon Islands Image Shattered

It took just three days for years of hard work rebuilding the Solomon Islands 'brand' to be shattered.
SICA humbly asks everyone to respect the rule of law and resolve any differences in a peaceful and Christian way. Matthew 5:9: "Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children Of God."

Solomon Islands Chinese Association (SICA) Condemns Burning and Looting of Businesses

SICA is the country's longest and well-respected association, with over 70 years of rich and proud history, and represents the Chinese community's social, cultural and business affairs in the Solomon Islands.
"I must make it very clear here that no one is above the law."

More Than 100 Suspects Arrested For Looting and Rioting

The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) have arrested more than hundred suspects in relation to the current protest, riot and looting in Honiara.
We are putting our very own lives and that of our own family members and friends at risk here if we continue like this; therefore; the Ministry of Health is urging people in Honiara to remain at homes and not involve in the current rioting.

Health Operations in Honiara Affected by Unrest

The Ministry of Health is calling on all Honiara residents involved in arson, rioting, looting to please stop immediately as continuation of such activities will further affect health services with its already out-stretched resources.
Curfew Declared by Governor General

Curfew Declared by Governor General

The Governor-General, His Excellency, Sir David Vunagi has declared a curfew for Honiara City from 7pm to 6am daily effective on November 26 until revoked.
Mr Mangau says, “I am respectfully calling on all community leaders to help us spread the message that ‘Enough is enough’.

Police Calling on Community Leaders to Help

The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) strongly appeals to the citizens of Honiara to make the right choice by refraining themselves from looting and burning of valuable infrastructures.
“As a country, we have already experience budget shortage, employment concerns and disruptions too. Political volatility on top of Covid19 crisis will only lead the entire country and its population to a deeper uncertainty."

SICCI Statement on Current Situation in Honiara

Solomon Islands Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SICCI), as the peak body representing the private sector, is observing the current security situation in Honiara with great concern.
Should you need to reach the hospital or health clinics please contact St John Ambulance on toll free line, 111 or 911.

Public Message for Lockdown Period

With the current 36 hours lockdown enforced for Honiara, the Ministry of Health and Medical Services wish to inform the public that during this period the following services will continue.
The rapid response team secure the point cruz area.

Police Secure Point Cruz Area From Protestors

Police have set up a blockade around the central market and point cruz area. The situation is calm but tense.
SICCI Chairman, Ricky Fuo’o escorting the Prime Minister to the dinner venue at the 2021 Business Excellence Awards.

SICCI Hosts Business Excellence Awards With the Theme ‘Challenges to Opportunities in a COVID-19 World’

The 2021 edition of Solomon Islands’ leading business event, the Business Excellence Awards (BEA) was yet another success.
Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare has stated that Solomon Islands cannot stay locked up from the rest of the world forever and has been urging Solomon Islanders to take the COVID-19 vaccination.

Tough Road Ahead for Solomon Islands Vaccination Efforts

New research by the Lowy Institute suggests the Solomon Islands may not be able to reach its target 90% vaccination coverage.
The Bangladeshi operated a shop in the area, one of many such shops scattered throughout Honiara and parts of Guadalcanal. The controversy surrounding how this group of Bangladeshis managed to enter the country in 2019 remains unresolved to this day.

Bangladeshi Accused of Rape Goes to Court Today

The Bangladeshi national accused of raping a 11-year-old girl has been listed for hearing today.
Hon. Ismael Mali Avui, Minister of Lands, Housing and Survey, Mr Allan McNeil, Commissioner of Lands, Ms Hellen Ohukeni, Director Land Reform, Ms Mary Tegavota, National Recorder and Mr Vardon Hoca, UNDP Programme Manager with members of the Sahalu community.

Securing Land Rights for Sustainable Peace

The UN Development Programme in Solomon Islands has supported the Government’s Customary Land Recording programme conducted by the Ministry of Lands, Housing and Survey in three target provinces – Guadalcanal, Western and Malaita.
“What we noticed is increased disputes over fishing grounds and sharing of money gained from selling Bechdemer. This normally comes out after consuming alcohol, people fight over their share of what they sell, and many have been physical confrontations.”

