Economy Archive January 2021

Mr. Paulsen says Solomon Islands has one of the highly corrupt public sectors in the region and the government is not doing enough to tackle it.

Corruption Perception Index for Solomon Islands Public Sector Remains Same

Solomon Islands remains at 42 out of a 100 on the 2020 Corruption Perception Index (CPI) published by Berlin based, Transparency International.
Heavy rainfall and strong winds may develop today afternoon and evening, but is expected to subside as the system moves towards Vanuatu.

Weather Office Warns Sea Travellers of TC Lucas

A tropical cyclone warning is in place for the people of Rennell and Bellona province, southern side of Western province, Russells, Guadalcanal and Makira.
“I do not think yeast is the problem, the problem is those that brew kwaso, we just need to target them because they are the ones doing illegal activity, not us the mothers,” a visibly frustrated Grace said.

Banning of Yeast Will Impact Struggling Mothers

The banning of yeast has been touted by the public and Premier Daniel Suidani of Malaita province is also openly supportive of the idea.
A third test was said to be done to validate the results. It is not yet certain when the results will be made known to the public, but it is expected that the Prime Minister will give an update during his address today.

Nationwide Address by Prime Minister 3pm Today

Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare will be making a nationwide address today at 3pm, the address will provide an update on the student that was tested positive for COVID-19 after being released from quarantine.
An officer from the livestock team conducts the castration procedure with the aid of the piggery farmer.

Livestock Department Continue to Deliver Services to Farmers

The Livestock Department within the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAL) remain committed to its responsibilities as it continue to provide Livestock and Veterinary services to livestock farmers in the country.
He encourages farmers to continue to promote the country’s kava varieties by maintaining and adhering to quality standards, that way the Solomon kava brand will grow overseas.

Kava Farmers Need to Focus on Quality Not Quantity: Kava Exporter

The Solomon Islands leading kava exporter, Varivao Holdings Ltd, is urging all local kava farmers to improve the quality of their output and productivity if Solomon Islands is to be a dominant player in the kava market.
Filualea says to address this complex web of challenges, clear action is needed to prioritize healthy diets in general, and maternal and child diets in particular, through a more resilient food system.

Mothers and Children Need to Prioritize Healthy Diet: Agriculture Minister

“A clear action is needed to prioritize healthy diet for mothers and children”, Agriculture Minister, Senley Filualea says at the recent virtual launching of the Asia and Pacific Regional Overview of Food Security and Nutrition 2020 Report.
1,000 scholarships are offered by the government for 2021, and while it will be a fully funded scholarship all of the recipients will be based in-country.

Scholarship Website Crashes As Deadline Looms

The Solomon Islands tertiary and skills authority website crashed yesterday as deadline for scholarship applications approaches.
He says the initial application to cover the first 0.25 percent of the country’s population had been received by GAVI. He says the first tranche of vaccines will be targeted to the front-liners.

Government Commits to 100% COVID-19 Vaccine Coverage

The government is committing itself to a 100 percent COVID-19 vaccine coverage.
The Honiara Education Authority has twelve (12) Secondary Schools spread throughout Honiara City.

HCC Schools to Resume 1st February

All schools under the Honiara City Council (HCC) Education Authority will resume classes for the 2021 Academic year on 1st February 2021.
“Our NRH should be a place where lives are saved and healed and where it provides hope for sick patients. Our government needs to prioritise and invest in our health systems and NRH," Dr Alice Pollard said.

Our National Referral Hospital (NRH), Our Doctors and Nurses, Our Life

The President of Solomon Islands Democratic Party (SIDP), Dr. Alice Aruhe’eta Pollard calls on the National Government to revamp much needed resources at the National Referral Hospital and attend to challenges such as limited resources, limited space, unhygienic environment and crowded wards.
No formal announcement was made by the Solomon Islands government but sympathy messages are already flooding the biggest social media network, Facebook.

Three Solomon Islanders Victims of Car Crash in Queensland

Three Solomon Islanders are reported to be the victims of a fatal car crash in Queensland, Australia.
“Social problems are one the main issues that arise in the community because of such substance abuse, so we have very young people involved in such activities."

Stop Illegal Sale of Alcohol and Drugs in the Community: Elder Pleads

A prominent man from Kolosulu community in east central Guadalcanal, Mr. Patterson Divasia, says the increasing numbers of illegal alcohol and drug selling in his community is concerning.
Mangau says by 21st December 2020, disturbance and disorderly behavior accounts for 1678 of the more than 8000 reported offences.

Disturbance and Disorderly Behavior Tops Crime Stats for 2020

Disturbance and disorderly behavior have topped the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) crime statistics for 2020.
“Sometimes the language is too scientific. And so, maybe they have access to the information, but may have problems understanding the issue. So, that is an issue, one of the challenges that we have."

Weather Office to Work on Simplifying Weather Forecasts

The World Meteorological organisation is encouraging member countries to implement what is known as the impact-based forecasting.
Dentana says pay-outs are continuing for the sectors of fisheries, agriculture and tourism in the rural areas.

ESP Pay-out Continues, SBD$100m Not Yet Disbursed

Pay-outs for the Economic Stimulus Package (ESP) have recommenced. Permanent secretary in the Ministry of Finance and Treasury, McKinnie Dentana says the process of payment has resumed and will continue until all payments are done.
Parents spoken to say that there should be a better system in releasing exam results.

Authorities Need To Do More In Publication of School Results

Parents are calling on the education authorities to do more when publicizing school results.
Babies who die during and after childbirth including stillborn are usually placed in empty carton boxes and handed over to the mother and/or relatives to take home for proper burial.