Bechdemer Dividing Rural Communities

While the opening of the lucrative Bechdemer marine product has been welcomed, many communities are reportedly divided. Squabbles over fishing grounds, purchase price and sharing of the spoils is now common place.
The 100,620 doses of the vaccines will be enough to cover for 50,310 of our eligible adolescents and pregnant women to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 with the Pfizer vaccine.

Pfizer Vaccines Targets Adolescents 12 to Below 18 Years and Pregnant Women

The Ministry of Health and Medical Services (MHMS) wish to emphasize that the 100,620 doses of Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines provided by the government of the United States of America (USA), through COVAX Facility, that arrived last week, will be allocated for adolescents 12 to below 18 years of age and pregnant women only.
SICCI says the recent site visit to the Honiara International Airport Improvement Project by Civil Engineering students from the National University (SINU) as a positive step forward in its continuous effort to realize local participation as a positive continuous effort to realize local participation in major national projects.

SICCI Acknowledges Initiative to Visit Airport Project Site

The Solomon Islands Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SICCI) describes the recent site visit to the Honiara International Airport Improvement Project by Civil Engineering students from the National University (SINU) as a positive step forward.
"Should anyone come across a health facility or medical worker advising of such condition, please call health’s emergency operation centre toll free line, 115 and provide details for relevant health authorities to address the matter."

Gizo Hospital is Open to All, Not Just those Vaccinated

The National and Western Provincial Ministry of Health and Medical Services would like to assure the public that health services at the Gizo Hospital is open to all and not only to those who are vaccinated with COVID-19 vaccines.
"I was not interested in other fields, where people might say is more suited for girls,” Natalie said, holding up her Certificate proudly.

My Duty is Not Only in the Kitchen

She admits that cultural stereotype was a challenge, but says her passion for carpentry was greater than that.
He than started punching the empty iceboxes outside the house, he sustained deep cuts to his elbow from the broken glass.

30 Year Old Man Hits Icebox Glass and Dies From Injury

Police at the Naha Police Station are investigating the death of a 30 year old man said to have died from injuries after hitting an icebox glass.
Mr. Russell Comeau, Director US Embassy Office, Solomon Islands giving his remarks. The United States Government has provided 100,620 doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine to Solomon Islands via the COVAX Facility to strengthen the country’s vaccination rollout.

United States Government Supports Solomon Islands with COVID-19 Pfizer Vaccines through the COVAX Facility

Today, Solomon Islands received the 100,620 doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccines from the United States Government through the COVAX Facility – a partnership co-led by the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance and the World Health Organization (WHO), with UNICEF as the key delivery partner.
MASI President, Georgina Kekea says this initiative is timely, as the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has also affected the media industry, causing media houses to implement drastic measures, which have greatly affected journalists and the journalism profession in Solomon Islands.

MASI to Host Media Awards

For the first time the Media Association of Solomon Islands (MASI) is hosting a Media Awards Event to recognize media practitioners, more so journalists for the work that they do.
He says a strong vaccination coverage and adhering to COVID-19 measures such as wearing a mask has proven to be effective, and does work, as shown in Fiji.

Fiji’s Covid Experience is a Good Lesson to Solomon Islands

The Secretary to the Prime Minister, Dr Jimmie Rodgers, having just returned from Fiji, is encouraging all Solomon Islanders to put into practice COVID-19 measures to prepare themselves should there be community transmission in the country.
Group photo with the equipment in their boxes, (L-R) AHC COVID-19 Support Coordinator Ms. Laura Wilson, AHC Counsellor for Human Development Ms. Julie McCallum, MHMS Permanent Secretary Mrs. Pauline McNeil & MHMS Deputy Secretary Health Care Dr Gregory Jilini.

Australia Assists Ministry of Health to Strengthen Linkages with the Provinces

Consistent and timely updates and sharing of information between national and provincial health teams with opportunities to engage in real time discussions is crucial for swift decision-making and actions particularly with the ongoing COVID-19 preparedness and response efforts including COVID-19 vaccination roll out.
“Due to limited supply, it will be administered only to children between 12 and 18 years of age and to pregnant mothers,” Prime Minister Sogavare said.

Pfizer Vaccine to Arrive Tuesday: PM

The Pfizer vaccine will arrive in the country Tuesday this week, 16th November.
Deputy Secretary Corporate of MRD, Constance Wane.

Enhancing MRD Human Resource Competency

Four officers of the Ministry of Rural Development (MRD) are among hundreds of Solomon Islands students’ who received their academic qualification as graduates of the University of the South Pacific (USP) in a graduation ceremony held on 29th October, 2021 in Honiara.
Honorable Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare and the Chinese Ambassador His Excellency Li Ming witnessed the milestone undertaking between and by the Agency for International Economic Cooperation, Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China representative and the NHA Chairman Dr Jimmie Rodgers.

SINU ‘Games Village’ Agreement Sealed

The People’s Republic of China (PRC) and the Solomon Islands Government (SIG) through the National Hosting Authority (NHA) signed the Implementation Agreement of the Solomon Islands National University (SINU) Dormitory Building project that will be part of the 2023 Pacific Games village.
With the current level of vaccination coverage of only 14.3 percent it is critical that the hospital trains and provides additional manpower and resources to get the vaccines to the people, in their communities.

Main Hospital Trains Staff to Manage an Outbreak of COVID-19

A community outbreak of COVID-19 in the country would be devastating, and the National Referral Hospital (NRH) says it will not be able to cope with a sudden increase of COVID-19 infected persons.
SICCI with RSIPF and the Ministry of Health brought together close to three hundred community representatives from all three constituencies in Honiara to share information, education, and communication materials to help protect people with the right knowledge and encourage them to get their vaccination against COVID-19.

Private Sector Partnership with Community Policing Committees, MHMS to Vamp Up COVID-19 Vaccine Coverage

Amid Solomon Islands’ continuous efforts to increase COVID-19 vaccination rates, the private sector aligns with the Government through the Ministry of Health and Medical Services (MHMS).
Solomon Port says that the barriers will be used to trap plastic wastes and rubbish coming out from the Mataniko river and along the Honiara coastline.

Solomon Ports Taking the Lead in Waste Management

The foreshore in Honiara is polluted, unsightly debris and garbage gets washed down during torrential downpour.
One of the main objectives of the Constituency Development Funds (CDF) is to assist individuals, families, and community-based organizations to participate in socio-economic developments to help alleviate poverty within the rural areas.

MRD Commences Monitoring of CDF Support

Ministry of Rural Development (MRD) says it will commence its monitoring of Constituency Development Funds (CDF) on selected constituencies next week.
SIBC Editor, Fred Osifelo, receiving the materials from MASI President Georgina Kekea on behalf of SIBC newsroom team.

MASI Hands Over Reporting Guidelines to Media Outlets

The Media Association of Solomon Islands (MASI) has handed out copies of the revised Journalist ‘Code of Ethics’ booklet and a Court Reporting Guide to its members' newsrooms.
“I appeal to the general public to respect public properties for our conveniences,” says PPC Robo.

Young Man Takes Out Anger on ATM After Arguement with Girlfriend

A young man in his 20s has been arrested and charged by the police for damaging an ATM machine in Chinatown.
Initial reports said that the deceased climbed a tree to collect fruit leaf (korokua) for chewing betel nut when he fell.

Man Dies Collecting Korokua

Officers of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) at Kirakira Police Station in Makira-Ulawa Province are investigating a sudden death incident of a male person in his 30s on 4 November 2021.
Fully vaccinated Australian citizens and permanent residents may now return to Australia via Sydney, without quarantine requirements.

Solomon Airlines Adds Honiara-Sydney-Brisbane Flights in Time for Christmas

Solomon Airlines will commence fortnightly passenger flights from Honiara to Sydney, with the airline’s Airbus A320 then continuing on to Brisbane.
Sorcery deaths are murders where the victims are accused of practicing some sort of witchcraft, often on a neighbouring family or village. Belief in socery is still widespread in rural communities despite many professing to be Christians.