Negligence in Neonatal Deaths Not Acceptable

A social media support group for mothers are raising concerns about unknown causes of neonatal deaths at the National Referral Hospital’s (NRH) labour ward.
From left, Acting New Zealand High Commissioner, Hannah Van Voorthuysen, Permanent Secretary for the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, Ethel Tebengi Frances, and the Permanent Secretary for the Ministry of Finance and Treasury, McKinnie Dentana.

Solomon Islands and New Zealand Government Join Forces to Control Coconut Rhinoceros Beetle

Solomon Islands has formed a new partnership with New Zealand to step up the response to the invasive Coconut Rhinoceros Beetle (CRB) which, if left unchecked, would pose a serious threat to food security and coconut and palm oil industries.
Solomon Water encourages those still receiving water to store water and to boil water before drinking or cooking.

Most of Honiara Will be Without Water For Few More Days

Solomon Water says that as of this morning the Kongulai pump and gravity system and the Kombito spring will remain shut due to high turbidity caused by heavy rainfall.
Part of the operation will focus on unlicensed drivers and vehicles and person permitting unlicensed drivers and vehicles.

Police to Mount Spot Check Operation

Officers of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) at the National Traffic Department in Honiara will mount an operation starts on 18 January to 31 January 2021.
The case study report says people they spoke to raise concerns that there is a lack of or poor quality rural infrastructure.

Nothing Much to Show in Rural Areas: Case Study

The government was not able to show that it is prioritizing it’s National Development Strategy 2016 - 2035 in rural development.
“I would like to remind boat owners and skippers of the importance of sea safety. Before you travel, please plan your trip properly. Make sure your boat is seaworthy and you’re Out Boat Motor (OBM) is serviced and maintained," says Commissioner Mangau.

Police Rescue Eleven People at Sea in Western Province

Officers of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RISPF) at Gizo Police Station in Western Province have rescued eleven people drifting at sea between Choiseul and Western Province on 10 January 2021.
Residents on Taro island this week were caught by surprise when their homes were encroached by waves, especially those residing in the low lying coastal area.

Tide Turning, Choiseul Premier Pleas for Help

The premier of Choiseul province is calling for assistance in his government's efforts to carry out work on the Choiseul bay township project.
"This air pollution was so strong, it smelled, and people avoided the area, and this went on for at least a month."

Septic Systems Burst in Residential Area

Over the past month Mbuavalley and Kukum residents have been complaining about the leakage of septic waste pipes. They say relevant authorities were informed of the leakage but were slow to respond.
“This too has been a long time dream for our Province and once completed will add enormous value to our business houses, traveling public and potential overseas markets," Mr. Maka’a says.

Makira Ulawa to Access Internet Services Soon

The people of Makira, Ulawa and Ugi will soon have access to 3G services provided by telecommunication company, Our Telekom. Currently work is underway to build telecommunication towers in the province.
The NCC had its first meeting in the first week of December 2020, where the Solomon Islands application for COVID-19 vaccines was reviewed and approved.

Government Establish New Committee in Preparation for Vaccine

A new coordinating committee has been established by the government. This committee is jointly chaired by the Permanent Secretaries in the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Finance.
AC Uiga says, “If any vessel enters Solomon Islands border the team will deal with them or it is advisable to immediately leave Solomon waters by moving back from the border.”

Another Deployment to Solomon Islands - PNG Border

The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) make its 10th deployment of police officers to the common border between Solomon Islands (SI) and Papua New Guinea (PNG) on 10 January 2021.
Cigarettes concealed in cream buns were found earlier, leading to a ban in food items from outside.

No More Privileges After Festive Season

Persons in quarantine will not be having any more privileges after the festive season.
Superintendent Sevoa says, "I call on those remaining suspects to surrender themselves to police. You will not hide and police will keep on hunting for you.”

Another Mining Camp Robbery Suspect Arrested

Officers of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) at Henderson Police Station have arrested another suspect in relation to Winwin robbery incident in Central Guadalcanal on 6 January 2021.
All incoming passengers will be required to have taken two COVID-19 tests, the first test by 6th January 2021 and the second test no earlier than 72 hours before departure.

Repatriation Flight Scheduled for 17th January

Solomon Airlines has advised that subject to regulatory approval, the airline will operate a repatriation flight on the 17th of January to bring more Solomon Islands citizens home from Australia and New Zealand.
He says, “I call on those remaining suspects to surrender themselves to police. You will not hide and police will keep on hunting for you.”

More Suspects Arrested Over Mining Camp Robbery

Officers of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) at Henderson have arrested third and fourth suspect in relation to Winwin robbery incident in Central Guadalcanal.
“Accessing vaccines in circumstances as presently faced is not a simple matter. There are a lot of technical issues and processes that need to be addressed and complied with. Dealing with such hurdles is not easy matter,” says Hon. Wale.

Wale Urges PM to Make Advanced Preparations for Covid-19 Vaccine

The Leader of Opposition, Hon. Matthew Wale, has called on the Prime Minister to quickly take steps to ensure that Solomon Islands is ready for the Covid-19 vaccination programme.
In addition, the Government is also in bilateral talks with our donors and partners to secure additional supply of vaccine to increase the coverage of vaccination against Covid-19.

Health Ministry Says Preparations for COVAX on Track

The Ministry of Health and Medical Services (MHMS) assures the public that work on acquiring Covid-19 vaccines once they are approved, and the preparations in country to receive and roll out COVAX (Covid-19 Vaccines Access Facility) is well underway and progressing according to plan.

Economy Archive