Three in Custody Over Sorcery Related Killing

Three male persons are currently in police custody, accused of a sorcery related killing in Veravalou village, Aola.
Diving for these marine creatures has become big business for those in the rural areas, especially when there are few economic alternatives.

Another Life Lost Diving for Bechdemer

Another life has been lost after the ban on Bechdemer was lifted some three months ago.
To achieve coverage of 90 percent 313,668 will need to get their first jab, while 192,682 will need to get their second jab.

239,438 COVID-19 Vaccine Doses Administered

239,438 doses of COVID-19 vaccines, which includes both the AstraZeneca and Sinopharm Vaccines 1st and 2nd doses, have been administered as of Friday last week 5th of November.
Ms. Naomi Kaluae, Chair of the 2021 BEA Working Committee and SICCI Board member, announced the new category.

New Award Category Added to the 2021 Business Excellence Awards

The Solomon Islands Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SICCI) announces one new award category to be added to the Business Excellence Awards (BEA) which returns for the 7th time this year and will take place on Saturday 20th November at the Coral Sea Resort in Honiara.
The Solomon Islands Tourism: Investor Guide can help investors understand the process of investing in land for tourism projects. It provides practical information on registered land leases and development.

Vital Solomon Islands Tourism Industry Guides Launched, to Help Drive Growth and Jobs

On November 5th, 2021 — Solomon Islands has taken a key step in advancing its tourism industry with the launch of guides for investors and the government, to ensure this vital sector remains a long-term driver of job creation, sustainable economic growth, and benefits for many people.
Premier of Central Province Stanley Manetiva, Solomon Power Chairman David Quan and CEO Donald Kiriau.

Solomon Power Officially Opened New Tulagi Office

Solomon Power has opened its new Office at Tulagi, Central Islands Province.
Solomon Islander Heads USP Student Body in Laucala

Solomon Islander Heads USP Student Body in Laucala

A Solomon Islander has been elected President of the University of the South Pacific Student Association (USPSA) in Laucala, Fiji.
Australian High Commission First Secretary Political Jessica Carpenter celebrates with Nola Community.

Australia’s Direct Aid Program Supports Temotu’s Remote Reef Islands

Congratulations to Nola Community in the Reef Islands! The Australian Government through the Direct Aid Program (DAP) is pleased to have funded a new permanent pigpen project, led by Mathew Nare, to assist communities generate income by selling their pigs.
Permanent Secretary McKinnie Dentana with Australian High Commission Counsellor Kevin Playford pictured with staff of the ICT Center, at the launch of several new ICT projects.

Launching Digital Governance for Solomon Islands

In the ever-increasing global digital economy, electronic governance or ‘e-governance’ is the way of the future – more and more governments around the world are digitising their services to maximise efficiency and make government administration more transparent, quick, and accountable.
The families met at the Central Police Station in Honiara.

Police Facilitate Reconciliation After Death in Fatal Accident

Officers of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) have witnessed a reconciliation between the family of the suspect and the deceased in relation to the fatal incident, which occurred at the Fishing village area on 1 November 2021.
Hon. Samuel Manetoali and Hon. Freda Rotutafi Rangirei with representatives from the government, UN Women and UNDP.

Advancing Inclusive Decision-Making to Build Forward Better

The Ministry of Women Youth Children and Family Affairs and the Ministry of Traditional Governance Peace and Ecclesiastical Affairs has handed over its recommendations to the Government to be included in the revised Traditional Governance, Customs and Facilitation Bill (TGCFB) 2018.
Sogavare says that bringing our citizens home comes with risks, and the government is working hard to ensure that appropriate measures are in place to manage these risks.

Cabinet Approves Risk Categories for Incoming Passengers

Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare says Cabinet has approved a recommendation by the Oversight Committee (OC) to establish three risk categories for incoming passengers.
“The national Cabinet has set the target vaccination coverage to re-open our borders at 90 percent of the total eligible population of 414,327 people which is 372,895 people,” he said.

Cabinet to Deliberate on Date to Reopen Borders: PM

Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare said Cabinet has directed the Oversight Committee to develop the framework for the reopening of our borders.

Economy Archive